

Electricity does not occupy space or have physical or chemical properties; it is, however, a form of:


metal substance, good conductor

complete circuit

The path of an electric current from the generating source through conductors and back to its original source.


materials that DO NOT allow current to flow through such as rubber, silk, wood, and glass

direct current

even-flowing current that flows in one direction


apparatus that changes direct current to alternating current

alternating current

rapid and interrupted current, flowing first in one direction and then in the opposite direction


unit that measures the pressure or force that pushes the flow of electrons forward through a conductor


A device which converts alternating current to direct current and is used to recharge batteries or supply direct current for other purposes.


unit that measures the amount of an electric current


is a measurement of how much electric energy is being used in 1 second.


The current that is used for facial and scalp treatments is measured in


special device that prevents excessive current from passing through a circuit

electric shock or burn or fire

careless electrical connections and overloaded cirucits cause

live connection

Supplies current to the circuit.


electronic facial treatments


applicator for directing the electric current from machine to clients skin


indication of negative or positive pole of an electric current


Positive electrode

galvanic current

most used modality


process of introducing water soluble products into the skin with the use of electric current, such as the use of the positive and negative poles of a galvanic machine


Forces acidic substances into deeper tissues using galvanic current from the positive toward the negative pole.


the process of softening and emulsifying oil deposits and blackheads in the follicles is

Telsa current

a thermal or heat producing current with a high rate of oscillation or vibration

infrared rays

what has long wave lengths, penetrates the deepest, and has the most heat

white light

All of the colours of visible light combined

ultraviolet rays

invisible rays that have short wavelengths are the least-penetrating rays, produce chemical effects, and kill germs


the distance between identical points on successive waves


any electrical appliance activated by the flow of electric current such as a blow dryer

one ampere

is equal to 1000 miliampere


an ampere is a unit of electric

circuit breaker

device breaks the flow of current when an overload occurs

batteries and generators

are common sources of electric current