chapter 5 sanitation and infection control milady

cocci are bacteria that are:


Which type of bacteria can cause strep throat or blood poisoning


Bacteria that grow in pairs and can cause pneumonia are:


Lyme disease and syphilis are caused by spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria called:


A chemical process that destroy most, but no necessarily all, harmful organisms on environmental surfaces is:


Bacteria generally consist of an outer cell wall containing a liquid call:


The process of pus can be a sign of

Bacterial infection

Binary fission

The process whereby bacteria grow to their largest size and then divide into two new cells is:

Local infection

A ------ infection appears a a lesion containing pus and is confined to a particular part of the body.

Pediculosis capitis

is a condition caused by an infestation of head lice:


The ability of the body to destroy, resist, and recognize infection is called:


Disifectants sold and used in the united states must carry ------ registration number.

Environmental protection agency

EPA stands for:


Which agency published the guideline known as Standard Precautions:

Safety Data Sheet

In 2012 OSHA agreed to comply with Globally Harmonized System of classification and Labeling oF Chemical System (GHS), which requires the use of standard format called -----------SDS to replace the MSDS.


When washing hands, after you have used warm water, applied soap, and then rubbed you hands together until a lather forms, use a disinfected nail brushed to brush your nails horizontally back and forth under the free edge and then up and down along the na


are intended for disinfecting reducing microbes on the skin:


Standard precautions require employers and employees to assume that all human blood and body fluids are potentially :


The SDS contains____________ categories of information

10 minutes

When disinfecting a whirlpool foot spa after use by a client, you must circulate the disinfectant for __________ or for the time recommended by the manufacturer.

With clean paper towel

After cleaning and disinfecting a pipeless foot spa after each client, how should you dry it:

Hepatitis B

form of hepatitis is the most difficult to kill on a surface

14 days

Accelerate hydrogen peroxide (AHP) is a recently approved for of disifectant that only need to be changed every:

safety glassed

It is important to wear gloves and __________ while disinfecting nonelectrical tools and implements:


Licensing, enforcement, and your conduct when you are working in the salon are regulated by:


Some_________ disinfectants are harmful to salon tools and equipments:

Required treatment

As part of the SDS categories, first-aid measures include important symptoms/effects as well as __________.

Qualified medical professional

Cutting living skin is allowed by:


Fungal infections are much more common on the:


Also known as reusable; items that can be cleaned, disinfected, and used on more than one person, even if the item is accidentally exposed to blood or body fluid.


The process that destroys all microbial life is:

Dilute before use

If the label o a disinfection product includes the word concentrate, it mean that the product must be:

Very effective

Quats solution are ___________ disinfectants when used properly in the salon:

Too much8

Using_________ bleach can damage metal and plastic:

household bleach

5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite is also known as:


organisms that live on or in a host and cause it harm, they feed and find a shelter on and anotjer organism:


transmition of blood or body fluids through touching,kissing,coughing, sneezing or talking is known as

universal precautions

include hand washing,wearing gloves,and properly handling and disposing of items that may have been contaminated by blood or other body fluids.

intermediate contaminated object

transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with a (n) ______ such as razor, or an envioronment.

infectious disease

various poisonous substances produced by some microorganism are called:

human papiloma virous HPV

the scientific name for plantar warts is:


the one cell microorganism having both plant or animal characteristics are called:

no more effective than

Antimicrobial and antibacterial soaps are ________ regular soaps and detergents.


no having__________ available poses a health risk to anyone expose to hazardous materials and violates federal and state regulations.


item that are _______ are consider absorvent:


Never let disinfectants such as phenols and quats come in contact with your:

no longer used

Fumigants are _________ in the salons because they produce potentially hormful formaldehyde gas.

too much

Using _______ bleach can damage metal and plastic.

very effective

Quat solutions are ______ disinfectants when used properly in the salon.

diluted before use

if the label on a disinfection product include the word comcentrate, it mean that the product must be:


acquired immune deficiency syndrome

a disease that breakdown the body's immune system AIDS is cause by HIV



HUMAN immnuodeficiency virus

acquire immunity

immunity that the bodys develop after overcoming a disease. through inoculation such as vaccinations, or through exposure to natural allergen such as pollen.


reactions due to extreme sensitivity to certain foods chemicals, other normally harmless substances.


chemicals germicide formulated for use on skin registered and regulates by the FDA


showing no symptoms or sign of infection


singular bacillus short-shaped bacteria

Bacterial spores

Bacteria capable of producing a protective coating that allows to withstand very harsh environments, and shed the coating when conditions become more favorable

they are the most common bacteria that produce diseases such as tetatunus (lowjack) typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and diphteria.



capable to destroy bacteria

Binary fision

The division of bacteria cells into two new cells called daughter cells.


Colonies of bacteria that adhere together and adhere to environmental surfaces.

Blood phatogens

Disease causing microorganisms carried in the body by blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV

Chelating soaps

Also known as chelating detergents; they break down stubborn films and remove the residue of pedicure products such as scrubs, salts, and masks.

Clean or cleaning

A mechanical process scrubbing using soap and water or detergent and water to remove all visible dirt, debris, and many disease causing germs

also remove invisible debris that interfere with disinfection

cleaning or clean

what cosmetology are allowed to do before disinfecting

clean or cleaning


Round-shaped bacteria that appear singly or alone or in groups.

what are the three types of cocci bacteria:

staphylococci, streptococci, and diplococci

Contagious disease:

disease that is spread from one person to another person.

also known as communicable disease

contagious disease

list some of the more contagious diseases:

Cold, ringworm, conjunctivitis (pinkeye), viral infection, and natural nail or toe and foot infection


the presence, or the reasonably anticipated presence, of blood or other potentially infectious materials on an item's surface or visible debris or residues such as dust, hair, and skin.


The removal of blood and all other potentially infectious materials on an item's surface.

what else removes decontamination:

removes visible debris or residues such as dust, hair, and skin.


Determination of the nature of a disease from its symptoms and/or diagnostic tests.

who prohibit salon professionals from performing a diagnosis:

Federal regulations


Spherical bacteria that grow in pairs and cause diseases such as pneumonia.

Direct transmition

Transmission of blood or body fluids through touching, including shaking hands, kissing, coughing, sneezing, and talking


An abnormal condition of all or part of the body, or its systems or organs, which makes the body incapable of carrying on normal function


Chemical products approves by the EPA designed to destroy mos bacteria as , fungi, and viruses on surfaces.

what disinfectant do not destroy

bacterial spores


A chemical process that destroys most, but not necessarily all, harmful organisms on environmental surfaces.

The pathogen of concern in the cosmetology industry are effectively destroy by:

disinfection process

disinfection is required just in California:

No is required in all states


The ability to produce an effect

Exposure incident

contact with non-intact broken skin, blood, body fluids, or other potentially infectious materials that is the result of the performance of an employee's duties

Folliculitis barbae

also known as barber itch, inflammation of the hair follicles caused by a bacterial infection from ingrown hairs, the cause is typically from ingrown hairs due to shaving or other epilation method


Slender, hair-like extensions used by bacilli and spirilla for locomotion (movement)


flagella is also referred as


Single cells organisms that grow in irregular masses that include molds, mildews, and yeasts; can produce contagious disease such as ringworm.


capable of destroying bacteria


A bloodborne virus that causes disease and can damage the liver.

Hospital disinfectants:

disinfectants that are effective for cleaning blood and body fluids/

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)


human papilloma virus

Human papilloma virus

virus that causes warts in humans, but is also the cause of cervical cancer in women.

how warts appears when infects the bottom of the foot:

resembles small black dots, usually in clustered groups it is called plantar warts.


the ability of the body to destroy and resist infection, immunity against disease can be either natural or acquired, and is a sign of good health.

indirect transmission

Transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with an intermediate contaminated objects such as razor, extractor, nipper, or an environmental surface.


the invasion of body tissues by disease-causing pathogens.

infection control

are the method used to eliminate or reduce the transmission of infectious organisms.

infectious disease

Cause by pathogenic harmful microorganism that enter the body. this one is spread from one person to another person


A condition in which the body reacts to injury, irritation, or infection characterized by redness, heat, pain and swelling

local infection

An infection, such as pimple, or abscess, that is confined to a particular part of the body and appears as a lesion containing pus.

material safety data sheet

MSDS replaced by SDS safety data sheet

what the SDS contain

information complied by the manufacturer about product safety.

what information SDS give you:

name of hazardous ingredients, safe handling and use procedures, precautions to reduce the risk of accidental harm or overexposure, and flammability warnings.