Cosmetology test 1

Required temp of heated thermal irons is determined by...

Texture of hair

A loose roller will lose its tension and result in a _____________ set


_____ pin curls has a large center opening and fastened to the head in a standing position

Barrel curl

The metal portion of pressing come should acquire a smooth and shiny appearance when being cleaned in....

Baking soda

Hair pressing treatments that are sometimes necessary when the hair becomes curly again due to dampness are called:

Touch-up press

Shaping hair into a pattern of S shaped waves with fingers, combs, and waving lotion is...

Finger waving

Waving lotion makes the hair __________ and keeps it in place during the finger waving procedure


combs for thermal curling should be made of

hard rubber

Brushes that are designed to speed up drying process and ideal for fine hair

Vent brushes

Another name for carved curls is...

sculptured curls

The type of base curl that is recom. Along front/facial hairline to prevent breaks of splits in style...

Triangular base

Handles of pressing combs are usually made of....


Spiral curls are hanging curls that are suitable for _____________ hairstyles.

Medium to long

Electric rollers are used on dry hair and are heated electrically or by


A section of hair molded in circular movements in preparation for the formation of a pin curl is...


The stationary, non moving foundation of the curl, which is the area closest to the scalp is called the...


Type of roller sits behind the base creating the least volume...

Off base

A hard press is also known as a __

double press

Until manipulative techniques with thermal irons are mastered, it is best to:

practice with cold irons

Another name for back combing is...

French lacing, ratting, and teasing

The styling parts of the thermal iron are composed of the rod and the:


Test the temperature of a pressing comb on

Light Paper/tissue paper

The type of pin curl that permits the greatest amount of movement is called

full-stem curl

Brushes with flat large flat base that are suited medium to long hair are

Paddle brushes

What are two types of pressing combs...

Regular and electric

Variations in the hair texture can be traced by what two factors....

Diameter and feel

technique of ____ is used to keep curly to extremely curly hair smooth and straight...

wrapping hair

Burned hair strands cannot be


When pressing hair with a tight scalp, remember to use _____________ to press the hair satisfactorily.

enough tension

For full volume, what type of roller base is used?

On base

What type of pin curl is used to create height in the hair design?

stand up curl

Half-base rollers sitting halfway on the base and halfway behind the base produce ________


___________ hair has the greatest diameter.


When using hot rollers it may be prudent to use

a thermal protector

The part of the pin curl that forms a complete circle is called the:


blow dryer attachment that causes the hair to flow more softly and helps to accentuate or keep texural definition


Failure to correct dry and brittle hair can result in hair ________ during hair pressing

Hair breakage

Type of base curl is recommended for curly styles without much volume or lift

Square base

Type of curl is used to create a wave behind a ridge

Ridge curl

Combs with more space between the teeth produce a _____ press.


Another name for backbrushing is


Tight scalps can be made more flexible by hair brushing or

Scalp massage