Milady chapter 30 - Preparing for licensure and employment

Of all the factors that will affect your test performance, the most important is your ___________ of course content.


Understanding the strategies for successfully taking tests:

Test wise

A test wise student begins to prepare for a test by practicing good study habits and:

time management

Review the material ___________ the day of the exam.


On the day of the exam, relax and try to slow down ______________.


On test day, arrive _________ with a self confident attitude; the alert, calm, and ready for the challenge.


If possible, ________ the entire test before beginning.


Begin work as soon as possible, and mark answers in the test carefully but ____________.


Answer the easiest questions _________ in order to save time for the more difficult ones.


Read carefully to make sure that you know exactly what the question is asking and that you understand all _______ of the question.


The process of reaching logical conclusions by employing logical reasoning.

Deductive reasoning

Eliminate options known to be ______________.


Watch for key words and __________.


Look for any qualifying conditions or statements. Keep an eye out for phrases and words such as:

usually, commonly, in most instances, never, and always

The basic question or problem:


Watch for ________________ clues. For instants, if the last word in the stem is an, the answer must begin with a vowel rather than a consonant.


When answering essay questions, watch for words such as:

compare, contrast, discuss, evaluate, analyze, define, or describe.

When questions include paragraphs to read and questions to answer, read the ____________ first.


True/false - Watch for qualifying words.

All, most, some, none, always, usually, sometimes, never, little, no, equal, less, good, bad.

For a statement to be true, the _________ statement must be true.


__________ statements are more likely to be true then short statements. It takes more detail to provide truthful, factual information.


Multiple choice-
Read the entire question carefully, including all the ___________.


Multiple choice-
Look for the ________________; more than one choice may be true.

best answer

Multiple choice-
When ________ choices are close or similar, one of them is probably right.


Multiple choice-
When two choices are ____________, both must be wrong.


Multiple choice-
"All of the above" and similar responses are often the _____________ choice.


Multiple choice-
Pay special attention to the words such as:

not, except, and but

Multiple choice-
The answer to one question may be in the _______ of another.


Read all items in each list __________ beginning.


___________ off items from the brief response list to eliminate choices.


Organize your answer according to the ______ words in the question.


Think carefully and _____________ your answer before you begin writing.


Make sure that what you write is complete, accurate, relevant to the question, well organized, and _________.


The practical exam-
Practice the correct skills required in the test as ___________ as you can.


The Practical exam-
Participate in ________ licensing examinations, including the timing of applicable examination criteria.


The practical exam-
Familiarize yourself with the _____________ contained in the examination bulletins sent by the licensing agency.


The practical exam-
Make a list of ______________ and implements you are expected to bring to the examination.


The practical exam-
Make certain that all equipment and implements are clean and in good working order _________ to the exam.


The practical exam-
As with any exam, listen carefully to the examiners instructions, and follow them ______________.


The practical exam-
Follow all ____________ control and safety procedures throughout the entire examination.


The practical exam-
Look the part. Every little bit helps; make certain your appearance is neat, clean, and __________________.


What do you really want out of a career in cosmetology? What are your strongest practical skills? In what ways do you wish to use the skills? ........etc. One way that you can answer these questions as to copy and complete the:

Inventory of personal characteristics and technical skills

Having the drive to take the necessary action to achieve a goal:


The best kind of motivation is ___________.


Committed to a strong code of moral and artistic values:


_______________ is the compass that keeps you on course over the long haul of your career.


In the beauty business, having a strong ________________ means taking pride in your work and committing yourself to consistently doing a good job for your clients, employer, and salon team.

work ethic

While you may be better and either technical skills and communication skills, you must develop ________ to reach the level of success you desire.


Try to never lose your eagerness to learn, grow, and expand your skills and knowledge.


Owned by an individual or two or more partners, this kind of operation makes up the majority of the professional salons.

Small independent salons

The typical independent salon has _______ styling stations, but many salons have up to 40.


Usually, in small independent salons the ___________ are hairstylist who maintain their own clientele while managing the business.


These are usually chains of five or more salons that are owned by one individual or two or more partners.

Independent salon chains

_________________________________ range from basic hair salons to full-service salon and day spa.

Independent salon chains

In large ____________ salons, stylus can advance to specialize positions in color, nail care, skincare, or other chemical services.


These companies operate salons throughout the country, and even internationally.

Large national salon chains

Some salon chains operate within ________________ store chains.


Management and marketing professionals at the corporate headquarters make all the decisions for each salon, such as size, Decour, hours, services, prices, advertising, and profit targets.

Large national salon chains

Many newly license cosmetology professionals seek their first jobs in _________________ salons because of their secure pay and benefits, additional paid training, management opportunities, and corporate advertising.

national chain

Another chain salon organization, the _____________ salon has a national name and a consistent image and business formula that is used at every location.


________________ are owned by individuals who pay a fee to use the name; the individuals then receive a business plan and can take it vantage of national marketing campaigns.


Decisions such as size, location, decor, and prices are determined in advance by the parent company.

Franchise salon

_________________ are generally not owned by cosmetologist, but by investors who seek a return on their investment.


______________ salons commonly offer employees the same benefits as corporate owned chain salons, including on-the-job training, healthcare benefits and advancement opportunities.


Often located in busy, low rent shopping center strips that are on cord by a nearby supermarket or other large businesses, value priced outlets depend on the high volume of walk in traffic.

Basic value priced operations

They hire recent cosmetology graduates and generally pay them by the hour, sometimes adding commission-style bonuses if an individual stylist's sales pass a certain level.

Basic value priced operations

In basic value priced operations, ____________ are usually reasonably priced and stylists are trained to work fast with no frills.


These salons offer a complete manual of hair, nail, and skin services along with retail products.

Mid priced full-service salons

Successful _____________ salons promote their most profitable services and typically offer service and retail packages to entice haircut only clients.


This type of business employs well train stylists and salon assistance who offer higher price services to clients.

High-end image salons or day spas

High end salon or day spas also offer luxurious extras such as _______ minute head, neck, and shoulder massage as part of the shampoo and luxurious spa manicures and pedicures.


____________ spas, often owned by physicians, are off shoots of day spas.


Also called chair rental, is probably the least expensive way of owning your own business, but this type of business is regulated by complex laws.

Booth rental

A written summary of a persons education and work experience.


A Resume tells potential employers at a glance what your achievements and ____________________ are.


Keep your resume simple, limit it to _______ page.


Print a _________ copy of your resume from your electronic version, using good quality paper.


Your resume should include:

Your name, address, phone number, and email address on both the resume and your
cover letter

In your resume list recent, __________ work experience. L


In your resume focus on information that is:

relevant to the position you are seeking

The average time that a potential employer will spend scanning your resume before deciding whether to grant you an interview is about ______________.

20 seconds

If you're working experience has been in an unrelated field, show how the position helps you develop ________________ skills.


The best way to show concrete accomplishment is to include numbers or ____________ whenever possible.


The skills mastered at other jobs that can be put to use in a new position:

Transferable skills

A collection of photos and documents that reflect your skills, accomplishments, and abilities in your chosen career field.

Employment portfolio

One of the most important steps in the process of jobhunting is:

narrowing your search

Do not wait until _______________ to begin your job search


Locate a salon that serves the type of clients:

you wish to serve

A great way to find out about potential jobs is to _____________.


When you visit the salon, take along a _____________ to ensure that you observe all the key areas that might ultimately affect your decision making.


After your salon visit, always remember to follow up with a ________________________, thanking the salon representative for his or her time.

handwritten note or email

Choosing a salon that is the best match to your __________ will increase your chances of success.


I'm preparing for an interview, make sure that you have all the necessary information and materials in place, including the following items:

Social Security number, drivers license number, names, mailing/email addresses, and phone numbers of former employers, name, phone number and email address of the nearest relative not living with you.

Your ______________ is crucial, especially since you are applying for a position in the image and beauty industry.


Employers can legally require you to sign contracts as a condition of employment. In the salon business, The most common ones are ________________ and confidentiality agreements.


If you are presented with any contract, take it home, read it, and make certain you completely __________________.

understand it