1. Wave pattern changes can be created or changed temporarily with styling tools and permanently with:


2. For a client with gold skin tones, a __________ haircolor would be flattering.


3. In designing for clients with large or broad shoulders, the stylist should create styles with:

More volume

4. Balance is described as creating equal or appropriate proportions to provide:


5. When opposite sides of a hairstyle have different lengths or different volume and appear to have equal visual weight, it is considered to have ________________ balance.


6. A recurrent pattern of movement in a design is referred to as:


7. The area of a design where the eye is drawn to first before traveling to the rest of the design is called the:


8. To offset or round out the features of a square facial shape, the aim would be to:

Create volume between the temple and Jaw

9.The ___________ profile has a receding forehead and chin.


10. The triangular section that begins at the apex or high point of the head and ends at the front corners is called the:

Bang area

11. Design texture can be created temporarily with teh use of:

Heat and or wet styling techniques

12. Which of these is not a physical characteristic taken into account when designing an artistic and suitable hairstyle?


13. Left natural, ___________ hair may not support many styling options.


14. Which type of hair offers the most versatility in styling?

Wavy,medium hair

15. For ease of styling, _________ hair is generally best cut short.

Very curly, fine

16. The _____________ profile has a receding forehead and chin.


17. For a client with __________, you should direct the hair back and away from the face at the temples.

Close-set eyes

18. For a client with a _____________, the hair should be directed forward in the chin area.

Receding chin

19. For a client with a ______________ nose, bring hair forward at the forehead, with softness around the face.


20. If a male client has ____________, a fairly close-trimmed beard and mustache would be very thinning to the overall appearance.

Wide face and full cheeks

21. To create length and height in hair design, use:

Vertical lines

22. To create width in hair design, use:

Horizontal lines

23. Lines that may move in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction are ________ lines.


24. The lines known as ___________ lines can be straight or curved.


25. Lines with a definite forward or backward movement are _________ lines.


26. The square face shape:

Is narrow at the middle third of the face

27. The face shape featuring a narrow forehead, extreme width through the cheekbones, and a narrow chin is the:


28. The ___________ face shape features a narrow forehead, wide jaw, and wide chin line.


29. The face shape featuring a wide forehead and narrow chin line is the:

Inverted- triangle

30. The ________ face shape features a lone, narrow face with hollow cheeks.
