Exercise Metabolism

Which subject would have the HIGHEST basal metabolic rate?

25 year old male

Why do men have a higher basal metabolic rate than women?

Men tend to have more muscle mass than women

In which fitness level would you find a recreationally active 25-year old woman who performs moderate exercise for up to an hour 4-5 days per week and maintains a healthy diet?


Calorimetry is a measure of

heat loss

What is defined as the rate of energy expenditure lying supine immediately after rising and following a 12-18hr fast?

Basal Metabolic Rate

What percentage of your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is attributable to exercise?


An example of a measure of indirect calorimetry is

blood lactate concentration

Accelerometers are an example of indirect calorimetry.

False;Calculated calorimetry

A VO2 peak test is a type of indirect calorimetry that measures anaerobic fitness level.


Heat loss can be used to assess energy expenditure because:

the rate of heat loss and ATP production are proportional

This value accounts for the majority of one's daily energy expenditure:

basal metabolic rate

This lifestyle choice influences basal metabolic rate:

physical inactivity

What anatomical structure explains gender differences in BMR?

skeletal muscle mass

This method of measuring energy expenditure requires place the subjects in a sealed room.

direct calorimetry

Oxygen consumption is correlated to

energy expenditure

A method of determining energy expenditure without actually measuring anything is called

calculated calorimetry

Total daily energy expenditure is composed of what?

basal metabolic rate, thermic effect of feeding, daily physical activity

Direct calorimetry relies on

measurement of body heat production

Indirect calorimetry relies on

measurement of oxygen consumption using a metabolic cart

What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by BMR?


What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by exercise?


What percent of your daily EE is accounted for by thermic effect of feeding?
