Exercise Physiology Final Exam Review

The lag in oxygen uptake at the beginning of exercise is known as?

oxygen deficit

Negative feedback

response initial disturbance in homeostasis

Recovery oxygen consumption is also called:

oxygen deficit

What kind of changes can a diabetic expect from exercise? Will insulin level change and will less shots be needed?

Exercise will cause insulin levels to rise, positive changes and
less shots

Which of the following macronutrients contains nitrogen


What is the optimal percent body fat for a female athlete

15%-25% or 18%-26%

Anaerobic metabolic pathways include which of the following

Glycolysis, fermentation

Approximately, calories are stored as carbohydrates (glycogen) in the human body

4 cal per gram. Sources are muscle glycogen and blood glucose

In general, low intensity exercise is better for burning fat and
for those trying to lose weight


The term steady state is defined as

describes the tendency of a control system to achieve a balance between an environmental demand and the response of
physiological system to meet that demand to allow the tissue
to function over a period of time

ATP production that takes place inside the mitochondria in
which oxygen is the final electron acceptor (H+)

Aerobic metabolism

The point at which blood lactate rises exponentially is termed

Lactate threshold

The general components of a biological control system are the

sensor/receptor, control center, and effector

Only a few biological control systems of the body operate via

positive feedback

During 60 minutes of constant-load submaximal exercise, the body temperature reaches a plateau after 35-45 minutes. This is an example of

steady state

Which of the following is an example of negative feedback

Increase in extracellar CO2 triggers a receptor. Sends
information to respiratory control center. Respiratory muscles are activated to increase breathing CO2 concentration returns
to normal

Which of the following would occur in response to elevated blood glucose to maintain homeostasis?


The effectors in the response to increased body temperature include

Thermal receptors send message to brain response by skin
blood vessels and sweat glands regulates temperature

The respiratory quotient (RER or RQ) is a measure of:

respiratory exchange ratio, CO2 produced/ O consumed

The simplest and most rapid method of producing ATP during exercise is through


Which of the following statements about glycolysis is correct?

Glycolysis ends with the production of pyruvic acid or lactic acid

The primary function of the Krebs cycle is to

aerobic ATP production

The total ATP production via anerobic breakdown of glucose is

2 lactate, 2 ATP, 2 NAD

In general, the lower the exercise intensity rest to 40% of VO2 max of the activity, the greater the

contribution of total energy expended is higher, total fat oxidation is also higher

The process of beta-oxidation

involves converting fatty acids to Acetyl COA

In general, athletes wanting to perform better in their chosen sport or event should

endurance events is improved by a diet high in carbohydrates
due primarily to the increase in muscle glycogen

Which of the following is true concerning the electron transport chain?

The electrons passed down the chain will eventually be used to help form H2O

In general, the Zone Diet (protein based diet) is not recommended for athletes because

low carbohydrate diet, reduced time to exhaustion, protein guideline results in calorie-deficient diet, oversimplification of metabolic and physiological effects, inconsistency in eicosanoideffects on muscle. Counter production to performance

Tapering workouts (90 to 40 minutes) over several days while eating 50% CHO diet, followed by two days of 20 minute workouts while eating 70% CHO diet, and a day of rest eating 70%
CHO diet before event explains which of the following methods
for glycogen

modified plan, muscle glycogen

In general, high carbohydrate diets significantly increase time to exhaustion (longer before the athlete fatigues) more than a mixed diet containing carbohydrates, fats, and proteins


Energy to run a maximal 400-meter race (i.e., 50 to 60 seconds) comes from

ATP through ATP-PC, glycolysis, aerobic system

Energy to run a 40-yard dash comes (less than 10 seconds at 100% of VO2max

ATP via glycolysis

The energy to perform long-term exercise (i.e., >20 minutes) comes primarily from

aerobic metabolism

The oxygen debt (EPOC) is generally higher following heavy exercise when compared with light exercise because heavy

higher BP, depletion of PC, more lactic acid, high levels of epinephrine and norepinephrine

Which of the following is true about VO2 and work rate during exercise?

VO2 increases as work rate increases does reaching a VO2 max

Removal of lactic acid following a bout of intense exercise is

more rapid if the subject performs light exercise (i.e., ~30%VO2 max), compared to rest

The slow rise in oxygen uptake over time during high-intensity, prolonged exercise is due to

body temperature and rising epinephrine and norepinephrine

Trained individuals have a lower oxygen deficit at the beginning of exercise; this may be due to

having a better developed aerobic bioenergetic capacity.

The primary fuel source during light-intensity (25% VO2 max) exercise is


The progressive increase in the percent energy from carbohydrates and a decrease in the percent energy from fat as exercise
intensily increases is called the

crossover concept

Pre-competition meal should include

5 grams CHO-kg-1 body weight, 1-4 hours before exercise, easily digestible solid or liquid food

If exercising longer than 90 minutes, which of the following is true regarding fluid replacement

exercising longer than 90 minutes, drink 8-10 fl oz of a sports
drink (with no more than 8 percent carbohydrate) every 15-30

VO2 max is determined by

2. HR hit age predicted max
3. lactate product=78mm
4. RPPE=17 or greater
5. RER=>1.15

A condition is caused by rehydration with water or hyponatremic drinks during long (4+ hours) events. Consuming can help prevent this potentially life threatening situation


For athletes, G2 (ONLY 3% CARBOHYDRATE) is better fluid replacement than regular Gatorade (6% carbohydrate) DURING(exercise)


Approximately, calories can be stored as adipose tissue (fat) in the human body

9 cal per gram of fat

Protein requirements for the average athlete may range from

83g/kg 10-35%

If a drink contains 30 grams of carbohydrate in every 200 ml (8-oz) serving, the % concentration of carbohydrate would be


In general, elite athletes who take in 8,000 kcals per day: tend to weigh the same as there healthy counterparts (those who are same age and gender)


Fats and proteins can enter aerobic metablism by

fats, triglyceride: glycerol and fatty acids, fatty acids: acetyl-CoA, beta-oxidation

Oxygen consumption as measured by measuring which of the following is laboratory setting (using a mixing chamber/gas exhange system)

spirometery/lung capacity

Recovery from iron deficiency with iron supplementation and
rest in athletes can generally take place in

7 days

Typical HR at rest in trained male


Q (cardica output) @ VO2 peak (VO2max) in untrained male


SV (stroke volume) @ VO2 peak VO2max in trianed male


HR @ VO2peak in trained male age 30 years


SV (stroke volume) @ rest in untrained make


After atrial and ventricular depolarization (think of the cardiac
cycle; P-wave, and QRS complex on ECG), there is a sharp rise in

ventricular pressure and a decrease in ventricular volume. Ventricular pressure: decrease in ventricular volume

After atrial depolarization (think cardiac cycle; P-wave on
ECG), there is a sharp rise in ventricular pressure and a decrease in ventricular volume


Diastialic blood pressure remains relatively unchanged during exercise with increasing exercise intensity


Systolic blood pressure increases the first few minute of exercise, then levels off at 140 mm Hg to 150mm Hg despite increasing exercise workload (VO2)


The goal outcome for rate pressure product (double product)

an exercise training program is for resting and submaximal
exercise RPP to increase

Exercise training will have which of the following effects on blood volume?

increased blood volume

Using sub-maximal exercise testing to predict VO2max relies on the key assumption that the relationship between VO2 is a _______ relationship?


The P-wave and T-wave of standard EKG represent which of the following events?

P-Atrial depolarization/T-ventricle repolarization

When stimulated, sympathetic neurons act in increasing the rate of sinus (SA node) discharge and ultimately increasing heart rate by releasing which neurohormone/s?

epinephrine and norepinephrine

During low-intensity exercise (rest to HR of 100), heart rate is increased by? Initial increase due to

parasympathetic withdrawal up to ~100beats/min

The main cardiac pacemaker is the

SA node

In arm versus leg exercise (smaller versus larger muscle) heart rate and blood pressure would most likely be


Blood pressure taken at the brachial artery is best a representative of pressures in the

arterial BP

At end systole (ESV) (after the ventricle contracts), volumes in
the left ventricle are

lowest, afterload

Typical resting blood pressure is equivalent to


During bouts of exercise, there is a shunting of blood towards active tissues. However, certain areas cannot compromise their blood supply. Which of the following areas would not be able to compromise it's supply?

Decreased blood flow to less active organs: liver, kidneys, GI tract

Total body oxygen consumption (VO2) equals cardiac output times

VO2 = Q x a-VO2 difference

What is the highest oxygen consumption achieved during exercising called?

VO2 max

ST segment depression from an ECG during an exercise test signifies that which of the following may be happening

suggests myocardial ischemia

In one cardiac cycle

One cardiac cycle is completed when the heart fills with blood
and the blood is pumped out of the heart

During high intensity exercise, approximately percent of the total cardiac output (~25l/min) is going to the liver, kindeys, and GI sytem, while approximately percent of the total cardiac output is going to the

skeletal muscle 80-85%

Cardiac output is best described which of the following?

HR x SV, the amount of blood pumped by the heart each minute

Volume of blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole is called

EDV end-diastole volume

End diastole volume minus end systolic volume is called

stroke volume

At rest, cardiac output for a trained male would be _____ than a trained female.


At a submaximal level, stroke volume for an elitely trained female would be than an untrained male.

about the same, maybe higher

At a maximal level, heart rate for an untrained female would be ____ than an untrained male of the same age.

the same

These two hormones are released from the anterior pituitary

GH, FSH, LH, prolactin, TSH, ACTH, MSH

Relative to obesity, two hormones have been linked to weight regulation and fat deposition. The are

leptin and adiponectin

When epinephrine binds to the type of receptor in the lungs, bronchodilation occurs


When norephinephrine binds to this type of receptor in the heart, it causes heart rate to increase


When epinephrine binds to this type of receptor, it can cause vasoconstriction (for example, when we exercise, these receptors would be located before the kidneys and GI to restrict blood


Individuals who regularly release more of this hormone form muscle which may reduce the risk of chronic disease


Hypertension is defined as blood pressure that is

blood pressure about 140/90 mmHg

Heart sounds that can be heard with a sethoscope represent produced

by the turbulent flow against the closed AV valves and semilunar valves respectively

What is recommended amount of sodium we should be eating according to FDA?

less than 2400 milligrams (mg) per day

Significant reductions in the number of mitochondria per cross sectional area of the muscle during DE-training, can occur in

Detraining: Time course of changes in mitochondrial numbers about 50% fo the increase in mitochondrial content was lost after one week of detraining. All of the adaptations were lost after five weeks of detraining. It took four weeks of retraining to

How long can a person with boarderline hypertension be given to change lifestyle behaviors to bring blood pressure down be given to change to healthy habits

3-6 weeks

The initial decrease in VO2 max with detraining (bedrest) occurs because of a significant decrease in.

SVmax and maximal a-VO2 difference

Which of the following behaviors is most effective at reducing blood pressure?

diet-losing weight

Training effect occurs when a system is exercised at a level beyond which it is normally accustomed


Fast-twitch fiber contain a relatively

small number of mitochondria

Skeletal muscle fibers that contain larger (high) numbers of mitochondria and myoglobin could be classified as

Type 1 slow

A successful endurance athlete would likely have more ____ compared to a sedentary person.

type 1 slow-twitch

Recent evidence suggests that resistance training will result in a permanent conversion of muscle fiber type (i.e. type 1 and type II or vice versa).


Which of the following events in muscle contraction is the last
to occur chronologically?

ATP attaches to myosin, breaking the cross-bridge and forming weak binding state. Then ATP binds to myosin, broken down to ADP+Pi, which energizes myosin.

The binding of which of the following will cause the actin binding site removes the blocking action of tropomyosin so that actin and myosin can form a cross-bridge

calcium binds to troponin

V/Q refers to which of the following

Ventilation/perfusion ratio (V/Q)-Indicates matching of blood flow to ventilation

During exercise respiration, we incorporate the internal intercostal, scalene, and abdominal muscles to help breathe


We use this variable to monitor lung function during exercise


The body's thermostat is located in the


During exercise, body temperature is regulated by making adjustments in the amount of heart that is lost.


In general, at high environmental temperatures, the most important variables determining heat loss by evaporation is/are the


The primary adaptations that occur during heat acclimatization are

increased plasma volume, earlier onset of sweating, higher sweat rate, reduced salt loss in sweat

Physiological change or changes, that take place with training
that allow for an improvement or increase in oxygen consumption and improved performance include

an increased synthesis of heat shock proteins, and reduced skin blood flow

Heat acclimatization occurs generally withing acclimatization visually takes

7-10 days once established, it is retained for about 2 weeks

Athletes who live in an environment daily with smoker will NOT develop pulmonary disease over time because exercise training prevents pulmonary disease even in this environment.


The higher the relative humidity, the _____ the vapor pressure gradient (difference) between the skin and the environment.


Dehydration that result in a loss of 1-2% of body weight is sufficient to impair exercise performance


Compared to exercise in a cool environment, prolonged exercise in the heat

does not reach a plateau and will continue to rise

About 50% of the increase in mitochondrial content gained in on exercise training study discussed in class was lost after how many weeks of detraining

1 week

At any given velocity of movement, the peak force is greater in muscles that contain a high percentage of fast-twitch fibers when compared to muscles that possess predominately slow-twitch fibers.


The initial decrease in VO2max with cessation of training (detraining), was as a result of decreases in

stroke volume

Symptoms of heat stroke include all but which of the following?


An increase in capacity in response to training is best described as

endurance training

Delayed onset of muscle soreness is caused by

eccentric (lengthening) exercise, which causes micro trauma

Technically, the number of sets required for an improvement
in neural-strength in untrained, beginning weightlifters can be as little as

1-2 reps

The length-tension relationship for skeletal muscle states

The isometric length-tension curve represents the force a
muscle is capable of generating while held at a series of discrete

In the muscle myosin has a binding site for


Intrapulmonary pressure (lung) is below atmospheric pressure (environment) which helps in respiration and gas exchange


When traveling from sea level to altitude, one may notice an incrase in respiratory rat due to a drop in pressure at altitude.


FEV1 is equal to

the maximal amount of air you can forcefully exhale in one

Which of the following is true for individuals who have obstructive types of lung disease

they can only workout to a certain about of METS, can not get
enough oxygen to organs within the body

Resting lung volumes increase as a result of exercise training


Most of the O2 that is transported in the blood is in

hemoglobin RBC

All but which of the following might be symptoms of


Ventilation may drift upward during constant-load submaximal exercise performed in a hot and humid environment due to

increase blood temperature

An increase in blood temperature and a decrease in blood pH would result in _____ shift in the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve.


Under normal conditions (according to the oxyhemoglobin curve), the characteristics of arterial blood include

describes the non-linear tendency for oxygen to bind to

During exercise, more oxygen is unloaded from hemoglobin to the tissues (muscle) than at rest.


If the barometric pressure is 760 mmHg and oxygen content is 20.93%, which of the following is correct

content of the inspired air to 95% will therefore not elicit any substantial change in the saturation of hemoglobin at sea level.Only ~1.5% of the oxygen transported in the blood is dissolved in the plasma as oxygen exhibits poor solubility in water (solu

Sweat rate increases as temperature and humidity _______,
where as evaporation increases as temperature and humidity ________.

increase, decrease

Exercise training reduces exercise minute ventilation (Ve) at any given submaximal workload (during a cardiorespiratory workout)


Woman involved in strength training programs do not gain strength as rapidly as men


Repeated exercise bouts separated by rest periods describes which type of training below

interval training

A method of prescribing exercise that tracks all activities in a 24 hour period is called


When performing a long, slow distance training session, the intensity of exercise should be around


Lactate threshold

the intensity of exercise at which lactate begins to accumulate
in the blood at a faster rate than it can be removed.