Exercise Physiology: Ch.8 Skeletal Muscles

The functions of skeletal muscles are force production for? (3)
and __________ production during _________ stress

Force production for locomotion, breathing, postural support
Heat production during cold stress

flexors [Increase/Decrease] joint angle


extensors [Increase/Decrease] joint angles


Name the 3 layers of connective tissue associated with muscle?

1. Epimysium
2. Perimysium
3. Endomysium

______ surrounds entire muscle


______ surrounds bundles of muscle fibers (fascicles)


________ surrounds individual muscle fibers


fascicles are?

bundles of muscle fibers

Connective Tissue ________ and ____________ components of skeletal muscle

Stabilizes; Supports

3 layers of connective tissue associated with muscle


The _____ is the cell membrane surrounding the muscle fiber.


The basement membrane is just below the?


____________ cells play role in muscle growth and repair?


a group of contractile proteins or Filaments are known as?


Thin filaments within myofibrils are called?


Thick filaments within myofibrils are called?


sarcomere includes?

Z line, M line, H zone, A band, I band

The basic skeletal muscle contractile unit is?

The Sarcomere

A sarcomere is the distance between two ________ lines

Z lines

M line of sarcomere holds _________ in __________

Myosin in Place ( M Line is also the Mid Line of the Sarcomere)

The ______ Zone contains Myosin

H Zone ( M Line is in H Zone)

The _______ Band is the area where Actin and Myosin overlap

A Band

The ______ Band contain Actin within the Sarcomere?

I Band

The sarcoplasmic reticulum stores and releases ___________


calcium is stored in SR within the

terminal cisternae

The ________ ________ extend from the sarcolemma to sarcoplasmic reticulum

transverse tubules

neuromuscular junction or motor end plate is the junction between________ ________ and ________ _________?

Motor neuron and muscle fiber

what is a motor unit?

motor neuron and all fibers it innervates

The neuromuscular cleft is a short gap between ___________ and _________?

neuron and muscle fiber

what neurotransmitter is released from the motor neuron


acetylcholine once released causes an ______ ______ potential or ___________ of muscle fiber?

end plate potential (EPP) or depolarization

the depolarization travels through?


if there is no depolarization the muscle will be?

weak and flaccid

the sliding filament model occurs when the muscle shortening is occurring due to the movement of?

actin over myosin

when actin is moving over myosin there is a formation of?

cross bridges (power stroke)

during the sliding filament model there is a reduction in the distance between?

z lines of the sarcomere

_____is required for muscle contraction


myosin ATPase breaks down ______ as fibers contract

ATP (ATP --> ADP + Pi)

sources of ATP=(3)

oxidative phosphorylation

The process of contraction from motor neuron through sarcomere shortening is called?

excitation-contraction coupling

When an Electrical impulse is generated at a neuromuscular junction, it is called?


Action potential travels down the transverse tubules and causes release of _____ from SR


Calcium binds to _____ and causes position change in ______ which exposes active sites on actin

troponin; tropomyosin

Strong binding state is formed between actin and myosin and a ____ occurs


muscle relaxation occurs when the motor neuron stops exciting the muscle fiber and ______ is pumped backed into?

calcium; sarcoplasmic reticulum

removal of calcium from the cytosol causes a position change in ______ which blocks the myosin cross bridge binding site on the actin molecule resulting in muscle relaxation


what are the properties of contractile proteins?

maximal force production
speed of contraction
maximal power output
muscle fiber efficiency

muscle force production is the force per unit

cross sectional area

speed of contraction (V max)=

myosin ATPase activity

maximal power output-high force, fast fibers have high

power output

muscle fiber efficiency- lower amount of ATP used to?

generate force

How are skeletal muscle fibers typed?

muscle biopsy
staining for type of myosin ATPase isoform
Immunohistochemical staining
gel electrophoresis

muscle biopsy is when a small piece of muscle is removed and may not be representative of entire body. T/F


immunohistochemical staining is when selective antibody binds to a unique

myosin protein (fiber types differentiated by color difference)

gel electrophoresis identify myosin isoforms specific to different fiber types. T/F


lack of dystrophin protein causes?

membrane destabilization and activation of multiple pathophysiological processes (many converge on alterations in intracellular calcium handling)

type 1 fibers=(2)

slow twitch fibers
slow oxidative fibers

type 2x fibers are ____ in number of mitochondria


type 2a fibers=(2)

intermediate fibers
fast oxidative glycolytic fibers

type 2x fibers are _____ in resistance to fatigue


type 2x fibers=(2)

fast twitch fibers
fast glycolytic fibers

type 2x fibers predominant energy system used?


type 2x fibers have the highest?

ATPase activity and Vmax(speed of shortening)

type 2x fibers have ____ efficiency


type 2x fibers have a high?

specific tension

type 2a fibers have high/moderate?

number of mitochondria and resistance to fatigue

type 2a fibers use predominantly what energy system

combination of anaerobic and aerobic

type 2a fibers have a high?

ATPase activity
Vmax (speed of shortening)
specific tension

type 2a fibers have a moderate?


type 1 fibers have a high?

number of mitochondria
resistance to fatigue

type 1a fibers use what energy system


type 1a fibers have low?

ATPase activity
Vmax (speed of shortening)

type 1a fibers have moderate specific tension. T/F


non athletes have approx. ____ slow fibers and ____ fast fibers

50%; 50%

power athletes such as sprinters have higher percentage of

fast fibers

endurance athletes such as distance runner have a higher percentage of?

slow fibers

during an isometric contraction the muscle exerts force without

changing the length

what is an example of an isometric muscle contraction

pulling against an immovable object

postural muscles use isometric contractions. T/F


what are the 2 dynamic or isotonic type of contractions

concentric and eccentric

concentric contraction=

muscle shortens during force production

eccentric contraction=

muscle produces force but length increases

eccentric contraction are associated with muscle fiber?

injury and soreness

muscle twitch is a contraction as the result of a?

single stimulus

There is a latent period after the stimulus lasting ___ ms


When a contraction occurs tension is developed for 40 ms. T/F


It takes 50 ms for relaxation to occur. T/F


speed of shortening is greater in ____ fibers


Speed of shortening is greater in fast fibers because?

SR releases calcium at a faster rate and there is higher ATPase activity

more motor units=

greater force

fast motor unit=

greater force

muscle must be at ideal length for?

force generation and increased cross bridge formation

active insufficiency is when the muscle is unable to generate force needed due to?

the length of the muscle (either to short or to long to generate force of contraction)

passive insufficiency is related to?

ROM (ex: 2 joint muscles)

frequency of stimulation

simple twitch, summation, tetanus


loss of muscle mass

10% of muscle mass lost between ages 25-50. T/F


additional 40% muscle mass lost between age 50-80. T/F


With aging there is a loss in fast fibers and gain in?

slow fibers

_____ training can delay age related muscle loss


what is associated with progressive loss of muscle mass?


aerobic and resistance training are protective factors of developing diabetes and age related muscle loss. T/F


50% of cancer patient suffer from cachexia which is?

rapid loss of muscle mass

cachexia results in _____ and accounts for 20% of deaths in cancer patients


What can counteract cachexia?

regular exercise and nutrition therapy

muscular dystrophy are hereditary defects in?

muscle protein

muscular dystrophy results in loss of?

muscle fibers and weakness

Duchene Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is most common in?

childhood (progression varies based on specific disease type)

at any absolute force the speed of movement is greater in muscle with higher percent of?

fast twitch fibers

the maximum velocity of shortening is greatest at?

the lowest force (true for both slow and fast fibers)

at any give velocity of movement, the power generated is greater in a muscle with a higher percent of?

fast twitch fibers

The peak power increases with velocity up to movement speed of 200-300 degrees/second and power will _____ beyond this velocity because force ____ with increasing movement speed

decreases; decreases