ACSM Exercise physiologist Certification Quizlet

Components of a Health-History Questionnaire (9)

-Past and current medical history
-Family history of disease
-Orthopedic limitations
-Prescribed medications
-Activity patterns
-Nutritional habits
-Stress and anxiety levels
-Alcohol use

Recommended plasma cholesterol levels (4)

LDL: < 100 mg/dl
Total Cholesterol: < 200 mg/dl
HDL: >/= 60 mg/dl
Triglycerides: < 150 mg/dl

Recommended blood pressure levels

<120/80 mmHg for adults </= 20 yrs

CVD risk factors (8)

Age: Men >/= 45 yo; Women >/= 55 yo
Family History: myocardial infarction, coronary revascularization, or sudden death before 55 yo in father or other male first-degree relative or before 65yo in mother or other female first-degree relative.
Cigarette smo

components of medical history (11)

-Medical diagnosis and history of medical procedures
-Previous physical examination findings
- Lab findings
-History of symptoms
-Recent illness, hospitalization, new medical diagnoses, or surgical procedures
-Orthopedic problems: e.g. joint swelling, art


-May be used as a self-guided exercise preparticipation health screening tool or as a supplemental tool for those that may want additional screening resources.

informed consent (5)

-purpose and risks of test or ExRx
-Questions statement
-Free to withdraw statement
-legal guardian must sign for minors
-protect patients privacy of medical records

Major sign and symptoms of cardiovascular, Metabolic, and renal disease (9)

-Pain/discomfort in chest, neck, jaw, arms, or other
-shortness of breath at rest or mild exertion
-Dizziness or syncope (loss of consciousness)
-Orthopnea (dyspnea at rest lying down) or paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea (after 2-5 hrs of sleep)
-Ankle edema

Classification for the pre-participation Health screening algorithm (3)

The need for medical clearance is based on the three things below:
-Exercise participation: performing planned, structured physical activity at least 30 min at moderate intensity on at least 3 d/wk for at least the last 3 months
- Intensity: Light ( 30-39

Pre-participation Health Screening: Does not participate in regular exercise (3)

- No CV, Metabolic, or renal disease AND no signs or symptoms suggestive of CV, metabolic, or Renal disese. ===> Medical clearance ===> Light to moderate intensity exercise recommended May gradually progress to Vigorous intensity Exercise following ACSM G

Preparticipation Health Screening: participates in regular exercise (3)

- No CV, metabolic or renal disease AND no signs or symptoms suggestive of CV, metabolic, or renal disease. ===> Medical Clearance not necessary. ===> continue moderate or vigorous intensity exercise. May gradually progress following ACSM guidelines.
- Kn

Pre participation screening algorithm (2)

Two-Stage Process:
1) Determine the need for medical clearance before initiating or progressing exercise programming
2) medical clearance should be sought by a HCP if indicated during screening.
-Designed to identify participants at risk for CV complicati

Risk factors favorably modified by exercise (13)

-Premature mortality
-Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM)
-Metabolic syndrome (Metsyn)
-Functional health
-Cognitive Function
-13 cancers: breast, bladder, rectal, head and neck, colon,

Pulmonary Risk Factors (6)

-Exercise-induced asthma
-Extreme breathlessness at rest and during exercise
-Chronic bronchitis

musculoskeletal risk factors (6)

-Acute or chronic pain
-Rheumatoid Arthritis
-Low back pain

Metabolic risk factors (4)

-metabolic syndrome
-diabetes or glucose intolerance

Cardiovascular risk factors (6)

-Inappropriate changes in resting HR and/or BP
-New onset discomfort in chest, neck, shoulder, or arm
-changes in pattern of discomfort during rest or exercise
- fainting
-dizzy spells

components of medical history (11)

-medical diagnoses and history of medical procedures
-Previous physical examination findings
-laboratory findings
-history of symptoms
-recent illness, hospitalization, new medical diagnoses, or surgical procedures
-orthopedic problems: arthritis, joint s

Physiological basis of cardio respiratory fitness (3)

A.) low levels of CRF have been associate with a markedly increased risk of premature death from all causes and specifically from CVD.
B.) increases in CRF are associated with a reduction in death from all causes.
C.) high levels of CRF are associated wit

Physiological basis of body composition

it is well established that excess body fat, particularly when located centrally around the abdomen, is associated with many chronic conditions including hypertension, metabolic syndrome, Type 2 diabetes mellitus, stroke, CVD and dyslipidemia.

Physiological basis of muscular strength and endurance

can be helpful in identifying weaknesses in certain muscle groups or muscle imbalances, can serve as a basis for deigning individualized exercise programs, and can be used as motivation for client

physiological basis for flexibility

flexibility is important in carrying out activities of daily living, can facilitate movement and may prevent injury.

purpose of fitness testing protocols for the components of health-related physical fitness.

- collecting baseline data and educating participants about their present health/fitness status relative to health related standards and age and sex matched norms.
= providing data that are helpful in development of individualized exercise prescriptions t

the procedures of fitness testing protocols for the components of health related physical fitness.

- perform the informed consent process and allow time for the individual under-going assessment to have all questions adequately addressed.
-Perform exercise participation health screening.
- complete a pre-exercise evaluation including a medical

Test termination criteria (10)

-onset of angina or angina like symptoms
-Drop in SBP of greater then or equal to 10 with an incr. in work rate or if SBP decreases below the value obtained in the same position prior to testing.
-excessive ris in BP: SP > 250 and/or DP > 115
-shortness o