Exercise Physiology Chapter 9 Principles of Exercise Training

Muscular Strength

maximal force that a muscle or muscle group can generate; static strength & dynamic strength (varies by speed and joint angle

1 repetition maximal (1RM)

maximal weight that be lifted with a single effort. start with proper warm up; add weight until only 1 rep can be performed

Muscular power

rate of performing work; explosive aspect of strength; power = force x distance/ time. Power more important than strength for many activities; field test not specific to power; typically measured with electronic devices

Muscular Endurance

capacity to perform repeated muscle contractions (or sustain a single contraction over time). Number of repetitions at given % 1RM;

Muscular endurance increased through?

gains in muscle strength; changes in local metabolic, cardiovascular function

Aerobic power

rate of energy released by oxygen- dependent metabolic processes

Maximal aerobic power (aerobic capacity, max 02 uptake or VO2max)

maximal capacity for aerobic resynthesis of ATP. Primary limitation: cardiovascular system. Can be tested in lab or estimated from wide variety of field tests

Anaerobic power

rate of energy released by oxygen-independent metabolic processes.

Maximal anaerobic power (anaerobic capacity)

maximal capacity of anaerobic systems to produce ATP. Maximal accumulated O2 deficit test, critical power test, Wingate anaerobic test.

Principle of individuality

not all athletes created equal. genetics affect performance. variations in cell growth rates, metabolism, and cardiorespiratory and neuroendocrine regulation. explain high versus low responders

Principle of specificity

exercise adaptations specific to mode and intensity of training. Training programs must stress most relevant physiological systems for given sport. Training adaptations highly specific to type of activity, training, volume and intensity

Principle of reversibility

use it or lose it. Training -> improved strength and endurance. Detraining reverses gains

Principle of Progressive Overload

must increase demands on body to make further improvements.

Muscle overload

muscles must be loaded beyond normal loading for improvement

Progressive training

as strength, resistance/ repetitions must to further strength

Principle of Variation (periodization)

systematically changes one or more variables to keep training challenging ex. (intensity, volume and or mode; increase volume decrease intensity or vice versus). Macrocycles versus Mesocycles

First appropriate step in designing and prescribing appropriate resistance training programs:

muscle groups to target; type of training; energy system to stress; injury prevention needs.
Specifics of resistance training programs design based on needs analysis

Resistance training programs should involve concentric, eccentric, and isometric contractions (strength, hypertrophy, and power)

concentric strength maximized by eccentric contraction.
eccentric benefits action-specific movements

Exercise Order (R.T.P)

large muscle groups before small, multijoint before single joint, high intensity before low intensity

Rest periods based on experience

Novice, intermediate lifters 2-3 min between sets. Advanced lifters 1-2 min between sets.

Static contraction resistance

muscle force without muscle shortening. Isometric training. Early evidence showed great promise (later evidence did not support early findings, isometric training nonetheless still popular). Ideal for immobilized rehab.

Free Weights

Constance resistance. Tax muscles extremes but not midrange, recruit supporting and stabilizing muscles, better for advanced weight lifters.


may involve variable resistance. safer, easier, more stable, better for novices. Limit recruitment to targeted muscle groups.

Dynamic Eccentric Training

emphasizes eccentric phase of contraction. muscles ability to resist force greater than with concentric training. theoretically produces greater strength gains versus concentric. Early eccentric versus concentric research equivocal. Studies -> ecc+con wor

Variable Resistance Training

resistance decreased in weakest ranges of motions, increased in strongest ranges. Muscle works against higher percentage of its capacity at each point in range of motion. Basis for several popular machines

Isokinetic Training

Movement at constant speed, angular velocity can range from 0�/s to 300 �/s. Strong force opposed by more resistance. Weak force opposed by less resistance. resistance from electronics, air or hydraulics. theoretically allows maximal contraction at all po


strength shortening cycle exercise; uses stretch reflex to recruit motor units; stores energy during ECC, released during CON, Example: deep squat to jump to deep squat. Proposed to bridge gap between speed and strength training

Electrical Stimulation

pass current across muscle or motor unit; ideal for recovery from injury or surgery, reduced strength loss during immobilization, restores strength and size during rehab. no evidence or further supplemental gains in health training athletes.


trunk muscles around spin and viscera: abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles, hip girdle, paraspinal, and other accessory muscles.

Core training

Yoga, pliates, tai chi physioball. Proximal stability aids distal mobility. May decrease likelihood of injury. Increases muscle spindle sensitivity; permits greater state of readiness for joint loading, protects body from injury. Core musculature mostly t

Power Training

train sport specific metabolic systems. programs designed along a continuum from short sprints to long distances.
Sprints= ATP-PCr (anaerobic)
long spring/ middle distance: glycolytic (anaerobic)
long distance: oxidative system (aerobic)

Interval Training

repeated bouts of high/ moderate intensity interspersed with rest/ reduced intensity. More total exercise performed by breaking into bouts. Same vocabulary as resistance training: sets, reps, time, distance, frequency, interval, rest. Appropriate for all

interval training for sports

choose mode then adjust: rate of exercise interval, distance of exercise interval, number of reps and sets per session, duration of rest/active recovery, type of active recovery, frequency of training per week

Exercise Interval Intensity

determined by duration/ distance or % of HRmax. Duration and distance more practical. heart monitors helpful for recording HR for duration of workout

Distance of the interval

determined by requirements of activity. Sprint 30-400m Distance 400-1,500m

repetitions and sets per session

largely sport specific. short, intense intervals= more reps. Longer intervals= fewer reps and sets

Duration of rest interval

depends on how rapidly athlete recovers; based on HR recovery (fitness and age dependent). <30 years: HR should drop to 130-150b/m. >30 should subtract beat for every year over 30
active recovery between HR <120b/m

Continuous Training

training without intervals. Targets oxidative, glycolytic systems; can be high or low intensity; high intensity near race (85-95% HR max) low intensity LSD training

LSD training

long, slow distance. Train at 60-80% HR max (50-75% Vo2max) -popular safe, must train near race pace. Main objective: distance not speed. less cardiorespiratory stress, greater joint/muscle stress, overuse injuries. 15-30 mi/day 100-200 mi / week

Fartlek Training

vary pace from sprinting to jog as discretion. Continuous training + interval training. Primarily used by distance runner: fun, engaging, variety, supplements other types of training.

Interval cicruit Training

combined interval and circuit training; jog, run or sprint between stations, often set in parks or country side.

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

shown dramatically improve aerobic capacity in untrained people. 4-6 30 seconds sprints follow by 3 min rests. benefits people with busy schedules. Trained people can also benefit by replacing 10-15% of training volume with HIIT