Physiology Final Exam


What nerve stimulates ACh release for the parasympathetic NS?

Muscarininc Receptors

Where does ACh bind to on autorhythmic cells?

Increase K Out and Decrease Ca In

What does ACh binding to autorhythmic cells do with ions?


What does ACh binding to autorhythmic cells do to the whole cell?

Adrenergic B1 receptors

Where does NE bind to on autorhythmic cells?

Increase Na and Ca In

What does NE binding to autorhythmic cells do with ions?


What does NE binding to autorhythmic cells do with the whole cell?


What type of control increases the strength of cardiac contraction for the sympathetic NS?


What type of control increases the venous return which increase end-diastolic volume and increases strength of contraction for the sympathetic NS?

SNS, Renal Artery Hypotension, Decreased Na to distal tubes of kidneys

What 3 things stimulates the release of renin?

Glanular Cells

What type of cells of the kidneys release renin into plasma?

Vascular Endothelium

What has ACE that forms angiotensin II from angiotensin I?

Cleaves off 2 amino acids

How does ACE form angiotensin II from angiotensin I?

Water Retention by Increased Na

What does the release of aldosterone into plasma do at the kidneys?


What are the major control for what is allowed in to glomerular cells?

Mesangial Cells

What decrease SA available for filtration if going to fast and is innervated by the SNS?

Hydrostatic Pressure, Colloid Osmotic Pressure, Fluid Pressure

What 3 variables affect the pressure gradient in filtration?

55 mmHg

What is the amount in mmHg of hydrostatic pressure for filtration?

30 mmHg

What is the amount in mmHg of colloid osmotic pressure for filtration?

Proteins in plasma that aren't in Bowmans Capsules

What causes the colloid osmotic pressure for filtration?

15 mmHg

What is the amount in mmHg of fluid pressure for filtration?

10 mmHg

What is the total amount of pressure for filtration?

Membrane more permeable and BP higher

What are the 2 most important reasons glomerular capillary beds are more effective than other beds?

Bohr Effect

What is the effect of Hb binding to less O2 because of increased acidity?


Where does 90% of the Ca2+ come from inside autorhythmic cells?

P Wave

Atrial depolarizes after SA node fires

PR Segment

AV node delay to fill

QRS Complex

Ventricular depolarization and atrial depolarization; Na+ in

ST Segment

Ventricles contracting and emptying

T Wave

Ventricular depolarization; K+ out

TP Interval

Ventricles relaxing and filling

100 mmHg

What is the amount of PO2 at the alveoli?

40 mmHg

What is the amount of PO2 in the blood for gas exchange?

Close K+ Channels

What does low PO2 cause in ion movement?

Depolarizes and Ca enters

What happens when K+ channels close because of PO2 too low?

Exocytosis of Dopamine containing vesicles

What happens when a cell depolarizes and Ca2+ enters because of PO2 too low?

Sensory Neuron

Where does dopamine bind to when PO2 is too low?

Signal to Medullary Centers to Increase Ventilation

What does dopamine binding to sensory neurons signal when PO2 is too low?


What type of Acidosis/Alkalosis is from bicarbonate and H+ release?


What causes Respiratory Alkalosis?


What causes Respiratory Acidosis?


What type of Acidosis/Alkalosis is a deviation from pH which overcomes the body's buffers?


What causes the collecting duct to be freely permeable to water?

Obligatory Water Reabsorption

What is the mechanism called of water following Na+ from the filtrate tubule to proximal tubule?


What type of active transport is Na+ reabsorbed into proximal tubule cell with water?


What type of active transport is Na+ pulling other solutes in against their gradient? Ex: glucose