UTA Physiology of Exercise Exam 1

What exercise is described as a percent of maximal voluntary contraction?

static exercise

What exercise is described as a percent of maximal weight that can be lifted (1RM) and number of times it can be lifted?

Dynamic resistance exercise

What is A consistent or chronic progression of exercise sessions designed to improve physiological function for better health or sport performance?


List the 7 training principles:

specificity, overload, rest/recovery/adaptation, progression, retrogression/plateau/reversibility, maintenance, individualization and warm-up/cool-down

Formula for pyruvate


formula for lactate


formula for pyruvic acite


formula for lactic acid


glucose metabolism formula

c6h12o6 + 6o2 ---->6h2o + 6co2

What is the transfer of Pi directly from a phsophorylated intermediate or substrates to ADP without any oxidation occurring?

substrate-level phosphorylation

What is the again of oxygen and loss of hydrogen, or the direct loss of electrons by an atom or substance?


What is a loss of oxygen, a gain of electrons or a gain of hydrogen by an atom or substance?


What are hydrogen carriers in cellular respiration?


What is it called when the end product of glycolysis is lactate or lactic acid?

Anaerobic glycolysis

What is it called when the end product of glycolysis is pyruvic acid?

aerobic glycolysis

What is the primary fuel for aerobic glycolysis?


What is the primary fuel for anaerobic glycolysis


Where in the mitochondria does ATP synthesis take place?

crista (and ball-and-stalk) apparatus

In stage II pyruvate is converted to what?

Acetyl Coenzyme A

What is a series of eight chemical reactions that liberates energy for direct substrate phosphorylation of ATP and forms CO2?

Krebs cycle

Does the Kreb's cycle use oxygen?

No but, it requires it's presence

What is the final metabolic pathway in the production of ATP?

electron transport system

What process proceeds as a series of chemical reactions in the mitochondria that transfer electrons from the hydrogen atom carriers NAD and FAD to oxygen?


What is a by-product of the ETS?


What is the process in which NADH and FADH2 are oxidized in the ETS and energy is released to make ATP?

oxidative phospohylation

What kind of reaction synthesizes molecules (builds)?


What kind of reaction breaks down molecules?


What kind of reaction is metabolism?


What is stored chemical energy that links energy-yielding and energy-requiring functions within all cells?


What is the 1st law of thermodynamics?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

How much of energy that is created by metabolism lost as heat?


What three processes can generate ATP?

ADP+PC --> C + ATP; Anaerobic metabolism (glycolysis), Aerobic respiration

What is the process by which cells transfer energy from food to ATP in a stepwise series of reactions; relies heavily upon the use of oxygen?

cellular respiration

List steps of fat breakdown for metabolism

triglycerides, fatty acids and glycerol, beta oxidation, acetyl coa, kreb's cycle, ets

List steps of CHO metabolism

polysaccharides, glucose, glycolysis, pyruvic acid, acetyl coa, kreb's cycle, ets

List steps of PRO metabolsim

polypeptides, amino acids, oxidative deamination or transamination, keto acids, pyruvic acid, acetyl coa, kreb's cycle, ets

CHO metabolism formular

c6h1206 +6o2+36 (adp+pi) = 6h20 + 6co2 + 36 ATP

What is the process by which stored glycogen is broken down (hydrolyzed) to provide glucose?


What is The energy pathway responsible for the initial catabolism of glucose in a 10- or 11-step process that begins with glucose or glycogen and ends with the production of pyruvate (aerobic glycolysis) or lactate (anaerobic glycolysis)?


What is the creation of glucose in the liver from non carbohydrate sources, particularly glycerol, lactate or pyruvate, and alanine?


What substrates (not CHO) can be used to make glucose?

glycerol, lactate, pyruvate and alanine

Where does glycolysis take place?


What is the net gain of ATP from glucose during glycolysis?


What is the net gain of ATP from glycogen during glycolysis?


How many pyruvates formed from glycolysis?


What is the rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis?


What layer of the mitochondria is permeable to most ions?


What layer of the mitochondria is impermeable to most ions unless they have a specific carrier?


When would density of cristae in mitochondria be higher?

In tissue with high rates of oxidation (like the heart)

How many ATP from krebs cycle?


How many NADH+H from krebs cycle


How many FADH2 from krebs cycle?


How many co2 from krebs cycle?


Rate limiting enzyme of kreb's cycle?

isocitrate dehydrogenase

When acteyl coa is formed are any ATP produced?


How many NADH +H from formation of acetly coa?


How many CO2 from formation of acetyl coa?


How many aceytl coa formed during formation of aceytl coa?


How many ATP from aerobic metabolism of one molecule of glucose?


How many ATP from aerobic metabolism of one one molecule of glycogen?


What is the efficiency of aerobic respiration?


Does the ETS use o2?

Yes, it is final acceptor of electron

Where does the ETS occur?

inner membrane of mitochondria

Formula for oxidative phosphorylation

2H+ + 2e- + 1/2 O2 = h20

What is the Cyclic series of steps that breaks off successive pairs of carbon atoms from FFA, which are then used to form acetyl CoA?

beta oxidation

Does beta oxidation use o2?

No but, it must be present

Where does beta oxidation occur

mitochondrial matrix

How much ATP is produced from beta oxidation?


How much ATP is USED for beta oxidation?


How many carbons in stearic acid?


How much ATP from stearic acid?


How many carbons in palmitic acid?


How much ATP from palmitic acid?


How much more O2 do fats require per ATP produced compared to CHO?

15% more o2

Can fats be metabolized anaerobically?


What is the rate limiting enzyme for the ETS?

cytochrome oxidase

What extracellular functions regulate cellular respiration and ATP production?

gluconeogenesis, glycerol-glucose cycle, cori cycle and felig cycle

High levels of what would inhibit ATP production?


Low levels of ATP and high levels of ADP+Pi stimulate production of what?


What food source provides the greatest amount of potential energy

triglycerides (Fats)

What has a major impact on how long each fuel can supply energy?


How many g of triglycerides are stored in the body?


How many g of liver glycogen are stored?


How many g of muscle glycogen are stored?


How many g of circulating glucose?


What is the term that describes the fact that all energy systems are involved in providing energy for all durations of exercise?

energy continuum

How long does ATP-PC predominate?

10 sec

How long does anaerobic metabolism (ATP-PC & LA ) last?

less than 2 min

How long does the oxygen system provide energy?

>5 minutes

Glucose formula for anaerobic (fast) glycolysis:

glucose + 2ATP --->2 lactate c3h4O3 + 4 ATP (net 2)

What factors determine amount of lactic acid production?

muscle contraction, enzymes, muscle fiber type, SNS activation, insufficient o2

Lactic Acid rate of appereance should ___ rate of disappearance


Is lactic acid production continuous or segmental?


Lactic acid clearance occurs in what three processes?

oxidation, gluconeogenesis/glyconeogenesis, transamination

What are the proteins that transport lactate?

monocarboxylate transporters (MCT)

Which MCT is most abundant in oxidative skeletal and cardiac muscle fibers (mitochondria membranes too)?


Which MCT is most abundant in cell membranes of glycolytic skeletal fibers?


What shuttle involves the movement of lactate by MCT1 between the cytoplasm where it is produced and the mitochondria?

intracellular lactate shuttle

What shuttle involves the movement of lactate between tissues

extracellular lactate shuttle

What tests measure anaerobic power and capacity?

wingate, margaria-kalamen stair test, field test

Is pyruvate produces anaerobically or aerobically?


Is lactate produced aerobically or anaerobically?


What is The difference between the oxygen required during exercise and the oxygen supplied and utilized. Occurs at the onset of all activity?

o2 deficit

What is Oxygen consumption during recovery that is above normal resting values?


During the transition from rest to exercise, energy is supplied by:

o2 transport, o2 stores in cap and myglobin blood, atp-pc, anaerobic glycolysis

What causes EPOC?

restoration of atp-pc stores and 02, elevated crv function, elevated hormones, body temp and lactate removal

Who long does the fast component of EPOC take?

2-6 minutes

What are the ranges of the fast component of EPOC (VO2)

2-3L VO2 ; 5-6 L VO2 in trained athletes

What percentage of ATP -PC is restores during 30 seconds of EPOC?


How long does it take for ATP-PC stores to be restored 100% during EPOC?

2 minutes

What are the ranges of L VO2 recovery during slow EPOC?

5-10L (14L athletes)

How long does slow EPOC take?

30-60 minutes

What are points on the linear-curvilinear continuum of lactate accumulation that appear to indicate sharp rises, often labeled as LT1 and second LT2

lactate thresholds

How much lactic acid during short, light-mod submax aerobic workout?

<2 mmol/L

How much lactic acid during short mod-heavy submax aerobic exercise?

4-6 mmol/L

How much lactic acid during short high intensity anaerobic?

Large increases, up to 32 mmol/L

How much lactic acid during dynamic resistance training?

4-21 mmol/L

Why is lactic acid a problem?

pain, metabolic and muscular fatigue

What is a measurement of heat energy liberated or absorbed in metabolic processes?

calorimetry (direct or indirect)

WHat is Indirect calorimetry method for estimating heat production in which expired air is measured and analyzed for the amount of oxygen consumed and CO2 produced?


What is The amount of oxygen taken up, transported and used at the cellular level?

o2 consumption (VO2)

What is The amount of carbon dioxide generated during metabolism?

(VCO2) co2 production

Formula for VO2 consumption

Vi 02-Ve)2
(inhaled - expired)

Formula for CO2 production

%co2 expired)-(Vi
%co2 inspired)

Why must measurments be standardized?

Measurements made under ATPS will vary with varying environmental conditions

The volume of gas is inversely related to ?


Temperature and ___ are directly related?


When is standard temperature and pressure dry (STPD) used?

When it is necessary to know amount of gas molecules present

What is Dalton's law?

total pressure of a gas mixture is equal to the sum of the pressure that each gas would exert independently

What is the partial pressure of 02? (PO2)


What is the total pressure of air (PB)?

760 mmHG

Formula for PO2=

.2093 * 760 = 159 mmHg

What is the partial pressure of nitrogen?


What is the partial pressure of CO2


What is the The ratio of the amount of carbon dioxide produced divided by the amount of oxygen consumed at the cellular level?

Respiratory quotient

What is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced divided by the volume of oxygen consumed on a total body level ?

Respiratory Exchange Ratio

What is the RQ formula?


What fuel is used when RER is .70?


What fuel is used when RER is .85?

50% fat 50% cho

What fuel is used when RER is 1.0?


What is the number of kilocalories produced per liter of oxygen consumed?

caloric equivalent

What is the Energy expenditure of an activity performed for a specific period of time?

Caloric cost

Caloric cost formula:

02 consumed (l/min) * caloric equivalent (kcal/lo2)

What is the VO2max for low intensity exercise?


What is the VO2max for high intensity exercise?


What describes the shift from fat to CHO metabolism as intensity increases?


What causes crossover?

Recruitment of fast muscle fibers and increasing blood levels of epinephrine

What is a unit that represents the metabolic equivalent in multiples of resting rate oxygen consumption of any given activity?

Metabolic equivalent MET

MET formula

O2 consumed/3.5

1 MET =


What is The percentage of energy input that appears as useful external work?

Mechanical Efficiency

What is the simplest calculation of efficiency

gross efficiency