338 Ch 13: The Physiology of Training: Effect on VO2 Max, Performance, and Strength


Training effect occurs when a physiological system is exercised at a level beyond which it is normally accustomed


Training effect is specific to:
- Muscle fibers recruited during exercise
- Energy system involved (aerobic vs. anaerobic)
- Velocity of contraction
- Type of contraction (eccentric, concentric, isometric)


Gains are lost when overload is removed

Endurance Training to Increase VO2 max:

Large muscle groups, dynamic activity
20-60 min, ?3 times/week, ?50% VO2 max

Expected Increases in VO2 max With Endurance Training

Average = 15-20%
2-3% in those with high initial VO2 max
- Requires intensity of >70% VO2 max
Up to 50% in those with low initial VO2 max
- Training intensity of 40-50% VO2 max

Genetic Predisposition for VO2 max

Accounts for about 50% of VO2 max
Prerequisite for very high VO2 max

Impact of Genetics on VO2 Max and Exercise Training Responses

Genetics plays an important role in determining VO2 max
- Heritability determines ~50% of VO2 max in untrained subjects
- Genetics also plays a key role in determining how individuals respond to exercise training
1. Average training improvement of VO2 max

Fick Equation

VO2 max = HR max x SV max x a-vO2 difference max
Product of maximal cardiac output and arteriovenous difference

Differences in VO2 max in Different Populations

Primarily due to differences in SV max

Exercise-induced improvements in VO2 max

Short duration training (~4 months); 26% increase in VO2 max
- SV > a-vO2 (10% increase in SV; 2% improvement in a-vO2 )
Longer duration training (~28 months); 42% increase in VO2 max
- a-vO2 > SV (15% increase in SV; 25% improvement in a-vO2)

Training-induced increased maximal stroke volume

Preload (EDV) increased
- Plasma volume increased
- Venous return increased
- Ventricular volume increased
Afterload (TPR) increased
- Arterial constriction decreased
- Maximal muscle blood flow with no change in mean arterial pressure increased

Training-induced changes in stroke volume occur rapidly

11% increase in plasma volume, 7% increase VO2 max, and 10% increase in stroke volume with six days of training

Training Induced Arteriovenous 02 difference

Increased blood flow to the muscles
- Decreased SNS vasoconstriction
Improved ability of the muscle to extract oxygen from the blood
- Increased Capillary density (Slows blood flow through muscle)
- Increased Mitochondrial number

The ability to perform prolonged, submaximal exercise is...

...dependent on the maintenance of homeostasis

Endurance exercise training results in:

1. More rapid transition from rest to steady-state
2. Reduced reliance on glycogen stores
3. Cardiovascular and thermoregulatory adaptations
4. Neural and hormonal adaptations
5. Biochemical changes in muscle

Endurance Training-Induced Changes in Fibre Type

Fast-to-slow shift in muscle fiber type
- Reduction in fast myosin
- Increase in slow myosin
- Extent of fiber type change determined by type of training and genetics

Endurance Training-Induced Changes in Capillarity

Increased number of capillaries
- Enhanced diffusion of oxygen
- Increased removal of wastes

Two Populations of Mitochondria Exist in Muscle Fibres

Subsarcolemmal are located below sarcolemma
Intermyofibrillar are located around contractile proteins

Endurance Training Increases Mitochondrial Volume and Turnover in Skeletal Muscle Fibres

Mitochondrial content increases quickly
- Depends on intensity and duration of training
- Can increase 50-100% within first 6 weeks
Increased mitochondrial volume results in increased endurance performance due to improved bioenergetics homeostasis, decrea

Increased Mitochondrial Volume and Exercise Performance - details

[ADP] stimulates mitochondrial ATP production
Increased mitochondrial volume following training
- Lower [ADP] needed to increase ATP production and VO2
Oxygen deficit is lower following training
- Same VO2 at lower [ADP]
- Energy requirement can be met by

Role of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Mitochondrial Adaptations

Citrate synthase (CS)
- Marker of mitochondrial oxidative capacity
Effect of exercise intensity
- 55%, 65%, or 75% VO2 max
- Increased CS in oxidative (IIa) fibers with all training intensities
Effect of exercise duration
- 30, 60, or 90 minutes
- No diff

Exercise Training-induced Changes in Muscle Fuel Utilization

Increased utilization of fat and sparing of plasma glucose and muscle glycogen
Transport of FFA into the muscle
- Increased capillary density
- Increased fatty acid binding protein and fatty acid translocase
Transport of FFA from the cytoplasm to the mito

Free Radicals

Produced by contracting skeletal muscles
- can contribute to muscle fatigue

Training Increases Endogenous Antioxidants

Protects against exercise-induced oxidative damage and muscle fatigue

Lactate Production During Exercise

Pyruvate + NADH --LDH--> Lactate + NAD

Training Adaptations to Acid-Base Balance

Increased mitochondrial number
- Less carbohydrate utilization = less pyruvate formed
Increased NADH shuttles
- Less NADH available for lactic acid formation
Change in LDH type
M4 --> M3H --> M2H2 --> MH3 --> H4
- Heart form (H4) has lower affinity for py

Endurance and resistance exercise increases specific muscle proteins

Exercise "stress" activates gene transcription

Process of training-induced muscle adaptation

Muscle contraction activates primary and secondary messengers
Results in expression of genes and synthesis of new proteins
- mRNA levels typically peak in 4-8 hours, back to baseline within 24 hours
- Hence, daily exercise is needed to continue training-i

Primary Signals for Muscle Adaptation

Mechanical stretch
- Via calmodulin-dependent kinase
Free radicals
Phosphate/muscle energy levels
- AMP/ATP ratio activates AMPK

Primary and Secondary Signals Lead to Adaptations

Increased protein synthesis

Effect of Signals Depends on Exercise Stimulus

Intensity and duration
Resistance vs. endurance training

Secondary Messengers in Skeletal Muscle

- PGC-1a
- Calcineurin
- mTOR
- NFkB


Glucose uptake, fatty acid oxidation, and mitochondrial biogenesis


Increases in capillaries, mitochondria, antioxidant enzymes
Activated by p38, AMPK and CaMK


Fiber growth, fast-to-slow fiber type change


Protein kinase-major regulator of protein synthesis and muscle size


Antioxidant enzymes

Primary Signals

Increases in cellular free calcium, elevated free radicals, and decreases in muscle phosphate/energy levels

What do primary signals do?

Activate one or more of the downstream secondary signalling pathways to promote gene expression

Responses to Endurance Exercise-induced Signaling Events

Fast-to-slow fiber type shift
Mitochondrial biogenesis
Antioxidant enzyme synthesis

Fast to Slow Fibre Transformations

Both active calcineurin and PGC-1a play important roles in endurance exercise-induced fast-to-slow fiber transformations

Activation of PGC-1a

Collectively, active CaMK, AMPK, and p38 all participate in activation of PGC-1a

Active PGC-1a

The master regulator for mitochondrial biogenesis

Active PGC-1a and NFkB

Contribute to the exercise-induced increase in muscle antioxidants

Biochemical Adaptations to Training

Influence the physiological response to exercise:
- Sympathetic nervous system ( decreases E/NE)
- Cardiorespiratory system (decreases HR, decreases ventilation)

Bichemical Adaptations Are Due To

Reduction in "feedback" from muscle chemoreceptors
Reduced number of motor units recruited

One-leg Training Studies

Lack of transfer of training effect to untrained leg
Demonstrates Links Between Muscle and Systemic Physiology

Peripheral Feedback from Working Muscles

Group III and group IV nerve fibers
- Responsive to tension, temperature, and chemical changes
- Feed into cardiovascular control center

Central Control of Cardiorespiratory Responses

Motor cortex, cerebellum, basal ganglia
- Recruitment of muscle fibres
- Stimulates cardiorespiratory control centre

Detraining and VO2 max

Rapid decrease in VO2 max
Decreases ~8% within 12 days
Decreases ~20% after 84 days

Decrease and SV max

Decreased SV max
- Rapid loss of plasma volume

Detraining and Maximal a-v O2 Difference

Decreased maximal a-v O2 difference
- Decreased mitochondria
- Decreased oxidative capacity of muscle
decreased type IIa fibres and increased type IIx fibres

Retraining and Muscle Mitochondria

Muscle mitochondria adapt quickly to training
- Double within 5 weeks of training
Requires 3-4 weeks of retraining to regain mitochondrial adaptations

Loss of Mitochondrial Adaptations

Mitochondrial adaptations lost quickly with detraining
- Loss of 50% of training gain within 1 week of detraining
- Majority of adaptation lost in two weeks

Muscular strength

Maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate
- 1 repetition maximum (1-RM)

Muscular endurance

Ability to make repeated contractions against a submaximal load

Strength training

Percent gain inversely proportional to initial strength
- Genetic limitations exist to gains in strength
High-resistance (2-10 RM) training
- Gains in strength
Low-resistance training (20+ RM)
- Gains in endurance

Ageing and Strength

Decline in strength after age 50
- Loss of muscle mass (sarcopenia)
Loss of both type I and II fibers
Atrophy of type II fibers
Loss of intramuscular fat and connective tissue
- Loss of motor units
- Reorganisation of motor units
- Also associated with NS

Progressive Resistance Training

Causes muscle hypertrophy and strength gains
Important for activities of daily living, balance, and reduced risk of falls

Muscle Adaptations to Anaerobic Exercise Training

Refers to short-duration (i.e., 10-30 seconds) all-out effort which is also referred to as "sprint training"
- Recruits both type I and II muscle fibres to perform the exercise
- During exercise lasting 10 seconds or less, the energy is primarily supplied

Anaerobic Training Increases Performance

- 4-10 weeks of sprint training can increase peak anaerobic power by 3-28% across individuals
- Sprint training improves muscle buffering capacity by increasing both intracellular buffers and hydrogen ion transporters
- Sprint training also results in hyp

Resistance Training-Induced Changes in the Nervous System

Neural adaptations responsible for early gains in strength
- Initial 8-20 weeks
Adaptations include:
- Increased ability to recruit motor units
- Altered motor neuron firing rates
- Enhanced motor unit synchronisation
- Removal of neural inhibition


Increase in muscle fiber number
Limited evidence in human studies
Most evidence indicates that 90-95% of muscle enlargement due to hypertrophy


Enlargement of both type I and II fibers
- Greater degree of hypertrophy in type II fibres
Increase in myofibrillar proteins
Increases number of cross-bridges
Increased ability to generate force

Fast-to-slow Shift in Fibre Type

From type IIx to IIa
- 5-11% change following 20 weeks of training
- Small increases occur in type I fibres
Compared to endurance training, resistance training-induced fast-to-slow shifts in fiber type are less prominent

Can Resistance Training Improve Muscle Oxidative Capacity and Increase Capillary Number?

Conflicting results of studies
- Some studies report a decrease, small increase, or no change in mitochondrial content
- Some studies show small increases in capillary number whereas others report a small decrease in capillary number
Reasons for conflicti

Resistance training improves antioxidant capacity in trained muscles

Resistance training-induced increases in muscle antioxidant enzyme activity is similar to the changes observed following endurance exercise training

Primary Signals of Resistance Training

Increased Muscle stretch (mechanoreceptor activation) promotes synthesis of phosphatidic acid and activation of the mTOR activator, Ras homolog enrich in brain (Rheb)

Secondary Signals of Resistance Training

Increases in Phosphatidic acid and Rheb promotes mTOR activation
mTOR activation promotes protein synthesis
- A single bout can increase protein synthesis 50-100%

Responses to Resistance Training-Induced Signaling Events

Muscle hypertrophy due to increased myofibrillar proteins
Increased number of myonuclei in each fibre
- Derived from satellite cells
- Increases in myonuclei may be important to support increased muscle protein synthesis as fibre increases in size

Satellite Cells

The source for additional nuclei in muscle fibres, and the supplement of myonuclei to muscle fibres is likely required to achieve maximal fibre hypertrophy in response to resistance training

Detraining and Loss of Muscle Strength

31% decrease in strength following 30 weeks detraining
Associated with small changes in fiber size
- Type I fiber size -2%
- Type IIa fiber size: -10%
- Type IIx fiber size: -14%
Due primarily to nervous system changes

Retraining and Muscle Strength and Size

Retraining results in rapid regain of strength and muscle size
- Within 6 weeks after resuming training
- Can maintain strength with reduced training for up to 12 weeks

Potential for Interference of Adaptations from Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training

Strength training increases muscle fibre size whereas endurance training does not
Depends on intensity, volume, and frequency of training

Concurrent Strength and Endurance Training

Numerous studies report that combining strength and endurance training impairs strength gains compared to strength training alone
- How much interference occurs depends on intensity, volume, and frequency of endurance training

Mechanisms for the Impairment of Strength Development during Concurrent Training

Neural factors
- Impaired motor unit recruitment (Limited evidence exists to support this concept)
Low muscle glycogen content
- Due to successive bouts of endurance exercise (Could result in impaired ability to perform a subsequent resistance training bo