Exercise Science Chapter 4

At rest:

the VO2 is approximately 3.5 ml/kg/min.

Which of the following groups of activities use energy derived predominantly from the ATP-PC system?

gymnastics vault, softball pitch, high jump

The upward drift of VO2 during steady state exercise is primarily due to

increasing body temperature.

The physiological factors that influence VO2max are

A) the delivery of oxygen to the muscle.
B) the uptake and use of oxygen by the muscle.
C) genetics and exercise training.

A factor that contributes to excess post exercise oxygen consumption is

resynthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle.

The rise in blood lactic acid concentration above the lactate threshold can occur due to

A) an increase in lactic acid production.
B) a decrease in lactic acid removal.

During low intensity exercise (i.e., <30% VO2max), the primary fuel source for muscle is


In prolonged (3-4 hours), moderate-intensity exercise, there is an increased reliance on

blood sources of carbohydrate and fat

The shift from fat to carbohydrate metabolism is regulated by

the type of fiber recruited.

The primary determinant of plasma FFA oxidation during exercise is

the blood level of the fuel.

The RQ for fat is

equal to VCO2/VO2.

During the first hour of submaximal exercise, most of the carbohydrate metabolized comes from

muscle glycogen.

The mobilization of free fatty acids into the blood is inhibited by

lactic acid.

Fatigue results after depletion of carbohydrate stores due to the reduction

A) in the muscle concentration of pyruvic acid.
B) of Krebs cycle intermediates.
C) of Krebs cycle activity.

The portion of the oxygen debt that is responsible for the conversion of lactic acid to glycogen is around


The Cori cycle describes:

the steps by which lactic acid is converted to glucose in the liver

Factors contributing to EPOC:

- Resynthesis of PC in muscle
- Lactate conversion to glucose
- Restoration of muscle and blood oxygen stores
- Elevated body temp
- Post-exercise elevation of HR and breathing
- Elevated Hormones

Lactate Threshold

- Low muscle oxygen
- Accelerated glycolysis
- Recruitment of fast-twitch fibers
- Reduced rate of lactate removal

% of Energy Expenditure of Muscle Glycogen

Hour 1: 45%
Hour 3: 15%

% Energy Expenditure of Blood Glucose

Hour 1: 50%
Hour 3: 45%

% Energy Expenditure of Plasma FFA

Hour 1: 75%
Hour 3: 90%

% Energy Expenditure of Muscle Triglycerides

Hour 1: 100 %
Hour 3: 100%

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 1:

ATP production increases immediately

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 2:

Oxygen uptake increases rapidly
Reaches steady state within 1-4
After steady state is reached,
ATP requirement is met through
aerobic ATP production

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 3:

Oxygen deficit
Means a lag in oxygen uptake at
the beginning of exercise
Suggests anaerobic pathways
contribute to total ATP

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 4:

Initial ATP production through anaerobic pathways
ATP-PC system

At steady state VO2,

ATP supply aerobically matches ATP demand

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

Terminology reflects that only ~20% elevated O2 consumption used to "repay" O2 deficit

Rapid" portion of O2 debt or EPOC (2 to 3 min post-exercise)

Resynthesis of stored PC
Replenishing muscle and blood O2 stores

Slow" portion of O2 debt or EPOC (>30 min post exercise)

Elevated heart rate and breathing = ^ energy need
Elevated body temperature = ^ metabolic rate
Elevated epinephrine and norepinephrine = ^ metabolic rate
Conversion of lactic acid to glucose (gluconeogenesis)

Why is EPOC greater following higher intensity exercise?

Higher body temperature
Greater depletion of PC
Greater blood concentrations of lactic acid
Higher levels of blood epinephrine and norepinephrine

Removal of Lactic Acid Following Exercise

70% of lactic acid is oxidized
Used as a substrate by heart and skeletal muscle
20% converted to glucose
10% converted to amino acids
(Lactic acid is removed more rapidly with light exercise in recovery)

First 1-5 seconds of exercise

ATP through ATP-PC system

Intense exercise longer than 5 seconds

Shift to ATP production via glycolysis

Events lasting longer than 45 seconds

ATP production through ATP-PC, glycolysis, and aerobic systems

During high-intensity, short-term exercise

the muscle's ATP production is dominated by the ATP-PC system.

high-intensity events lasting longer than forty-five seconds use a combination of

the ATP-PC system, glycolysis, and the aerobic system to produce the needed ATP for muscular contraction, with a 50%/50% (anaerobic/aerobic) contribution needed for exercise lasting between 2 and 3 minutes.

2 Physiological factors influencing VO2 max:

1. Maximum ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to contracting muscle
2. Ability of muscles to take up the oxygen and produce ATP aerobically

Lactate Threshold

The point at which blood lactic acid suddenly rises during incremental exercise

Lactate threshold occurs in untrained at

50~60& VO2 max

Lactate threshold occurs in trained at

65-80% VO2 max

Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA)

The point (exercise intensity) at which blood lactate levels reach 4 mmol/L

Explanations for the Lactate Threshold

1. Low muscle oxygen
2. Accelerated glycolysis
3. Recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers
4. Reduced rate of lactate removal from the blood

Accelerated Glycolysis

NADH produced faster than it is shuttled into mitochondria
Excess NADH in cytoplasm converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid

Recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers

LDH isozyme in fast fibers promotes lactic acid formation

LDH in fast-twitch fibers

favors formation of lactic acid because it has a greater affinity for attaching to hydrogen to pyruvate >> leading to increase in lactate production

LDH in slow-twitch fibers

promotes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate >> leading to decrease in lactate

Practical Uses of the Lactate Threshold

1. Prediction of performance
2. Planning training programs
Marker of training intensity
Choose a training HR based on LT

Oxygen uptake increases in a (____) fashion during incremental exercise until (___) is reached.

linear, VO2 max

Respiratory exchange ratio (RER or R)


In order for R to be used as an estimate of substrate utilization during exercise,

the subject must have reached steady state. This is important because only during steady-state exercise are the VCO2 and VO2 reflective of metabolic exchange of gases in tissues.

Low-intensity exercise (<30% VO2 max)

fats are primary fuel

High-intensity exercise (>70% VO2 max)

Carbohydrates are primary fuel

Crossover" concept

Describes the shift from fat to CHO metabolism as exercise intensity increases

Crossover occurs because of:

Recruitment of fast glycolytic muscle fibers (influx of calcium)
Increasing blood levels of epinephrine

McArdle's Syndrome

Cannot synthesize the enzyme phosphorylase, Inability to break down muscle glycogen, Also prevents lactate production

At low exercise intensities (~20% VO2 max)

High percentage of energy expenditure (~60%) derived from fat
However, total energy expended is low
Total fat oxidation is also low

At higher exercise intensities (~50% VO2 max)

Lower percentage of energy (~40%) from fat
Total energy expended is higher
Total fat oxidation is also higher

Prolonged, low-intensity exercise

Shift from carbohydrate metabolism toward fat metabolism, due to an increased rate of lipolysis

Interaction of Fat and CHO Metabolism During Exercise

Glycogen is depleted during prolonged high-intensity exercise
Reduced rate of glycolysis and production of pyruvate. Reduced Krebs cycle intermediates. Reduced fat oxidation.

2 sources of carbs during exercise

1. Muscle glycogen
2. Blood Glucose

Muscle glycogen

Primary source of carbohydrate during high-intensity exercise
Supplies much of the carbohydrate in the first hour of exercise

Blood glucose

From liver glycogenolysis
Primary source of carbohydrate during low-intensity exercise
Important during long-duration exercise

2 Sources of fat during exercise

1. Intramuscular triglycerides
2. Plasma FFA

Intramuscular triglycerides

Primary source of fat during higher intensity exercise (~60% VO2max)

Plasma FFA

From adipose tissue lipolysis via HSL
Triglycerides > glycerol + FFA
FFA converted to acetyl-CoA and enters Krebs cycle.
Primary source of fat during low-intensity exercise. Becomes more important as muscle triglyceride levels decline in long-duration exe

Lactate as a fuel source during exercise:

1. Can be used as a fuel source by skeletal muscle and the heart
Converted to acetyl-CoA and enters Krebs cycle.
2. Can be converted to glucose in the liver - Cori cycle
3. Lactate shuttle - Lactate produced in one tissue and transported to another

Cori Cycle

Lactate produced by skeletal muscle is transported to the liver. >
Liver converts lactate to glucose
Glucose is transported back to muscle and used as a fuel.

At rest:

the VO2 is approximately 3.5 ml/kg/min.

Which of the following groups of activities use energy derived predominantly from the ATP-PC system?

gymnastics vault, softball pitch, high jump

The upward drift of VO2 during steady state exercise is primarily due to

increasing body temperature.

The physiological factors that influence VO2max are

A) the delivery of oxygen to the muscle.
B) the uptake and use of oxygen by the muscle.
C) genetics and exercise training.

A factor that contributes to excess post exercise oxygen consumption is

resynthesis of creatine phosphate in muscle.

The rise in blood lactic acid concentration above the lactate threshold can occur due to

A) an increase in lactic acid production.
B) a decrease in lactic acid removal.

During low intensity exercise (i.e., <30% VO2max), the primary fuel source for muscle is


In prolonged (3-4 hours), moderate-intensity exercise, there is an increased reliance on

blood sources of carbohydrate and fat

The shift from fat to carbohydrate metabolism is regulated by

the type of fiber recruited.

The primary determinant of plasma FFA oxidation during exercise is

the blood level of the fuel.

The RQ for fat is

equal to VCO2/VO2.

During the first hour of submaximal exercise, most of the carbohydrate metabolized comes from

muscle glycogen.

The mobilization of free fatty acids into the blood is inhibited by

lactic acid.

Fatigue results after depletion of carbohydrate stores due to the reduction

A) in the muscle concentration of pyruvic acid.
B) of Krebs cycle intermediates.
C) of Krebs cycle activity.

The portion of the oxygen debt that is responsible for the conversion of lactic acid to glycogen is around


The Cori cycle describes:

the steps by which lactic acid is converted to glucose in the liver

Factors contributing to EPOC:

- Resynthesis of PC in muscle
- Lactate conversion to glucose
- Restoration of muscle and blood oxygen stores
- Elevated body temp
- Post-exercise elevation of HR and breathing
- Elevated Hormones

Lactate Threshold

- Low muscle oxygen
- Accelerated glycolysis
- Recruitment of fast-twitch fibers
- Reduced rate of lactate removal

% of Energy Expenditure of Muscle Glycogen

Hour 1: 45%
Hour 3: 15%

% Energy Expenditure of Blood Glucose

Hour 1: 50%
Hour 3: 45%

% Energy Expenditure of Plasma FFA

Hour 1: 75%
Hour 3: 90%

% Energy Expenditure of Muscle Triglycerides

Hour 1: 100 %
Hour 3: 100%

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 1:

ATP production increases immediately

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 2:

Oxygen uptake increases rapidly
Reaches steady state within 1-4
After steady state is reached,
ATP requirement is met through
aerobic ATP production

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 3:

Oxygen deficit
Means a lag in oxygen uptake at
the beginning of exercise
Suggests anaerobic pathways
contribute to total ATP

Rest-to-Exercise Transitions 4:

Initial ATP production through anaerobic pathways
ATP-PC system

At steady state VO2,

ATP supply aerobically matches ATP demand

Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC)

Terminology reflects that only ~20% elevated O2 consumption used to "repay" O2 deficit

Rapid" portion of O2 debt or EPOC (2 to 3 min post-exercise)

Resynthesis of stored PC
Replenishing muscle and blood O2 stores

Slow" portion of O2 debt or EPOC (>30 min post exercise)

Elevated heart rate and breathing = ^ energy need
Elevated body temperature = ^ metabolic rate
Elevated epinephrine and norepinephrine = ^ metabolic rate
Conversion of lactic acid to glucose (gluconeogenesis)

Why is EPOC greater following higher intensity exercise?

Higher body temperature
Greater depletion of PC
Greater blood concentrations of lactic acid
Higher levels of blood epinephrine and norepinephrine

Removal of Lactic Acid Following Exercise

70% of lactic acid is oxidized
Used as a substrate by heart and skeletal muscle
20% converted to glucose
10% converted to amino acids
(Lactic acid is removed more rapidly with light exercise in recovery)

First 1-5 seconds of exercise

ATP through ATP-PC system

Intense exercise longer than 5 seconds

Shift to ATP production via glycolysis

Events lasting longer than 45 seconds

ATP production through ATP-PC, glycolysis, and aerobic systems

During high-intensity, short-term exercise

the muscle's ATP production is dominated by the ATP-PC system.

high-intensity events lasting longer than forty-five seconds use a combination of

the ATP-PC system, glycolysis, and the aerobic system to produce the needed ATP for muscular contraction, with a 50%/50% (anaerobic/aerobic) contribution needed for exercise lasting between 2 and 3 minutes.

2 Physiological factors influencing VO2 max:

1. Maximum ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver oxygen to contracting muscle
2. Ability of muscles to take up the oxygen and produce ATP aerobically

Lactate Threshold

The point at which blood lactic acid suddenly rises during incremental exercise

Lactate threshold occurs in untrained at

50~60& VO2 max

Lactate threshold occurs in trained at

65-80% VO2 max

Onset of Blood Lactate Accumulation (OBLA)

The point (exercise intensity) at which blood lactate levels reach 4 mmol/L

Explanations for the Lactate Threshold

1. Low muscle oxygen
2. Accelerated glycolysis
3. Recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers
4. Reduced rate of lactate removal from the blood

Accelerated Glycolysis

NADH produced faster than it is shuttled into mitochondria
Excess NADH in cytoplasm converts pyruvic acid to lactic acid

Recruitment of fast-twitch muscle fibers

LDH isozyme in fast fibers promotes lactic acid formation

LDH in fast-twitch fibers

favors formation of lactic acid because it has a greater affinity for attaching to hydrogen to pyruvate >> leading to increase in lactate production

LDH in slow-twitch fibers

promotes the conversion of lactate to pyruvate >> leading to decrease in lactate

Practical Uses of the Lactate Threshold

1. Prediction of performance
2. Planning training programs
Marker of training intensity
Choose a training HR based on LT

Oxygen uptake increases in a (____) fashion during incremental exercise until (___) is reached.

linear, VO2 max

Respiratory exchange ratio (RER or R)


In order for R to be used as an estimate of substrate utilization during exercise,

the subject must have reached steady state. This is important because only during steady-state exercise are the VCO2 and VO2 reflective of metabolic exchange of gases in tissues.

Low-intensity exercise (<30% VO2 max)

fats are primary fuel

High-intensity exercise (>70% VO2 max)

Carbohydrates are primary fuel

Crossover" concept

Describes the shift from fat to CHO metabolism as exercise intensity increases

Crossover occurs because of:

Recruitment of fast glycolytic muscle fibers (influx of calcium)
Increasing blood levels of epinephrine

McArdle's Syndrome

Cannot synthesize the enzyme phosphorylase, Inability to break down muscle glycogen, Also prevents lactate production

At low exercise intensities (~20% VO2 max)

High percentage of energy expenditure (~60%) derived from fat
However, total energy expended is low
Total fat oxidation is also low

At higher exercise intensities (~50% VO2 max)

Lower percentage of energy (~40%) from fat
Total energy expended is higher
Total fat oxidation is also higher

Prolonged, low-intensity exercise

Shift from carbohydrate metabolism toward fat metabolism, due to an increased rate of lipolysis

Interaction of Fat and CHO Metabolism During Exercise

Glycogen is depleted during prolonged high-intensity exercise
Reduced rate of glycolysis and production of pyruvate. Reduced Krebs cycle intermediates. Reduced fat oxidation.

2 sources of carbs during exercise

1. Muscle glycogen
2. Blood Glucose

Muscle glycogen

Primary source of carbohydrate during high-intensity exercise
Supplies much of the carbohydrate in the first hour of exercise

Blood glucose

From liver glycogenolysis
Primary source of carbohydrate during low-intensity exercise
Important during long-duration exercise

2 Sources of fat during exercise

1. Intramuscular triglycerides
2. Plasma FFA

Intramuscular triglycerides

Primary source of fat during higher intensity exercise (~60% VO2max)

Plasma FFA

From adipose tissue lipolysis via HSL
Triglycerides > glycerol + FFA
FFA converted to acetyl-CoA and enters Krebs cycle.
Primary source of fat during low-intensity exercise. Becomes more important as muscle triglyceride levels decline in long-duration exe

Lactate as a fuel source during exercise:

1. Can be used as a fuel source by skeletal muscle and the heart
Converted to acetyl-CoA and enters Krebs cycle.
2. Can be converted to glucose in the liver - Cori cycle
3. Lactate shuttle - Lactate produced in one tissue and transported to another

Cori Cycle

Lactate produced by skeletal muscle is transported to the liver. >
Liver converts lactate to glucose
Glucose is transported back to muscle and used as a fuel.