Exercise Physiology Chapter 5

The slow component of oxygen uptake kinetics refers to the...?

small increases in oxygen consumption that occur during steady-state exercises at higher exercise intensities.

As discussed in class acidosis is associated with fatigue. Which of the following would explain how acidosis results in fatigue?

Acidosis impairs calcium handling by the muscle cell.

Lactate accumulation in the muscle causes a decline in pH. Which of the following is an effect of this decline in pH?

Inhibition of phosphofrucokinase, and important enzyme of glycolysis.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Type II fibers are the primary fibers recruited during endurance exercise and as a result, you would expect to see glycogen depletion in type II fibers.

Which of the following would be considered a normal Vo2max for an active healthy adult female?

40 mL/kg/min

Which of the following statements regarding blood glucose is incorrect?

Blood glucose is not used as an energy source during exercise.

Which of the following would cause an increase in metabolic rate?

Increase in lean body mass

Oxygen deficit is defined as the

the difference between resting O2 consumption and the O2 required to perform an activity.

Which of the following is NOT a theory as to how fatigue could be related to neural transmission?

The failure of Na+-K+ pumps prevent the establishment of a negative resting membrane potential, which prevents the generation of an action potential.

The lactate threshold is best defined as the point during progressive exercise

when the rate of lactate production begins to exceed the rate of lactate clearance.

How long would you expect it to take for muscle pH to return to normal after an exhaustive high intensity bout of exercise?

30 minutes

The slow component of oxygen uptake kinetics refers to the

small increases in oxygen consumption that occur during steady-state exercises at higher exercise intensities.

Oxygen deficit is defined as the

the difference between the O2 required to perform an activity and the O2 actually consumed.

What is the physiological significance of the lactate threshold?

The lactate threshold determines the highest possible exercise intensity at which a person can exercise without the accumulation of lactate.

Which of the following statements regarding EPOC is correct?

A portion of the EPOC is used to oxidize lactate that has accumulated during exercise.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between Vo2max and endurance performance?

As Vo2max increases aerobic performance increases.

If maximal increases in Vo2max occurred after 10 weeks of endurance training

yet endurance performance improved further with continued exercise training, how would you best explain this improvement in performance?
,Increased lactate threshold

Fatigue during endurance exercise is associated with

glycogen depletion.

Which of the following would be beneficial for success in aerobic activity?

Low percentage of FT fibers

At what percentage of the VO2max would you expect the lactate threshold to occur in an untrained individual?


Following a maximal short-term exercise lasting approximately 15 seconds which of the following would you expect to see?

Depletion of ATP, depletion of PCr

What is EPOC?

The volume of oxygen consumed above that normally consumed at rest, during recovery from exercise.

In the figure titled "Running Economy

Runner B is a more economical runner.

