exercise leadership

Physical activity is defined as

any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in caloric requirements over resting energy expenditure

the 2008 physical activity guidelines call for how many minutes of moderate intensity physical activity spread throughout the week?


what are the skill related PA components?

agility, coordination, balance, power, reaction time, and speed

what is defines as "moderate" physical activity?

3-<6 mets

why is the risk of sudden cardiac death or acute myocardial infarction higher in middle-aged and older adults than in younger individuals?

there is a higher prevalence of cardiovascular disease in the older population

sudden cardiac death related to moderate intensity exercise is??


what is a muscle contraction that involves no change in the joint angle?


physical fitness is defined as?

a set of attributes or characteristics people have or achieve that relates to their ability to perform physical activity

the ability to use senses, such as sight and hearing, together with body parts in performing tasks smoothly and accurately is known as?


an intervention designed to prevent an initial occurrence of a disease is known as?

primary prevention

self guided screenings to take prior to physical activity?

physical activity readiness questionnaire, AHA/ACSM health/fitness facility pre participation screening questionnaire, effectiveness of par-q and AHA/ACSM health/fitness facility pre participation screening questionnaire

the relationship between PA and risk of CVD is?

an inverse relationship

where does gas exchange occur in the respiratory system?


health-related physical fitness components?

cardiorespiratory endurance, body composition, muscular strength, muscular endurance and flexibility

what is the importance of risk classification?

to prevent the occurrence of exercise-related problems during exercise testing/training. once risk level is determines, appropriate cause of action can be followed

what do you do once the risk level is determined?

determine whether the individual can begin a low-moderate intensity exercise program, prior to medical examination. Also determine whether the client needs heavy supervision while exercising

what is meant by the term contraindication?

ones clinical characteristic that can make physical activity risky. it provides a guide that may be followed to ensure a safer exercise environment.

absolute contraindication (non-negotiable)

unstable angina, uncontrolled symptomatic heart failure and acute myocarditis or rericarditis

relative contraindication

electrolyte abnormalities, left main coronary stenosis and chronic infectious disease

do the pre-screening guidelines prohibit people from exercising?

if the client has an absolute contraindication, then they are prohibited to participate in any form of a physical activity program

what conditions may exempt an individual from a medical release and physician supervised exercise testing prior to training?

well controlled exercise induced asthma and recently diagnosed diabetes: as long as the individual is otherwise healthy and not at moderate or high risk

when information regarding a specific risk factor is missing, the EP-C should consider the missing information as a non risk factor: TRUE OR FALSE


currently taking medication for hypertension counts as a risk factor: TRUE OR FALSE


one notable limitation of the PAR-Q is what?

limited effectiveness to screen low-to-moderate-risk individuals

the PAR-Q is recommended as a minimal standard for entry for which type of activity?


according to ACSM risk factor thresholds, what is not a positive risk factor toward exercise participation?

BMI of 25-29.9 kg m^2

what is the only "negative" risk factor that can be identified during pre participation screening?

high HDL cholesterol (>60 mg/dl)

an elevated BMI and an excessive waist circumference count as two separate risk factors: TRUE OR FALSE


at minimum, what should the heath history questionnaire should asses?

clients family history of disease, clients surgical history, and clients current use of medications

self-guide screening for physical activity can be best described as what?

a self-report medical history or health risk appraisal that should be done by all people wishing to initiate a physical activity program and is completed with little or no input or supervision from an exercise or health/fitness professional

what is the definition of high risk?

individuals who have one or more signs/symptoms of or have diagnosed cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal and/or metabolic disease

what is defined as a loss of consciousness?


exercise or health/fitness professionals should have a thorough knowledge of what during a risk classification?

the criteria for known cardiovascular, pulmonary and metabolic diseases, the descriptions of signs and symptoms for cardiovascular, pulmonary, and metabolic diseases and the specific criteria that determine the CVD risk factor schemes

after completing self-guided pre participation health screening methods as the PAR-Q or AHA/ACSM health/fitness facility pre participation screening questionnaire, the number of positive CVD risk factors should be what?


what is not considered an ACSM risk stratification level?

very low

what is VO2 and how is it significant in cardiovascular fitness?

VO2 is the volume of oxygen the body consumes. VO2 is significant in cardiovascular fitness because it correlates to fitness capacity and is closely related to the functional capacity of the heart. peak VO2 is commonly used to help acknowledge individuals

what physiological adaptations and mental advantages come with interval training?

some physiological adaptations that come with interval training is lower risks for CVD or improved CRF. mental advantages could be the "feel good" feeling exercise gives you.

in regard to VO2, what biometric traits might be correlated with physiological effect of lower levels of cardio fitness?

fat mass and gender

what principle governs the 10% rule?

progressive overload

describe the size principle of motor unit recruitment and explain its practical application to resistance training program design?

the site principle of motor unit recruitment is that motor units are recruited from the smallest to largest, depending on the demands of force production. when resistance training program design should be based on (partially) the individuals goals and hav

discuss four fundamental principles that determine the effectiveness of resistance training programs

P.R.O.S. (progression, regularity, overload, specificity) the initial level of fitness, heredity, age, gender, nutritional status and healthy (sleep) habits can also influence rate and magnitude of adaptation

compare and contrast three different modes of resistance training and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each method

-weight machines: train all muscle groups; common; single joint and multiple joint exercises can be performed; east because motion is produces by the machine and usually in 1 plane; made for the average male/females; if you are above or under average in h

list and describe what program variables should new considered when designing a resistance training program

-choice of exercise: select exercises appropriate for individual needs, experience and goals
-order of exercise: isolating muscle groups in one workout and/or doing a full body workout in 1 session
-resistance used: making sure load used (in order for gai

muscular strength refers to the ability of the muscle to do what?

exert force

benefits of resistance training?

improves blood glucose levels, fewer cardiovascular disease events, and increased lean body mass

what principle of training states exercise below a minimum intensity, or threshold, will not challenge the body sufficiently to result in changes in physiologic parameters?


periodization is best defined as?

alternating between high and low intensities, and high and low reps

what is the most popular type of resistance training?


jumping rope and skipping are considered plyometric exercises: TRUE OR FALSE


what model of periodization is characterized by daily fluctuations in training volume and intensity?


what is the smallest contractile unit within a muscle?


type 2 fivers are the best for strength and power activities: TRUE OR FALSE


what order must fitness assessments be administered when there are multiple tests?

resting values including body composition first; although the order of the cardiorespiratory, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility are not established, there must be sufficient time allowed for heart rate and blood pressure to return to baseli

the sit and reach test is the best measure of flexibility in which muscle group?

low back

when is the best time to perform a ROM exercise?

when a muscle is warm, such as after a warm-up or activity

a goniometer is similar to a protractor and is used to measure a joints range of motion expressed in degrees: TRUE OR FALSE


increased ROM has been demonstrated with all modes of ROM training: TRUE OR FALSE


which type of stretching involves a slow and constant motion that is held in the final position, or point of mild discomfort?


physical activities, such as pull ups or chin ups, can increase shoulder ROM by encouraging an extended ROM: TRUE OR FALSE


what defines flexibility?

ROM of a joint or group of joints

what components of a muscle provide information about rate of change in muscle length?

muscle spindles

what components of a muscle provide information about muscle tension?

golgi tendon organs

which type of ROM training utilizes slow and controlled, sport-specific movements designed to increase core temperature and enhance activity related flexibility and balance?


what is considered the minimum frequency of training needed for increasing ROM?

2-3 days/week

according to the 2010 dietary guidelines, which vitamin or mineral has seen the largest increase being recommended?

vitamin d

what are nutritional strategies are for pregnant women?

add an additional 300 calories per day for the developing fetus, take a prenatal vitamin supplement daily, and continue taking folic acid through foods and supplements

for BIA measurements to be reliable, what needs to be followed?

use the same device each time, control for body hydration, avoid exercise in the previous 12 hours

fat and muscle are separate types of tissue, and cannot become the other: TRUE OR FALSE


what is the current minimum recommendation for weekly moderate exercise?

150 mins per week

what can body fat distribution be assessed through?

waist to hip ratio

BMI is best used on an individual basis, as it is a reliable tool for distinguishing fat mass from lean mass: TRUE OR FALSE


what are 4 conditions that would require exercise to be terminated in a pregnant woman??

vaginal bleeding, shortness of breath (before exertion), dizziness, chest pain

what are the unique dietary needs for apparently healthy pregnant women?

increase their caloric intake by 150k/cal per day during the 1st and 2nd trimesters, and then by 300 k/cal per day in the 3rd trimester. in order for a healthy pregnancy, 25-35 lbs is expected to be gained, which is why caloric intake should be increased

what is a benefit of regular physical activity?

decreased ldl-c level

which type of cholesterol is responsible for assisting in the removal of LDL cholesterol from the blood circulation


a partial impairment of coronary artery blood flow will most likely result in what?

myocardial ischemia

pre participation health screenings during initial client consultation help the EP-C to maximize (blank) and minimize (blank)


your client is a 57 year old male with low back issues. his blood pressure is under control with antihypertensive medication, and he walks daily for 30 minutes. based on this data, he has how many risk factors?


which risk factor is known as the "silent killer"?


the ischemic threshold tends to increase as exercise training and functional capacity increase: TRUE OR FALSE


regular exercise has been shown to increase circulating levels of LDL cholesterol: TRUE OR FALSE


what does myocardial ischemia describe?

the imbalance between cardiac oxygen supply and demand

a particular concern for diabetics during exercise includes?

the need for available carbohydrates, proper foot care, and always wearing identification

target heart rate intensity for clients with cardiovascular disease should fall (blank) below a heart rate that has previously elicited abnormal clinical symptoms

10-15 bpm

what is considered to be low risk for exercise?

a client with resting blood pressure of 145/92 mmHg

what is the maximum number of consecutive rest days between exercise sessions for diabetic clients?

2 days

stable ischemia is characterized by?

chest pain that subsides when exercise intensity decreases or stops

your client wants to be physically active to lose weight and reduce stress. her motivation can be best described as what?


when lacking, which of the following is considered the strongest barrier to exercise?

readiness to change behavior related to exercise

evaluation of stressors includes determining coping resources, emotional reaction and what?

coping self efficacy

what type of individual is most likely to adhere to a given physical activity program?

a middle aged man who has prehypertension but believes he has personal control over his health

your client is having difficulty performing a strength exercise after you have provided verbal cues. you decided to demonstrate what he is doing and then contrast with the proper technique. he immediately performs the exercise correctly. based on this, yo

visual cues

in learning theory, factors that increase the likelihood of adhering to an exercise program are also referred to as what?


cortisol, a hormone released in response to stress, over time can increase risk of cardiovascular disease and what?

type 2 diabetes

asking clients to document how they use their time for 1 week and identify areas where they can incorporate exercise is an example of strategy for overcoming what?

a personal barrier

which is the best example of a corrective statement?

well done, now check your knee alignment.

what is the most influential source of self-efficacy?

past performance experience

which position will you most likely compensate with commission rather than hourly wage?

massage therapists and personal trainers

rather than hiring a number of part time staff or weight floor supervision, you have elected to hire two full time staff. how many hours of overtime must you pay an employee who works 52 hours during a given week?

12 hours

how will you decide the pay rate for various positions you are hiring>

perform a job pricing analysis and based on national/state normative statistics

why would you decide to institute performance-based pay for a given position?

increased employee productivity

what should be included as part of the fitness testing program?

informed consent, pretest evaluation (risk stratification) and flexibility assessment

what strategies would result in the most organized fitness testing program?

create a handbook outlining testing protocols and train your staff accordingly

what strategy would be the best way to ensure fitness testing confidentiality while maintaining accurate record keeping?

create an electronic file of fitness test results and save the file on a password-protected computer

what is some of your primary goals for the fitness assessment program?

present a professional image of the organization, provide member with fitness evaluation against normative data, and establish a friendly relationship, thereby increasing retention

what is the primary advantage to hiring personal trainers as independent contractors versus employees?

reduced tax liability for the club

demonstrating standard of care of can best be accomplished by what?

maintaining professional certifications and continuing education

regarding the handling of potentially hazardous materials, a facility must what?

have a written system for sharing information with members and users, employees and independent contractors

what type of insurance would protect EP-C from ordinary negligence?

general liability

which of the following would protect the EP-C against errors and omissions?

professional indemnity insurance

why is it important to keep your clients/members files in a secure place?

the HIPAA privacy rule states that clients personal information within the facility must be handled discreetly and securely.

as it related to safe and effective exercise programming, each facility member should what?

receive a formal and comprehensive orientation

you are responsible for instructing the new clubs group exercise coordinator on how to perform employee performance evaluations. when it comes to performance evaluations, as important objective is what?

to base most of your management feedback on what i planned and expected of the employee for the upcoming year

you will be hiring full time group exercise coordinator to supervise the group exercise program at the new facility. what is the recommended formal education for a group exercise coordinator in the health/fitness industry

no formal education is required for the position, only a professional certification combined with at lest 3 years of experience as a group exercise instructor

to properly asses an employees progress over the past year, the EP-C should what?

schedule a performance review after the employee has completed a self evaluation first

the assure success of the group exercise program at the new facility, it is important to be consistent with process evaluation on the program. what statement is true regarding program process evaluation?

process evaluation can demonstrate whether procedures were followed and whether they were appropriate and effective

soliciting input and feedback from existing members regarding the quality of the existing group exercise program. methods for acquiring this type of information includes what?

participant surveys

what marketing efforts have the lowest return rate?

direct mail

how often emergency drills be conducted?

twice per year

the most important financial statements are what?

balance sheet and profit and loss statement

injury to a (blank) is called a strain, whereas injury to a (blank) is called a sprain?

muscle or tendon; ligament

the ankle is the most common site of a sprain, with the cause usually from what?

the ankle rolling inward

adding a "P" to RICE stands for what?


bone density begins around the age of 40 for both men and women: TRUE OR FALSE


what are the three phases of an injury, in sequential order?

inflammation, repair and remodeling

the most effective bone loading exercise should be what?


bone loading exercises that prevent the development of osteoporosis also tend to directly benefit what?

reduced risk of falls, improved coordination and increased balance

children have higher stroke volume: TRUE OR FALSE


never perform exercises to fatigue, as that is harmful to growing bone: TRUE OR FALSE


when using perceived exertion ratings with children and adolescents, which is recommended?

use 0-10 scale with pictures

children experience an accelerated period of growth at puberty: TRUE OR FALSE


according to ACSM, and in regards to exercise training, what is the most correct definition?

older adults" are 65 years and older

obese children acclimatize to heat more quickly than lean children: TRUE OR FALSE


which is a recommendation for exercise for exercise in children and adolescents?

exercise vigorously for at least 3 days each week, obtain at least 60 minutes of total exercise daily and perform resistance training exercises at least 3 days a week

in a healthy pregnant woman, what is not a valid reason that exercise should be terminated?

increased fetal movement

what types of exercises should healthy pregnant woman avoid?


during exercise in a pregnancy, what all are true?

vo2 is higher at sub maximal loads, heart rate is higher at lower intensities, and the caloric needs of the pregnant woman increase by around 150 calories per day

ann appropriate exercise prescription during pregnancy should include what?

30 mins a day of moderate intensity exercise, using perceived exertion to monitor intensity and avoid exercises that might cause abdominal trauma

maximal exercise testing to determine appropriate exercise intensity is recommended for pregnant women: TRUE OR FALSE


exercise doing the third trimester?

supine exercise should be avoided whenever possible, an expanded uterus may inhibit blood flow returning to the heart and blood pressure will fluctuate depending on body position

women tend to lose what in a larger proportion than do men?

strength, muscle mass and bone density

coordination, reaction time, balance, and agility are all negatively affected with aging as a neuromotor function worsens: TRUE OR FALSE


older adults should strive for the same amount of aerobic activity that is recommended for all adults (at least 30 mins of moderate intensity activity on 5 or more days: TRUE OR FALSE


regular exercise in older adults had been shown to do what?

improve mental health, prevent falls and improve fitness

as a result of aging, cardiac vessels become (blank) and elasticity is lost in cardiac tissue

more stiff

surpassing the minimal recommendations for muscle strengthening will not confer any additional benefits in older adults: TRUE OR FALSE


according to the health belief model, the most powerful determinant of health behavior is the perception of barriers and/or the costs of taking action: TRUE OR FALSE


according to the TPB, an individuals perception of social pressure to principle, or not, in a behavior is known as what?

subjective norms

what is not one of the 4 main components of the health belief model?

perceived benefit of avoiding healthy behavior

the interaction between individuals and their environments is known as what?

reciprocal determinism

what theory/model recognizes the relations between an individual and her or his physical environment?

social cognitive theory

what statement about theories and models is most true?

theories and models can help practitioners understand why a client has stopped his or her activity participation

according to the self-determination theory, which is not one of the 3 basic psychological needs that must be met in order to be motivated to engage in a behavior?


which is not considered an essential element to a behavioral theory?

variables influence by public policy

which theory or model of behavior change is based on ones attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control?

theory of planned behavior

in the SCT, which is not one of the three main factors that influence behavior?

behavioral proximity

what does stimulus control describe ?

when or how a behavior is triggered

to prevent a return to former, undesirable behaviors after a period of abstinence is known as what?

relapse prevention

intervention strategies are typically used on what?

learning theory

what is not considered a common exercise barrier?

too much time

which is most true of using rewards to prompt behavior change?

extrinsic rewards increase adherence during the adoption phase of behavior change and intrinsic rewards help maintain exercise adherence in the long term

what is most predictive of sustained physical activity?

positive outcome expectations

the process of seeing oneself engaging in a specific behavior or set of behaviors en route to achieving a desired outcome" defines what?

visual imagery

what is not a good example of self-monitoring?

documenting the exercise goal

the novelty of extrinsic rewards (blank) over time?


the primary appraisal of stress involves what?

evaluating the significance of the event

in response to a stressor, the body tries to cope by returning to what?


the psychological benefits that follow exercise are not necessarily related to improvements in physical fitness: TRUE OR FALSE


what is the correct sequence of events in the GAS?

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

what is true in humans intentionally exposed to a cold virus?

those who had high stress developed cold symptoms at almost twice the rate of those who had low stress

what type of stress management is focused on taking an active role in problem solving?

problem management

a pleasant and positively stimulation experience can be defined as what?


stress occurs whenever an environmental demand exceeds ones resources and endangers ones well being: TRUE OR FALSE


personal control involves 4 separate types of control, including?

behavioral, informational decisional

what is not a common type of social support used to manage stress?


choosing words carefully, being cautious with touching during assisting and spotting, and avoiding any suggestions of impropriety is best for the HFS to avoid claims what?

sexual harassment

clients have the rights to what?

the right to receive quality service that is provided in a respectful manner, the right to know the qualifications of staff members and the right to timely responses to their requests

what is a tort?

intentional wrongful act resulting in insult, injury or death, and accidental wrongful act resulting in insult, injury or death

the principal federal agency charged with the enforcement of safety and health legislation in the workplace is what?


civil law retains to personal responsibilities that na individual must observe when dealing with other individuals: TRUE OR FALSE


fitness center management have unlimited rights to investigate an applicants background and personal life: TRUE OR FALSE


negligence cannot override a signed consent form in terms of assigning liability to the HFS: TRUE OR FALSE


what is considered the degree care that a reasonably prudent exercise physiologist would utilize under most circumstances?

standard of care

which would be the best preventive strategy for an EP-C to lessen his/her chances of legal liability with negligence?

adhere to a professional standard while supervising clients, utilize waivers and assumption of risk forms and purchase appropriate liability insurance

which law provides immunity to those persons who in good faith try to protect, serve or tend to the injured or ill?

good samaritan law

which leadership style is described as a process of "exchanging on thing for another"?


the capacity to reason about emotions and use emotions to enhance thinking is key aspect of what?

EI (emotional intelligence)

which described the process of diagnosing an organizations external and internal environments, including deciding on a vision and mission?

strategic planning

which leadership theory most overlaps with visionary and centers on a collective vision of the group as a team?


which is not one of the 4 standards compromising the ACSM code of ethics?

members should maintain certification only through hACSM

the 4 steps to acquiring and apply evidence-based information include what?

developing a question evaluating the evidence and incorporating the evidence into practice

referring fitness clients to medical specialists who are personal friends, although the clients do in fact have relevant diseases is not an apparent conflict of interest for the EP-C: TRUE OR FALSE


what is not an important trait listed baby fitness managers when seeking personal trainers to employ?

having gone to a well-known college or university

a significant financial interest that may compromise an ACSM members professional judgement" is the definition of what?

conflict of interest