Graham's Exercise Phys Test 5 Quizlet

Lots of downhill sprints are likely to lead to DOMS.


The acronym EAMC is short for


Protein synthesis ___________ during exercise and ____________ after exercise.

decreases, increases

Transient hypertrophy results from increased protein synthesis and lasts about a week.


Resistance training techniques designed for men

are equally appropriate for women's training

When motor units contract more synchronously,

muscles increase the rate of force development

A risk factor for fatigue EAMCs is

poor stretching habits

Fiber splitting results from detraining and manifests as muscle atrophy.


With DOMS, muscle enzyme concentrations may increase in the bloodstream by a factor of ________.

2-10 times

Strength gains cannot occur unless there is an increase in muscle size.


In general, whole-muscle hypertrophy in humans most likely results from

mostly fiber hypertrophy with some fiber hyperplasia

Which intracellular change likely contributes the most to increases in fiber size, cross-sectional area, and strength?

more actin and myosin filaments

In untrained individuals, motor units are recruited asynchronously.


A hallmark of acute muscle soreness is increased concentrations of muscle enzymes circulating in the bloodstream.

false; acute muscle soreness is caused by the accumulation of metabolic by-products of exercise (H+) and tissue edema caused by fluid shift

The risk of DOMS after a given training session can be reduced by which training strategy?

reduce eccentric component of muscle action

Circulating white blood cell counts increase as muscle soreness increases.


Which of the following will likely result in the most severe DOMS?

downhill-running interval training

Strength is most accurately a property of the

motor system, not just muscle

Removal of autogenic inhibition most likely plays a key role in "superhuman" feats of strength.


Absolute strength gains are typically greatest in


Acute muscle soreness is caused by edema formation and muscle swelling.


DOMS is associated with inflammatory mediators but not actual structural damage to the muscle.

false; studies of leg muscles of marathons runners revealed major muscle fiber damage

What role do white blood cells play in the development of DOMS?

They secrete inflammatory substances that activate pain nerves in muscle.

maximal force a muscle or muscle group can generate


rate of performing work


capacity to sustain repeated muscle actions or a single static contraction

muscular endurance

Strength =

1 RM

Power =

force x distance / time

Example of muscular endurance

sit ups

Maximal weight the individual can lift one time

1 rep max

What does the term isokinetic mean

Speed remains constant

the rate of energy release by cellular metabolic processes that depend on the involvement that depend on the involvement and availability of oxygen

Aerobic power

maximal capacity for aerobic resynthesis of ATP; synonymous with VO2max

Maximal aerobic power

What is the best measure of maximal aerobic power?

Laboratory graded exercise test to exhaustion

The rate of energy release by cellular metabolic processes that function without the involvement of oxygen

anaerobic power

maximal capacity of anaerobic system to produce ATP; ATP-PC and anaerobic glycolysis

Maximal anaerobic power

any training program must consider the specific needs and ability of the individual for whom it is designed


adaptions to training are highly specific to the nature of the training activity and should be carefully matched to an athlete's specific performance needs


training programs must include a maintenance plan to ensure that the gains from training are not lost


the training stimulus must be progressively increased as the body adapts to the current stimulus

progressive overload

systematic variations in mode/volume/intensity over time to allow for the training stimulus to remain challenging and effective

variation, periodization

an assessment of factors that determine the specific training program appropriate for an individual

needs analysis

What 4 categories go into a needs analysis

muscle groups to be trained, type of training, energy systems to be trained, sites of concern for injury

What considerations should be made when designing a resistance training program?

exercises, order of exercises, number of sets, rest periods, intensity

Resistance training that emphasizes static muscle action

static-contraction resistance training

Training that involves eccentric action

eccentric training

A technique that allows variation in the resistance applied throughout the range of motion in an attempt to match the ability of the muscle or muscle groups to apply force at any specific point in the range of motion

variable-resistance training

Training conducted with equipment that keeps movement speed constant

isokinetic training

A type of dynamic-action resistance training based on the theory that use of the stretch reflex during jumping will recruit additional motor units


This technique has proven effective in a clinical setting to reduce the loss of strength and muscle size during periods of immobilization and to restore strength and size during rehabilitation

electrical stimulation

Repeated bouts of high- to moderate-intensity exercise interspersed with periods of rest or reduced-intensity exercise

interval training

Continuous exercise without rest intervals, structured primarily to affect the oxidative and glycolytic energy systems

continuous training

Endurance training involving long, slow distances

LSD training

Swedish for "speed play," this type of training combines continuous and interval training and stresses both the aerobic and anaerobic energy pathways

Fartlek training

Training program that involved rapid movement from one exercise to another around a "circuit" or established set of exercises

interval-circuit training