Exercise and prescription test 3 (chapter 6-7)

Isometric, dynamic (isotonic), & isokinetic

Name 3 general types of resitance training

This fluctuation in muscular force is due to the change in muscle length and angle of pull as the bony lever is moved, creating a strength curve that is unique for each muscle group.

During dynamic movement why does muscle force production fluctuate throughout ROM

Dynamometers and strain Gages

Name 2 methods for assessing static strength and muscular endurance

- A major disadvantage of free weights, dumbbells, and constant-resistance exercise machines, however, is that they measure dynamic strength only at the weakest point in ROM
- Variable-resistance machines have a moving connection between the resistance an

How do constant resistance, variable resistance, accommodating resistance, & free motion exercise machines differ

- Primary goal of the resistance training program is to develop sufficient muscular fitness so that older adults may carry out activates of daily living (ADLs) without undue stress or fatigue and may retain their functional independence.
- Improve the per

What are the health benefits of resistance training

It combines the advantages of static and dynamic exercises
It overcomes the problems of constant and variable resistance training exercises

What is the major advantage of isokinetic training compared to traditional forms of resistance training

Muscular strength and endurance

What are the 2 important components of muscular fitness

Low back problems,
Osteoporotic fractures &
Musculoskeletal injuries

Adequate levels of muscular fitness lessen the chance of developing what?

Muscular strength

Is defined as the ability of a muscle group to develop maximal contractile force against a resistance in a single contraction

Exercise prescription for resistance training children

Exercise prescription for kids
F- 2-3x/week
I- light moderate
T- 5-10 min warmup/ exercise
T-combo of upper and lower. Focus on trunk and core
V- 6-15 reps/ 1-3 sets
P- increase 5-10% or as gain are made

Muscular endurance

Is the ability of a muscle group to exert sub-maximal force for extended periods

Exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD)

May occur when individuals engage in novel exercise, eccentric exercise, or exercise to which they are unaccustomed

Static and dynamic muscular contractions

Both strength and muscular endurance can be assessed by for what

1. Is to help protect client from injury
2. Free weight exercises performed with the bar over head require one or more spotters
3. The spotter should be at least as strong and tall as the client performing exercise
4. Exercises where bar is placed back or

Name tips for spotting free weight exercises

They measure dynamic strength only at the weakest point in the ROM

What is a major disadvantage for free weights, dumbells, and constant resistance exercise machines?

1. Have client warm up by completing 5 to 10 reps of 40-60% of estimated 1RM
2. During 1 min rest have client stretch muscle group. Followed by 3-5 reps of 60-80% of 1RM
3. Increase weight slowly and have client attempt 1RM. If successful have client rest

Steps for 1 RM Maximum Testing

Muscular strength

The ability of a muscle group to develop maximal contractile force against a resistance in a single contraction

Muscular endurance

The ability of a muscle group to exert sub maximal force for extended periods

Static or isometric

If the resistance is immovable the muscle contraction is

Dynamic contractions

Which there is visible joint movement


Allowing the muscle to shorten as it exerts tension to move the bony lever

Eccentric contraction

The muscle exerting tension while lengthening

Isokinetic contraction

Maximal contraction of a muscle group at a constant velocity throughout the entire range of joint motion

Isometric strength

As the maximum force exerted in a single contraction against an immovable resistance

Excellent >= 115
Very good 104-114
Good 95-103
Fair 84-94
Needs improvement <= 83

Name the age gender norms for combined isometric grip strength for males 20-29years old

Constant resistance exercise

Type of exercise in which the external resistance remains the same throughout the range of motion

Variable resistance exercise

Type of exercise in which resistance changes during the range of motion due to levers, pulleys, and cams

Free motion machines

Resistance exercise machines that have adjustable seats, lever arms, and cable pulleys for exercising muscle groups in multiple planes.

One repetition maximum

The maximum weight that can be lifted for one complete repetition of the movement

Accommodating resistance exercise

Type of exercise in which fluctuations in muscle force throughout the range of motion are matched by an equal counterforce as the speed of limb movement is kept at a constant velocity

Omnikinetic exercise

Type of accommodating resistance exercise that adjust for fluctuations in both muscle force and speed of joint rotation throughout range of motion

Isotonic contraction

Type of muscle contraction producing visible joint movement

Functional fitness

The ability to perform everyday activities safely and independently without undue fatigue

Relative strength

Muscular strength expressed relative to the body mass or lean body mass

Acute-onset muscle soreness

Soreness or pain occurring during or immediately after exercise

Core stability

Ability to maintain ideal alignment of neck, spine, scapulae, and pelvis while exercising

Core strengthening

Strengthening core muscle groups

Delayed onset muscle soreness

Soreness in the muscle occurring 24-48 hr after exercise


Age related loss in muscle strength

Exercise induced hypertrophy

Increase in size of muscle as a result of resistance training

Functional training

System of exercise progressions for specific muscle groups using a stepwise approach that increases the difficulty level and skill require for each exercise in the progression.

Kettle bell training

Type of resistance training that uses a cast iron weight to perform ballistic exercises; improves strength, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility

Linear periodization

Strength training method that progressively increases training intensity as training volume decreased between microcylces


Phase of periodized resistance resistance training program usually lasting 9-12 months


Phase of periodized resistance training program usually lasting 3-4 months


Phase of periodized resistance training program usually lasting 1-4 weeks

Muscle balance

Ratio of strength between muscle groups


Advanced form of training that's systematically varies the volume and intensity of the training exercises


Advanced resistance training system in which a relatively light weight is lifted in the first set and progressively heavier weights are lifted in sets


# of times a specific exercise movement is performed in a set


Age related loss in muscle mass

Training volume

Total amount of training

Split resistance training workout

Train only selected muscle groups in a training session

Whole body resistance training workout

Target all muscle groups in one training session

Name type of workout for chest

Free weight supine bench press
Machine- seated chest press
Body weight- push ups

Name type of workout for back

Free weight- bent over row
Machine- lay pull downs
Pull ups

Name type of workouts for biceps

Free weight- dumbbell curls
Machine- cable curls
Reverse grip pull ups

Sets 2-4 sets per muscle group
Rest 2-3 between sets
Reps 8-12

Volume for sedentary lifestyle resistance training

Principle of specificity

Training response/ adaptations are correlated to the type, frequency, and duration of exercise performed

Muscular power

Maximum power output attainable during a movement; explosiveness

Intensity- <70% 1RPM
Sets: 2-4
Repetitions: 10-25
Rest: 30sec- 1 min

Progression muscular endurance

Intensity: 60-70% 1RPM
Sets: 1-3
Repetitions: 8-12
Rest: 2-3 min

Progression Muscular strength

Intensity: 70-85%
Sets 1-3
Reps 8-12
Rest 2-3

Progression Muscular hypertrophy

Intensity: 0-60%
Sets 1-3
Reps 3-6
Rest 2-3 min

Progression muscular power