Pulmonary Response to Exercise


What is the equation for pulmonary ventilation?

influencing factors on VE

Why are skeletal, respiratory musculature, and lung disease important in the thorax?

Maximum voluntary ventilation

What is maximal ventilation also referred to as?

140-180 L/min

What is maximal VE in college aged men?

80-120 L/min

What is maximal VE in college aged women?


How much higher is MVV than VE observed at maximal exercise?


Cardiac output increases during exercise depending on _______.

5, 20-30

Pulmonary perfusion can be from ___ L/min at rest to ____ L/min or greater at peak exercise.

right side

Increase in cardiac output on the __________ equates to an increase in pulmonary perfusion.


On average alveolar ventilation is ___ of cardiac output.

light, heavy

During ____ exercise the ratio of ventilation to perfusion is about the same. During ______ exercise the ratio of ventilation to perfusion may increase to > 5.0 with a fairly uniform distribution of blood flow.

Vd / Vt

What is the ventilatory dead space to tidal volume ration in formula form?

tidal volume that represents physiologic dead space ventilation

What does Vd / Vt represent?

expired CO2 and arterial CO2

What is used to calculate physiologic dead space?


What is resting physiologic dead space?

.1 to .2

Where can physiologic dead space fall between during exercise as ventilation and perfusion are better matched?

Second ventilatory threshold

What represents further increase in ventilation to counter the decrease in plasma pH during heavy exercise?

Lactate threshold

What is the highest exercise intensity that is not associated with an elevation in blood lactate above pre-exercise levels?


Lactic acid is buffered producing an additional source of what?


CO2 being present from an additional source causes an increase in what?

VE and CO2

What have a dislinear rise during progressive exercise?

increases rapidly and levels off

What happens to ventilation during light to moderate intensity, short-term submax exercise?


What happens to Vd during light to moderate intensity, short-term submax exercise?

increases rapidly and levels off

What happens to Vt during light to moderate intensity, short-term submax exercise?

slowly increases and levels off

What happens to frequency during light to moderate intensity, short-term submax exercise?

decreases initially and levels off

What happens to VD/VT during light to moderate intensity, short-term submax exercise?

increases rapidly, levels off, drifts upward

What happens to VE during heavy, long duration, submax exercise?


What happens to VD during heavy, long duration, submax exercise?

increases rapidly and levels off

What happens to VT during heavy, long duration, submax exercise?

increases slowly, levels off, drifts upward

What happens to frequency during heavy, long duration, submax exercise?

decreases rapidly and levels off

What happens to VD/VT during heavy, long duration, submax exercise?

initial rectilinear rise, has two breakpoints

What happens to VE during incremental to max exercise?


What happens to VD during incremental to max exercise?

inverted U shape (increases greatly and reverses incocmpletely)

What happens to VT during incremental to max exercise?

has exponential curvilinear rise

What happens to frequency during incremental to max exercise?

decreases rapidly, levels off at 60% of max and maintains

What happens to VD/VT during incremental to max exercise?


During rest and light exercise oxygen cost of ventilation is ____ of total VO2. (1.9-3.1 mL of O2 per liter of air)


As exercise intensity increases oxygen cost rises to _______ of O2 per liter of air.


At maximal exercise oxygen costof ventilation is as much as _____ of total VO2.


At max exercise inspiratory muscles using _____ of max capacity.


What is the oxygen deficit during beginning and end of steady state exercise?


What is recovery oxygen uptake during beginning and end of steady rate exercise?

ventilation, VO2

At beginning of exercise, _______ increases at a much greater rate than ____.


Cost of breathing in someone with COPD can be __ times greater than a healthy individual.


In severe pulmonary disease, cost of breathing may reach ___ of total VO2.

leads to COPD

What are the chronic effects of tobacco use?

increase in airway resistance which may increase cost of breathing during heavy exercise

What are acute effects of tobacco use?


Does the pulmonary system limit aerobic capacity in healthy populations?


During heavy exercise healthy individuals tend to ______ in relation to oxygen uptake which results in an increase in alveolar PO2 and a decrease in alveaolar PCO2.

elite endurance athletes (difference btwn alveolar and arterial PO2 widens and oxygen saturation drops)

In what population might the pulmonary system be a limiting factor?

rapid blood flow

In elite endurance athletes, diffusion limitation may be secondary to _________ through a relatively normal sized capillary volume.

increases, increases

In response to exercise oxygen consumption _____ and carbon dioxide production _____.


If left unchecked, arterial oxygen concentration would _____.


If left unchecked arterial carbon dioxide would ____ which would decrease pH.

100 mmHg

Where does the body want to keep O2 levels?

40 mmHg

Where does the body want to keep CO2 levels?


Where does the body want to keep pH?


What must increase during exercise to maintain homeostasis?

controlling factors of pulmonary ventilation

What are the following: temperature, receptors in lung tissue, proprioceptors in jts and muscles, chemical state of blood in medulla, peripheral chemoreceptors, motor cortex, subcortical regions?

Feedback control

What is dominant during resting ventilation, but not the primary mechanism during exercise?


During normal conditions for light and moderate exercise, O2 and CO2 concentrations do not change enough to stimulate _______.

ventilation, arterial CO2

During heavy exercise, increase in CO2 from buffering of lactic acid stimulates central chemoreceptors to increase ____ and decrease ______.

cyclic oscillations

What may be detected by peripheral chemoreceptors and influence exercise ventilation? (because it isnt from O2 and CO2 changing)

Cortical influence

What comes from respiratory neurons in the medulla being stimualted by neural outflow from regions of the motor cortex and cortical activation in anticipation of exercise? This impacts abrupt increase in VE at beginning of exercise.

Peripheral Influence

What is sensory input from joints, tendons, or muscles?


increase in _____ stimulates neurons of the respiratory center; rapid changes in ventilation at beginning and end of exercise to rapid are accounted for by this.

pulmonary ventilation

Together all the systems finely match oxygen demand/ carbon dioxide elimination to ________.

increase until teens, steady til 30, drops

Describe pattern of minute ventilation at maximal exercise as you age, not relative to body weight.

slow, steady decline

Describe pattern of ventilation relative to body weight at maximal exercise as you age.

very slow steady decrease

Describe frequency of breaths as it changes with age.

slow steady increase followed by slow decline

Describe change in tidal volume as we age, mainly during max exercise.


From kid to adult frequency of breaths _____.


From child to adult tidal volume does what?


From child to adult ventilation does what?