Exercise Physiology Final

While running routine analysis, you discover a new hormone that increases during exercise. You don't know what it does or why. When you publish the paper, what type of research would this be?


A student looks at the influence of a 20-gram protein shake on time to complete a mile run in 18-20-year-old women. Which of the following is an example of a dependent variable?


The ability of a test to produce consistent measurements is referred to as:


Which of the following isn't part of the composition of a typical amino acid?

A carbon ring

An adaptive increase in which of the following would have the greatest impact on glycolytic performance?


If an athlete has depleted his or her creatine reserves, what is the possible implication?

The athlete's ATP-PC capacity will decrease

You note of a molecule that has two carbon rings joined together. What is this molecule an example of?


Which of the following adaptations will have the greatest impact on aerobic performance from 10min to 2hours?

Increased glycogen stores

Choose the answer that fills the blanks in the correct order: __________ is a series of oxygen-independent reactions that break down _____________, forms ___________, and produces ATP.

Glycolysis, glucose, pyruvate

What is the best characterization of oxygen consumption immediately at the onset of exercise?

Oxygen deficit

An RER of 0.8 represents:

A greater proportion of energy is from fat (but not 80%)

Choose the answer that isn't correct: Aerobic adaptations to exercise include:

Increased use of CHO's at a given intensity

Choose the best answer:

A high-CHO drink decreases fat metabolism and increases CHO metabolism

Choose the answer that isn't correct: In theory, the excess post-oxygen consumption (EPOC) period:

Is characterized by excess oxygen consumption over that seen during activity

Choose the answer that fills the blanks in the correct order: ________ is the polysaccharide form in which animals store CHO; ____________ refers to its breakdown into glucose; and __________ refers to its synthesis from glucose. __________ refers to the

Glycogen, glycogenolysis; glycogenesis; glycolysis; gluconeogenesis

During strenuous exercise all of the following activate glycogen phosphorylase to facilitate glycogenolysis except:

increased insulin release

Fat mobilization may exceed fat oxidation and lead to incomplete fat breakdown and accumulation of ketone bodies through:

Both A and B: Depletion of glycogen during exercise and limitations in glucose transport to the cell (e.g. diabetes)

Which of the following best represents a ketogenic diet?

Low CHO, low protein, high fat

Which of the following would produce the highest levels of ketone bodies?

Prolonged fasting (~5 days)

Which of the following is a potential complication of ketogenic diet with regards to improved performance?

All of the above: It may reduce the ability to utilize CHO's for energy, it may limit exercise training intensity, it may limit the ability to respond to fluctuations in intensity during competition

Which of the following is one of the proposed reasons ketone bodies might improve endurance performance?

Two of the above: Ketones may reduce CNS fatigue & Ketone bodies may reduce CHO oxidation thus sparing CHO's

CHO feedings during prolonged, high intensity aerobic exercise:

Both A and B: Conserve muscle glycogen, maintain blood glucose

Consuming high-glycemic CHO's an hour before exercising causes blood sugar to rise rapidly and may lead to _______.

Rebound hypoglycemia

Consuming high-glycemic carbohydrates immediately after exercise __________.

Stimulates the insulin response and enhances glycogen storage

Which component of protein is the body unable to oxidize?


One mole of glucose when degraded in anaerobic glycolysis will have a net production of:

2 moles of ATP

Which substance is a likely inhibitor of metabolic enzymes?


The energy to phosphorylate/synthesize ATP during short-term (~30 sec) high intensity exercise is derived mainly from muscle glycogen through anaerobic glycolysis.


Which of the following may create a rise in the respiratory exchange ratio that doesn't reflect actual micronutrient oxidation?

All of the above: Hyperventilation, buffering of lactic acid, increased body fat through excess CHO intake

Which tissues are primarily responsible for oxidizing lactate?

heart & liver

The concept of maximum oxygen consumption as the first and most common means of evaluating aerobic endurance capacity was developed by _________.

A.V. Hill

Which of the following best describes the exercise intensity between LT(Aer) and LT(An)?

Intensity at which blood lactate levels increase and then stay relatively constant

Which of the following would likely result in lower than expected blood lactate levels?

Glycogen depletion caused by low CHO diet or exhaustive exercise

A shift to the right of a graph/curve representing the change in blood lactate concentrations with increasing intensity would signify ________.

An increase in LT and a likely increase in endurance performance

Which of the following is best defined as the highest constant workload that still leads to an equilibrium between lactate production and lactate elimination?


Oxygen deficit is ___________ and the time period of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption is (EPOC) is ______ after a high intensity exercise bout versus a low intensity exercise bout of the same duration.

Greater, longer

During recovery from aerobic exercise, oxygen consumption remains elevated due to all of the following except:

decreased circulation

Power tests that measure brief, maximal exercise capacity assumes enough ATP and PCr exist to support maximal performance for about:

6 seconds

BMR is higher than RMR because RMR takes into account energy necessary to digest a meal. (T/F)


RMR typically accounts for what percentage of total daily energy expenditure.


Power tests that measure brief, maximal exercise capacity assume enough ATP and PCr exist to support maximal performance for about:

6 seconds

The traditional criteria for achieving a "true VO2max" is the demonstration of:

No further increase in oxygen consumption with increasing exercise intensity

For a person of average fitness, with no specialized activity, which test protocol will produce the highest VO2max value?

Treadmill walk/run test

Which of the following factors may contribute to differences among individuals in their capacity to generate short-term anaerobic energy.

All of the above: training status, capacity to buffer acid metabolites, motivation

Which of the following factors might contribute to gender differences in VO2max values?

All of the above: women generally have less absolute muscle mass, women generally have higher % body fat, women generally have lower hemoglobin concentrations

Using a submaximal exercise testing to predict VO2max relies on the key assumption that the relationship between HR-VO2 is ______.


The cerebellum serves as the major:

All of the above: Integrating center for postural adjustments, evaluating center for locomotion, center for diverse reflex functions related to movement

Which structure of the diencephalon regulates functions ranging from metabolic rate to temperature regulation


Which of the following nerve fibers innervate skeletal muscle?

B and C: Somatic and motorneurons

Which of the following nervous systems can be subdivided into sympathetic and parasympathetic components?


The type ____ fiber exhibits a fast-shortening speed and a well-developed capacity for energy transfer from anaerobic sources.


Which of the following isn't a characteristic of motor units with low force capacity?

rapid shortening time

Based on the force-velocity relationship in skeletal muscle, what type of contraction can produce the greatest force?


Which of the following isn't a function of muscle spindles?

to inhibit muscle contraction in order to protect against excessive loads

In the body, a single nerve usually supplies multiple muscle fibers. (t/f)


During a muscular contraction in which the muscle length shortens which part(s) of the sarcomere decrease in size:


In rigor mortis, the muscles stiffen and become rigid soon after death because the muscle no longer contains which of the following?


Which of the following are also referred to as "resistance vessels" because they dramatically alter their internal diameter to rapidly regulate blood flow to the periphery?


Which of the following triggers the relaxation of precapillary sphincters?

All of the above: intrinsic neural control, the driving force of increased local blood pressure, local metabolites produced in exercise

Venous return is enhanced by:

All of the above: the alternate compression and relaxation of the veins by skeletal muscles, the one-way action of the flaplike valves spaced at short intervals within the vein, changes in intrathoracic pressure during normal respiration

During low intensity exercise the heart uses _______ as the primary fuel source


Blood pressure increases during exercise due to:

Two of the above: increased heart rate, increased stroke volume or increased total peripheral resistance

Compared to lower body exercise, upper body exercise at the same VO2 results in ___________ in systolic pressures and ________ stroke volumes.

Higher, lower

In addition to the effect that sympathetic stimulation has on the myocardium, it also affects coronary blood flow by which of the following vasomotor actions?


When stimulated, parasympathetic neurons act to ________ the rate of sinus discharge and ultimately _________ heart rate?

Decrease, slowing

Cardiac denervation with the SA-node intact, which may result from heart transplantation, would result in a resting heart rate close to _______.

100 bpm

Increases in which of the following will cause auto-regulatory vasodilation in active muscles?

all of the above: Adenosine, Ca2+, temperature and acidity

What is the approximate average resting cardiac output for trained and untrained individuals?

5 L/min

Endurance athletes achieve higher cardiac outputs than sedentary individuals through large increases in which variable of the cardiac output formula?

Stroke volume

In a normal heart increasing the end-diastolic volume will result in which of the following?

All of the above: stretching of the myocardium, increases in the strength of the contraction, increased volume of blood ejected during systole

What type of relationship exists between maximum cardiac output and maximum oxygen consumption?

Both A and D: linear relationship and direct relationship

When one begins to exercise what happens to the value of a a-VO2 difference from rest towards maximal exercise?


When drawing a graph to illustrate the Frank-Starling Curve, if the x-axis represents end diastolic volume what range of values (rest-max) would be most appropriate?


When drawing a graph to illustrate the Frank-Starling Curve the curve representing the relationship between SV and EDV would be ___________ compared to normal under sympathetic stimulation.

Shifted up and to the left

Which of the following factors accounts for the increase in SV as EDV increases?

All of the above: increased Ca2+ sensitivity, improved actin-myosin overlap, greater elastic recoil

In the picture of the cardiac cycle which letter points to the curve representing left ventricular pressure?


In the picture of the cardiac cycle which letter points to the curve representing aortic pressure?


In the picture of the cardiac cycle which of the following best describes the point labeled by the number 6?

Shows the rapid increase in left ventricular volume as the atria contract

In the picture of the cardiac cycle which of the following best describes the point labeled by the number 12?

Shows the point at which ventricular pressure equals aortic pressure

In the picture of the cardiac cycle which of the following best describes the point labeled by the number 17?

shows the point at which ventricular pressure equals aortic pressure and the semilunar valves close

In the picture of the cardiac cycle which of the following best describes the point labeled by the number 18?

shows the increase in aortic pressure at a result of systemic backflow following the forceful ejection of blood from the heart and ventricular relaxation

The most appropriate range of values for the left axis related to curve A for an endurance trained individual is ______?


The most appropriate range of values for the left axis related to curve B for an endurance trained individual is _______?

0-120 mmHg

. The O2 content of exhaled air measured during open-circuit spirometry is ___ ambient air.

Less than

A common clinical measure of dynamic lung volume is:

forced expiratory volume (FEV) measured over 1 second

Adequate gas exchange between alveoli and blood requires effective matching of alveolar ventilation to:

blood perfusing the pulmonary capillaries

At the working muscle cell level, gas exchange is driven by:

Both A and B: a decrease in PO2 in the muscle cell, an increase of PCO2 in the muscle cell

The partial pressure of O2 in the alveoli is approximately ______ mm Hg lower than in room air because of ________.

50, water vapor pressure and mixing with residual lung volume

At rest, the partial pressure of CO2 in venous blood is approximately _________.

46 mm Hg

Normally an athlete that breaths a gas mixture of concentrated oxygen between plays in an attempt to recover more quickly can expect to:

Show no change in the oxygen saturation of red blood cells

The iron-protein pigment in skeletal & cardiac muscle that acts as an "extra" oxygen store:


At rest which of the following exerts the greatest control of pulmonary ventilation?

The chemical state of the blood

In which of the following conditions or circumstances does a decrease in arterial PO2 occur?

A and C: When one ascends to high altitude and exercise by a subject with obstructive pulmonary disease

Which of the following are monitored by various receptors to regulate ventilation?

All of the above; the chemical state of arterial blood, arterial PO2 levels, stretch in the lungs

The most important respiratory stimulus at rest is provided by this.

CO2 pressure in arterial plasma

At rest, hemoglobin only gives up about ___% of its oxygen.


The primary stimulus to breathe during breath holding is NOT a result of which of the following?

decreased PO2

What can cause a diver to lose consciousness before reaching the surface?

a decrease in blood oxygen content before an increase in arterial PCO2

Ventilatory adjustments to exercise are caused by which of the following?

All of the above: peripheral sensory input from chemo and mechanoreceptors in joints and muscles, changes in PCO2 and changes in H+ concentration, cortical activation

The ventilatory response to steady-state exercise occurs in three phases. Which of the following is phase one?

anticipatory cortical stimulus to active limbs causes feedforward stimulus of respiratory nerves and an abrupt increase in ventilation

Which of the following experiments would demonstrate that pulmonary structure/function is a primary factor limiting VO2max:

-increasing the fraction of inspired O2 and thus arterial O2 saturation and then measuring VO2 max

In some elite female endurance athletes maximal oxygen consumption is limited by:

pulmonary function

Which of the following best describes #1 in the figure above?


Which of the following best describes #4 in the figure above?

residual lung volume

Which of the following best represents the appropriate values for the y-axis?

0, 1, 2, 3, 6 (L)

Which of the following represents an appropriate value for #3?


In the trained state, cortisol responses to the same absolute intensity, acute exercise bout are _________________ compared to the sedentary state

slightly lower

Which of the following isn't true regarding how hormones alter the cellular reactions of target tissues?

none of the above

Hormonal activation of adenylate cyclase results in:

All of the above: cAMP production, protein kinase activation, cellular signal transduction through a phosphorylation cascade

ACTH is associated with all of the following functions except:

increasing glucose uptake

The rate of secretion is the sole factor determining hormone concentrations in the blood. (T/F)


The general response pattern for most hormones to exercise involves:

increased plasma concentration

In the trained state, catecholamine response to the same absolute submaximal exercise workload is:

slightly lower

During a bout of endurance exercise _________.

All of the above: growth hormone increases, ACTH increases at intensities above 25%, insulin decreases

During an acute bout of endurance exercise ________.

Insulin decreases

Which of the following is lower at rest in endurance trained individuals?


Based on the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve, which of the following factors increases the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen?

Decreased pCO2

Endurance exercise training results in ________.

A suppressed response of epinephrine to endurance exercise