Exercise physiology exam 2

Which of the following incorrectly describes the time course of detraining and retraining with aerobic exercise?

The time course of detraining and retraining are very similar.

The gains in strength that occur in the first 8 weeks of a resistance training program are primarily due to...

neural adaptations

The increase in muscle size associated with chronic resistance training is traditionally believed to be the result of mainly...


The increase in muscle fiber number is referred to as...


Someone who has been resistance training for 2 years would be able to increase relative strength faster than a person who just started resistance training. Assume they both train at the same relative intensity.


Which of the following is more true?
Combining strength and endurance training will result in decreased gains in strength performance
Combining strength and endurance training will result in increased gains in strength performance

Combining strength and endurance training will result in decreased gains in strength performance

Detraining has the greatest impact on the cross sectional area (size) OF WHICH FIBER TYPE?

type IIx

Choose the training principle which would best explain
The track coach has runners increase their mileage every week.
Over summer break I did not lift as much and my maximum bench press dropped 20 lbs
Each week I increase either the number of sets, reps,


A study that compares the VO2max values of a group of 20 year old women to a group of 40 year old women is a...

cross-sectional study

What would be a reasonable VO2max value (mlO2/kg/min) for the average male college student?

40-50 ml/kg/min

What would be a reasonable VO2max value (mlO2/kg/min) for the average female college student?

35-40 ml/kg/min

According to the text, genetic influence of ones aerobic capacity comes predominently from ones


All of the following help to explain the increase in VO2max with training except

increased heart rate max

All of the following are adaptations that typically increase a-v O2 difference with endurance training except...

Increase Hemoglobin content of the blood

All of the following are adaptations that occur with endurance training except...

increase in muscle mass

What is normal body temperature in �C?

37 degrees c

At rest the major method of body heat loss is...


During exercise the major method of heat loss is...


In a hot environment, the blood vessels close to the skin


In general, women are more heat tolerant than men.


Which of the following is not an adaptive response to heat acclimatization?

decreased rate of sweating

One of my former students Nick completed the Marine Corps � marathon last year in 1hr and 46 min. He ran at an average 8 minute mile pace (16.4 kcals/min) for the race. Calculate the calories lost as heat.

1391 cals

For nick to maintain a relatively constant body temperature how much fluid loss would he have experienced? Remember it takes the evaporation of 1 liter of sweat to dissipate 580 kcals of heat and about 80% of the total caloric expenditure appears as heat.

2.4 L

In general, women are more cold tolerant than men.


Match the following
options: acid, base, buffer
A molecule that can liberate H+ ions
A molecule that is capable of combining with H+ ions
A molecule that helps the body resist changes in pH


Normal blood pH is..


Which of the following is not an organ in the body that helps regulate blood pH?


How will blowing off excess CO2 by deep, rapid breathing effect blood pH?

blood ph will go up

A blood pH of 7.2 is indicative of acidosis .


If you were to chose a supplement that might improve buffering of metabolic acids during anaerobic activity, which of the following would be your best choice?

sodium citrate

What would be the partial pressure of O2 in the air on Mt McKinley (the highest peak in the US) with a barometric pressure of 466 mmHg?

98 mmHg

The primary function of the respiratory system is acid/base balance.


Which of the following muscles is not actively involved in deep inspiration?

rectus abdomonis

Which of the following muscles is involved in passive expiration?


Pulmonary ventilation can be calculated by...

tidal volume x frequency of breaths per minute

Tidal volume is the maximal amount of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration.


Vital capacity is the maximal amount of air that can be expired after a maximal inspiration.


Which of the following is Not a way that CO2 is transported in the blood?

bound to lactate

Training reduces the ventilatory response to exercise.


What is the PO2 in the pulmonary vein in a resting individual at sea level?

100 mmHg
sea level=760xO2=.2093

Calculate the PO2 in the air on Mount Everest (barometric pressure 253 mmHg).

53 mmHg

The reason why the average person would be unable to breath at the summit of Mt Everest is because the % O2 in the air is much lower than at sea level.


Which does NOT effect the loading and unloading of oxygen on/from hemoglobin.

creatine phosphate

Which results in a constant or chronic narrowing of the airways?


Which of the following best describes hematicrit?

cellular portion of blood

Which of the following has the biggest inpact on increasing blood flow to exercising muscle during exercise?

size of blood vessel

Which of the following plateaus at about 40% VO2max during incremental exercise of a non athlete?

stroke volume

Which of the following increases linearly until VO2max is reached during and incremental exercise test of a non athlete?

heart rate

What does a-v O2 differnce refer to?

The difference between the O2 content in the arteries and the veins.

For the following, match the absolute or relative blood flow during exercise to the appropriate change.
options: up or down
Absolute blood flow to exercising skeletal muscle
relative blood flow to the myocardium
relative blood flow to the viscera (gut)


What are the components of "double product"?

heart rate x systolic blood pressure

The primary reason for an Exercise Professional to know if a client is taking a Beta Blocker for hypertension is the effect on...

heart rate

Which of the following is true of both skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle.

have a stiated appearance

Which phase of the cardiac cycle occupies more time at rest?


Calculate the mean arterial pressure for a hypertensive man who's BP is 165/95 at rest.

118 mmHg
95+.33x (165-95)=118 mmHg

What is the resting cardiac output of an athlete with a heart rate of 50 beats/min and a stroke volume of 100 ml

50000 ml/min

Which of the following is not an example of cardiac output?

Amount of blood pumped by the heart per beat.

Which of the following is the best description of stroke volume?

The amount of blood pumped by the heart per beat.

Which of the following is not a factor in stroke volume regulation during exercise?

testosterone levels

Which of the following does not contribute to increased end diastolic volume?


A person who exercises would have 60% less permanent heart damage from a heart attack compared to a sedentary person.


S-T segment depression recorded on an ECG is an indication of which condition?

cardiac ischemia

Which of the following functions as a length detector in muscle?

muscle spindle

Which of the following monitors tension produced by a muscle?

golgi tendon organ

The muscle shortens during an eccentric contraction.


The maximum velocity of shortening is greatest at the lowest force.

The maximum velocity of shortening is greatest at the lowest force.

This fiber type is the first to be damaged during high force contractions.

type IIx

This fiber type is the most fatigue resistant muscle fiber.

type I

This fiber type has the fastest speed of contraction (maximal shortening velocity).

type IIx

This fiber type uses a combination of anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.

type IIa

This fiber type has the most mitochondria.
This fiber type is the most efficient.
This fiber type is most prevalent in marathon runners.

type I

Older adults (>75 years old) have an increased percentage of type I fibers and a decreased percentage of type IIx fibers.


The overall nervous system is divided into which two major divisions?

peripheral nervous system and autonomic nervous system

The peripheral NS is divided into what two major divisions?

motor and sensory

The sodium/potassium pump pumps 3 Na+____ (into, out) and 2 K+____ (into, out of) the cell.

out, into

The autonomic NS is divided into which major divisions?

sympathetic and parasympathetic

Which of the following best defines "motor unit"?

One motor nerve and all the muscle fibers it innervates.

Resting membrane potential of a neuron is generally..

-45 - -75 mv

Which division of the autonomic NS usually stimulates its receptor organ?


Which division of the autonomic NS is most prevalent at rest?


Evidence suggests that both aerobic and resistance exercise can improve the functional capacity of patients with multiple sclerosis.
