Exercise Physiology Midterm 1

What is the difference between homeostasis and steady-state? Give an example.

Homeostasis is the maintenance of a constant or unchanging "normal" internal environment during unstressed condtions.
Steady state is also defined as a constant internal environment, but this does not necessarily mean that the internal environment is at r

What are the components of a biological control system and how do they work?

It is a series of interconnected components that maintain a physical or chemical parameter at a near constant value. Components: sensor or receptor which detects changes in variables, control center which asses inpot and initiates response: center to inte

What is the difference between negative feedback and positive feedback?

Most control systems operate via negative feedback. Response reverses the initial disturbance in homeostasis. Response of control system is negative (opposite) of stimulus. Ex. Increase extracellular CO2 triggers a receptor which sends information to resp

How does exercise impact "homeostasis"?

Exercise represents a challenge to the body's control systems to maintain homeostasis. In general, the body's control systems are capable of maintaining a steady state during most types of exercise in a cool environment.
However, intense exercise or prolo