Exercise Physiology Final Exam

Lactate dehydrogenase

Enzyme used when lactate is created from pyruvate

T or F - Each molecule of glycogen that goes through glycolysis yields 3 new ATP


T or F - Beta oxidation converts FFA's into Acetyl-CoA in fat cells


T or F - When hard exercise starts, blood glucose is the first energy source used


T or F - PFK is the primary rate limiting enzyme in glycolysis


T or F - Cellular oxidation takes place in the cytoplasm of the muscle cell


T or F - Oxygen is combined with ADP in the Krebs cycle to form ATP


T or F - RER is determined by dividing CO2 by O2 consumed


T or F - If the RER is 1.0 or higher, then we are sure that primarily carbs are being utilized


T or F - Insulin and Glucagon really have opposite effects


T or F - Any food substrate can directly enter the Electron Transport Chain


T or F - PH levels in the body can alter enzyme activity


T or F - Calcium is an example of a second messenger


T or F - Glycogenolysis is the process of creating glucose from proteins


T or F - Beta Oxidation converts FFA's into Acetyl-CoA


Depletion of carbohydrate stores during exercise influences fat metabolism by?

Reducing the amount of Pyruvic Acid in the sarcoplasm

Carbohydrates are normally stored as?


Creation of new glucose in the liver is called?


Fructose enters glycolysis at which molecule?


Galactose enters glycolysis at which molecule?

Glucose 6 Phosphate

The term oxygen deficit refers to the?

Lag in oxygen consumption at the beginning of exercise

Steroid hormones exert their action into a cell by?

Stimulating DNA directly

Triglycerides are converted to acetyl-CoA by a process called?


What is the major hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary gland that aids in plasma volume regulation?

ADH - Anti Diuretic Hormone

What is the indicator of achieving VO2 max?

No change in VO2 with an increase in work rate

At approximately what percentage of VO2 max does the lactate threshold occur in untrained people?


Most of the carbohydrate used as a substrate during exercise comes from?

Muscle glycogen stores

The majority of the hormones we talked about in class do what during exercise?


Insulin decreases in the blood during exercise why?

To maintain blood glucose levels

T or F - One use for energy in the body is for the movement of ions


T or F - The significance of glycolysis taking place in the sarcoplasm of the cell is that; that's where the main fuel source is for glycolysis


T or F - RER can tell you how much protein you're burning?


T or F - Fats can directly enter the Krebs cycle?



Increased capacity in response to training overload


- Specific muscle involved
- Energy systems that provide ATP


When training is stopped, the training effect is quickly lost

Training to increase VO2 Max

- Large muscle groups, dynamic activity
- 20-60 min, 3-5 times/week, 50%-85% VO2 Max

Expected increases in VO2 Max

- 15% (average) - 30% (prolonged or strenuous training if couch potato)
- Greater increase in highly de-conditioned or diseased subjects

Genetic Predisposition

Accounts for 40% - 66% VO2 Max


- Increases cardiac output
- Increases blood flow to muscles
- Believed to reduce risk of injury


Return blood "pooled" in muscles to control circulation

Three Methods to Improve Aerobic Power

- Long, slow distance
- Interval training
- High intensity, continuous exercise

What is the most important factor in improving VO2 Max?


Long, Slow Distance

- Low intensity exercise
- 57% VO2 Max or 70% HR Max
- Duration greater than would be expected in competition
- Based on idea that training improvements are based on volume of training

Interval Training

- Repeated exercise bouts separated by rest periods
- Should last longer than 60 seconds to improve VO2 Max

Work Interval

Intensity: 85%-100% HR Max

Rest Interval

- Light activity such as walking
- Should be as long as the work interval (minimum) - 2:1 ratio is also good

High Intensity, Continuous Exercise (Tempo Training)

- Appears to be the best method of increasing VO2 Max & lactate threshold

High Intensity Exercise

- 80% to 90% HR Max
- At or slightly above lactate threshold

How do most injuries occur during exercise?



- Short term, high intensity exercise
- Prolonged, low-intensity exercise

What is the 10% rule for safely increasing training load?

Intensity or duration should not be increased by more than 10% per week

ATP-PC System for improved anaerobic power

- Short (5-10 seconds)
- High intensity work intervals, 30-60 seconds rest intervals

Glycolytic System for improved anaerobic power

- Short (20-60 seconds)
- High intensity work intervals, 2-4 minutes rest intervals

What are the two types of strength training exercises?

Dynamic and Isotonic


Increase in fiber diameter


Increase in fiber number

What is the term for increasing fiber diameter for increases in muscle size?


Progressive Resistance Exercise

- Improvements in strength via progressive overload
- Periodically increasing resistance (weight lifting) to overload muscle
- Basis for most weight training programs

Principles of Strength Training

- Muscles must be exercised near peak tension for increases in strength
- There is no "optimum" weight training program
- 3-4 days per week with rest days in between is recommended
- Strength training should involve same muscles as competition (movement p

Free weights vs. Machines

- Strength gains are similar following training using both.

Combining strength and endurance training?

- Combined, training may result in lower gains in strength alone
- Recommended that strength and endurance training be performed on alternate days for optimal strength gains
- Power athletes should not perform endurance training as it will reduce power &

Argument for free weights vs. machines?

- Some data shows that free weights produce greater strength gains
- Produce greater movement variability & specificity
- Force control of balance & stabilization

Gender differences in response to strength training?

- Untrained males have greater absolute strength than untrained females
- Strength related to cross-sectional area of muscle
- There does not appear to be a gender difference in response to strength training

DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)

- Appears 24-48 hours after strenuous exercise
- Due to microscopic tears in muscle fibers resulting in inflammatory response

Static Stretching

- Continuously holding a stretch position
- Preferred technique due to less chance of injury and soreness, along with less muscle spindle activity

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF)

Isometric contraction of muscle being stretched

Dynamic Stretching

Ballistic stretching movements

What are the goals of Off-Season Conditioning?

- Prevent excessive weight (fat) gain
- Maintain muscular strength or endurance
- Maintain bone & ligament strength
- Maintain skill level

What is the goal of pre-season conditioning?

Increase to maximum the energy systems used in particular sport

What is the goal of in-season conditioning?

Maintenance of fitness level

What are the most common training mistakes?

- Overtraining
- Undertraining
-Performing non-specific exercises
- Failure to schedule a long term training plan
- Failure to taper before a performance

What are the symptoms of overtraining?

- Decrease in performance
- Loss of body weight
- Increased # of infections
- Chronic fatigue
- Elevated heart rate & blood lactate levels during exercise
- Psychological staleness

T of F - Men and Women respond similarly to training programs?


T or F - Training improvement is always greater in individuals with lower initial fitness?


T or F - Genetics play an important role in how an individual responds to training?
