Final Exam - Exercise Physiology

D.B. Dill was a pioneer in the field of exercise physiology and was well known for his research in

human responses to exercise, heat, and high altitude

The methods and equipment for measuring oxygen consumption during exercise were first developed by

John Haldane

Muscle biopsy, a technique originally used in the early 1900s to study muscular dystrophy, was later introduced in the mid-1960s as a method for studying

muscle biochemistry

Who worked with P.-O. �strand to publish a classic study that provided a means to predict aerobic capacity from submaximal heart rate?

Irma Rhyming

Which protein is sensitive to Ca2+ and thereby helps initiate contraction?


The process of plasmalemma depolarization involves which ion?


Which is the correct order of events in a contraction?

T-tubule action potential, Ca2+ released, cross-bridging, Ca2+ gathered in

The speed of muscle fiber contraction is determined primarily by the

speed of myosin ATPase

An example of an energy substrate is

palmitic acid

Which of these substrate stores in the body can provide the most overall kilocalories?


Which of the following is responsible for lowering the activation energy of a chemical reaction?

Enzyme activity

The anaerobic glycolytic system would be the primary source of ATP for which running event?

800m (1/2 mi) run

In the absence of oxygen, the final product of glycolysis is

Lactic Acid

For aerobic metabolism, free fatty acids must be converted to acetyl-CoA via


In which part of the cell does oxidative phosphorylation occur?


An athlete with a high percentage of type II fibers would exhibit which characteristics?

Fewer mitochondria, lower oxidative enzymes

The somatic nervous system most specifically belongs to which division of the nervous system?


If membrane potential changes from -40 mV to -35 mV, this is an example of


The accumulation of multiple EPSPs on a postsynaptic cell is called


Which neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the motor end plate of a neuromuscular junction?


If membrane potential changes from -70 mV to -55 mV, what will happen?

An action potential will be generated.

The sympathetic nervous system would contribute to

Increased heart rate

Which of the following is associated with the parasympathetic nervous system?

Coronary arteriole constriction

Reflexes associated with Golgi tendon organs prevent skeletal muscles from

Contracting with too much force

Sensory impulses that result in controlled and coordinated movements are integrated in the


Which of the following is a key characteristic of steroid hormones?

Lipid soluble

Nonsteroid hormones are characteristically

Amino acid/protein based

A key characteristic of prostaglandins is that they

Exert their efforts locally

For a given plasma concentration, hormone effectiveness can be altered by the

Number of cell receptors

The anterior pituitary is controlled by

Hypothalamic hormones

During prolonged exercise, T3 _______, while T4 _________.

Decreases, plateaus

An increase in plasma osmolality is the stimulus for release of



is higher in obese individuals, is secreted from adipose tissues, and increases satiety

Which source of glucose is used preferentially by exercising muscle?

From muscle glucogenolysis

A disadvantage of direct calorimetry is that

The heat generated by exercise equipment must be taken into account

The body utilizes ___________ oxygen when metabolizing carbohydrate compared to fat.


As RER values approach 1.0

Glucose/glycogen metabolism maximal

What is the term used to describe the phenomenon that occurs when oxygen supply does not increase to meet the oxygen need at the onset of exercise?

Oxygen deficit

During endurance exercise, fatigue correlates best with

Low glycogen stores

Glycogen depletion from muscle fiber types occurs in which order?

I, IIa, IIx

Which of the following will likely result in the most severe DOMS?

Downhill-running interval training

The risk of DOMS after a given training session can be reduced by which training strategy?

Reduce eccentric component of muscle action

Heat EAMCs are most effectively treated using

Salt solution ingestion

End-diastolic volume - end-systolic volume =

Stroke volume

The pulmonary circulation encompasses all of these structures except

Mitral valve

Which element of the cardiac conduction system travels along the interventricular septum?

Atrioventricular bundle

The span between the QRS complex and the T wave represents which phase of the cardiac cycle?

Ventricular systole

If your blood pressure is 110/70 mmHg, then your mean arterial pressure is

83 mmHg

Passive vasodilation arises from

Withdrawal of sympathetic influence on blood vessels

Plasma makes up approximately what percentage of whole blood?


The respiratory zone in the lungs includes the

Respiratory bronchioles

The internal intercostals are engaged during

Forced expiration

If you sit and breathe quietly into a spirometer, which lung volume is being recorded?

Tidal volume

If you breathe in as deeply as you can and then forcefully exhale as much as possible, a spirometer would be recording which lung volume?

Vital capacity

Which of these factors is most critical in determining the rate of pulmonary diffusion?

Gas partial pressure

According to Dalton's law

The partial pressures of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide add up to atmospheric pressure

Which condition during exercise induces the Bohr effect

Lower pH

Which of the following methods of CO2 transport in blood contributes to acid-base balance?

Carbonic acid/ bicarbonate

At the onset of strenuous exercise, what changes would you expect to see in venous O2 content and difference, respectively

Decrease, increase

If chemoreceptors stimulate an increase in breathing rate and depth, this occurs because

Excess CO2 needs to be "blown off" (removed)

Steady-state heart rate can be used to

Predict aerobic capacity

Which of the following will decrease stroke volume?

Increased afterload

During endurance exercise, total peripheral resistance


During maximal exercise, how much cardiac output is redirected to muscles?


Cardiovascular drift is associated with

Decreased venous return

Based on breathing patterns immediately after exercise, postexercise breathing is most likely

Regulated by blood pH, PCO2, and temperature

The lactate threshold is best estimated using

Anaerobic threshold

The most effective buffer in the body is


If the rate of oxidative production of ATP is low, then

Aerobic power is low

Which two factors are most commonly manipulated in training for increased performance?

Volume and intensity

Resistance programs aimed at improving strength should involve

Concentric and eccentric training

Static-contraction resistance training is most effective for

Building strength during rehabilitation

Isokinetic training ensures that

Speed remains constant

LSD training aims for ______% maximal heart rate for long distances.


Which type of aerobic power training is used as a varied, supplemental training strategy?

Fartlek training

One mechanism by which HIIT delays fatigue is by reducing the accumulation of ________ in the muscle.

Hydrogen ion

When motor units contract more synchronously,

Muscles increase the rate of force development

_____________ training is critical in developing fiber hypertrophy.


The most common fiber type alteration with heavy resistance training is

More type IIa, less type IIx

Strength losses after immobilization are greatest during the ___________.

First week

The recommended amount of protein to consume following resistance exercise is _____ g.


If the intensity of a single bout of aerobic exercise continues to increase, but VO2max plateaus or decreases slightly, this means that

True VO2 max has been reached

Which of the following is a sign of enhanced submaximal endurance capacity

Decreased submaximal heart rate

Which of the following statements explaining the increase in SV after aerobic training is correct?

Preload and contractility increase, afterload decreases

Which of the following changes occur in maximal blood pressure after aerobic training?

Systolic BP increases, diastolic BP decreases

Why does a-vO2 difference increase after aerobic training?

Tissue O2 extraction increases

Which of these is a major factor in muscle that limits further increases in VO2max?

Oxygen diffusion from capillary to mitochondria

After chronic endurance training, RER during submaximal exercise indicates that the body is

Depending more on fat and less of carbohydrate for fuel

Which of these external factors plays the biggest role in determining VO2max?


The primary source of heat loss during exercise in the heat is


When an athlete is exercising in hot and humid weather

Core temperature will increase faster

The critical temperature theory suggests that

Exercise is shut down when a given core temperature is reached

Endurance training causes sweat glands to

Decrease electrolyte content of sweat secretion

_______________ is most effectively treated using whole-body immersion in an ice bath.


As windchill becomes greater, ___________________.

Convective heat loss increases

During exercise in the cold, the primary metabolic substrate is

Glucose/glycogen in spite of increased circulating catecholamines

If muscle glycogen and blood glucose both start to run low during exercise in the cold, what is the consequence?

Suppression of shivering

The ability of the hypothalamus to regulate body temperature is compromised when core temperature falls below

94.1 F or 34.5 C

Why is water vapor pressure lower at altitude?

Cold air cannot hold very much water

During the early phase of altitude exposure, muscle oxygen exchange is diminished due to

Lower arterial PO2

During acute altitude exposures, maximal-intensity aerobic exercise is characterized by

Diminished maximal cardiac output

Within hours of reaching altitude, red blood cell concentration increases due to

Decreased plasma volume

VO2max starts to decline at approximately


Which metabolic system is most affected by altitude?


Which of these is not a consequence of live high, train high?

Enhanced VO2max

What reaction to altitude seems to put people at the highest risk for developing acute mountain sickness?

Inadequate veniltatory response

Normal glycogen content in muscle is approximately

100 mmol per kilogram muscle

_______ glycemic index foods are best before exercise, while _______ glycemic index foods are best immediately after exercise.

Low, high

Endurance training alters fat metabolism by

Mobilizing free fatty acids more easily

By adapting to a high-fat diet, athletes _______________ during exercise.

Enhance fat oxidation when glycogen stores are reduced

Which of the following is the strongest stimulus for thirst?

High blood osmolality

Which of these is not an effect of sodium in a sport drink?

Stimulates aldosterone release

Which of the following is not a benefit of caffeine supplementation?

Decreased use of muscle triglycerides

Ingesting foods or beverages high in nitrates has been reported to be associated with

Reduced VO2 max

B-Blockers can lead to

Low blood pressure

Fat deposits increase through childhood and adolescence due to

Increases in size and number of fat cells

Why does maximal heart rate decrease with age?

Adrenergic receptor desensitization

Why do adolescent girls have lower maximal ventilatory volumes compared to adolescent boys?

Lung volumes related to body size

Which of these bioenergetic systems is relatively unchanged from childhood to adulthood?


Which fuel substrate do children rely on more during aerobic exercise?


Why are children at higher risk for excessive convective heat transfer?

Higher surface area to mass ratio

With aging, which type of strength loss is greatest?


Type I muscle fibers may become more prevalent with aging for all of these reasons except

type I fiber hypertrophy

How do skeletal muscle arterioles in older individuals compensate for reduced blood flow during exercise?

enhanced muscle oxygen extraction

What causes the decrease in pulmonary function with age?

stiffening of the lungs and chest wall

With aging, running performance declines

Independent of race distance

Which of these heat loss avenues are most affected by age?

Convection, evaporation

Men on average are taller than women because adolescent boys' bones grow

More slowly for a longer period of time

In which type of resistance exercise would the weight lifted by women come closest to matching the weight lifted by men (regardless of training status)?


In general, women have ________ lactate thresholds (expressed as %VO2max) compared to men.


A graded exercise test should include

An exercise ECG for those at high risk

Can heart rate be used as a predictor of exercise intensity?

Heart rate correlates with VO2

Which of these is not an element of a total exercise program?

Resistance training every day

Over the last 40 years, rates of cardiovascular disease in the United States have


The most common type of stroke is


Recent pathophysiology theories for CHD suggest that monocytes

Become macrophages and ingest oxidized LDL

Much of our understanding of cardiovascular disease derives from

Epidemiology studies

How does exercise affect the peripheral circulation?

Decreases SBP and DBP

The exercise-induced decrease in blood pressure is most likely driven by

Decreased peripheral resistance

Which of these diets moves the set-point for body weight up?

High fat

In type 2 diabetics, what is the primary effect of exercise?

Enhances insulin sensitivity

Which component of energy expenditure has been shown to combat the negative effects of prolonged sitting?