Final SG Vocab

marks of the Church

One, Holy, Catholic and Apastolic

precepts of the Church

Key church laws that address the moral and Christian life of all Catholics

Real Presence

The presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated species of bread and wine

ekklesia (literal meaning)

a Greek word that means "to call together" or "to call of".

katholikos (literal meaning)


Beatific Vision

Seeing god face to face in Heaven; the final union with the trinity for all eternity


The movement, inspired and led by the Holy Spirit, that seeks the union of all Christian religions, and eventually the unity of all peoples throughout the world within the Catholic Church.

mortal sin

A serious violation of God's law of love that results in the loss of sanctifying grace in the souls of the sinner

Kingdom of God

The reign or rule of God, which began with the coming of Christ and will exist in its perfect form at the end of time.

apostolic succession

The handing down of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors through the laying on of hands as a permanent office in the Church


The Church dogma that teaches that Mary was taken directly to Heaven at the end of her earthly life.

Original Sin

The sin of disobedience committed by Adam and Eve that resulted in their loss of original holiness and Justice

Sacred Tradition

The living transmission of the Church's Gospel message found in the Church's teaching, life, and worship


A break in Christian unity that takes place when a group of Christians separates itself from the Church.


The open minded contract of love between God and human beings,

Deposit of faith

The Herritage of faith contained in Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition, handed down in the Church from the time of the Apostles


A gift of the Holy Spirit whereby the pope and the bishops are preserved from error when definitively proclaiming a doctrine related to Christian Faith or morals.

Great Commision

The instruction given by Jesus in Matthew 29:16-20 to spread the Gospel to the world and to baptize all nations in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit


The ways that Catholics participate in the saving mission of the Church through different roles and functions in the Church


A prayer of petition for the sake of others

Paschal Mystery

The passion, Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ


The bringing of the Good News of Jesus Christ to others through words


TThe calling or destiny we have in this life and in the hereafter

Catholic Social Teaching

The body of Church doctrine that applies Jesus Gospel to the lives of people living in society, including its instituions and economic structures.

Holy Trinity

The central mystery of the Christian Faith, that there are three divine persons in one God, The father, son, and holy spirit


TThe denial that it is man's duty to worship God by believing and praying the one true religion


The Christian Virtue of charity and friendship whereby members of the human family share material and spiritual goods


The denial of Christ and the repudiation of the Christian Faith by a baptized member of the Church


The principle that no community of a higher order (Such as rational or state governments) should perform tasks that can be performed equally well or better by a community of a lower order (such as a family or local community)


The teaching that God, by nature, is beyond this world and beyond the comprehension of human beings.


A truth about God and his saving plan that will always be beyond human understanding

Common Good

The sum total of conditions that allow people to reach their fulfillment more easily and fully.


An obstinate denial to believe a truth that must be believed with Divine and Catholic faith

Sacred Liturgy

The official public worship of the church

Divine Revelation

The gift of God's self-revelation by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan

Natural Law

a body of unchanging moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct.

common priesthood of the faithful

the participation in the priesthood of Christ, which all of the faithful share through Baptism

Immaculate Conception

The belief that Mary was conceived without Original Sin


The Church's living teaching office, which consists of all bishops, in communion with the Pope.


The Day that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the Church, fulfilling the promise of Our Lord while on earth, Sanctifying her and bestowing upon her all the gifts that she needed to accomplish her mission