Cry, The Beloved Country Test

Book 1

In this section of the novel, the reader sees a majority of the major action in the Kumalo side of the story. Kumalo rushes all around Johannesburg in search of his son, and learns that his son has impregnated a girl, and seems to have left her. Kumalo fi

Book 2

is presented from James Jarvis's point of view. The reader initially is introduced to Jarvis in Book I, when Kumalo tells Msimangu that he doesn't know Arthur Jarvis but knows his father. As Book II begins Jarvis is calmly watching the valley of Ndotsheni

Book 3

The drought that covers the land in Chapter 30 becomes a symbol for the drought of the spirit as well as of the land. Rain and water are traditional symbols of birth, purification, and love. Conversely, the absence of water and the absence of rain must be

Stephen Kumalo

Protagonist, elderly Zulu priest, lives in Nodtsheni, quiet, humble gentle.


Stephen Kumalo's sister, went to Johannesburg to find husband, became a prostitute


Host and guide, tall young minister at the mission house in Sophiatown. Sometimes is unkind.

Father Vincent

A white Anglican priest from England, consoles Kumalo

Mr. Carimchael

An acquaintance of Father Vincent.

John Kumalo

Kumalo's politician brother, was a carpenter now a successful businessman and politician. Powerful voice, fear of punishment.


Stephen Kumalo's son. Charged with the murder of Arthur Jarvis. Hung at end of the book

Arthur Jarvis

A Jesus figure that had a lasting legacy after he died. Engineer and advocate for justice for black South Africans, shot dead in his home by Absalom Kumalo

James Jarvis

Arthur Jarvis's father. Another protagonist. A white landowner with a farm that over looks Ndotsheni. Son is murdered. Causes him to rethink his opinions and help the villagers

Mrs. Lithebe

The woman with whom Kumalo stays in Johannesburg. Mrs. Lithebe is an Msutu woman who lives in Sophiatown and takes in boarders, especially priests. She is a good and generous Christian who believes that helping others is simply her duty.

What does Kumalo's bitterness toward his brother, who has chosen a different route in life, reveal? Explain.

Kumalo is bitter towards his brother because he is divorced from his wife due to an affair and has lost his faith in god. Kumalo does not like this because he thinks it is important to keep fidelity and your faith in god.

If Arthur Jarvis was alive today, what would his skills and personality best qualify him to be? Explain.

I think he would be a good politician because he gave a voice to those who didn't have one and stood up for those who couldn't stand up for themselves.

What do you think a meeting between Arthur Jarvis and Absalom would have looked like under different circumstances?

I think they might of become friends, if, of course Arthur didn't completely ignore him. Although with Arthur's point of view, I don't think he would ignore Absalom.

What is propaganda?

information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

Is Cry, The Beloved Country a piece of propaganda?

Yes because it shows the way people are living and suffering. But it also tries to bring awareness that way maybe something can change.