Crisis of Lethality Ch. 8


It is the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.

assisted suicide

Suicide when someone else provides the means (lethal agent), but the person who is dying administers it.

Situational characteristics

common stressor in suicide is frustrated psychological needs

Motivational characteristics

The common purpose of suicide is to seek solution

Cognitive characteristics

The common perception is of constriction such that one's options become very narrowed and the world is seen through tunnel vision so that no alternative thoughts can emerge

Relational characteristics

The common interpersonal act in suicide is communication of intention" (letting another person know that one's decision makes sense)

Serial characteristic

The common consistency in suicide is with lifelong coping patterns when deep perturbation, distress, threat, and psychological pain are present

The Reasons for Living scale

different kind of suicide assessment tool in that it queries a person's reasons for staying alive by posing 48 questions as to why people would not kill themselves.

Suicide Risk Assessment Decision Tree

that moves through a series of yes-or-no questions to come to a decision about how present and pronounced is the person's acquired capability of killing himself or herself

Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events

first, that people rarely kill themselves without engaging in concrete planning and making plans to do so; and second, that clients may not voluntarily come forward with information about their suicidal thoughts without a lot of rapport building on the pa

Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality

used in this interview to measure psychological pain, self-hatred, hopelessness, stress, and the degree of emotional agitation necessary to take action and end the pain.