Physics Final

A scientific fact

a close agreement by competent observers of observations of the same phenomena

Acceleration is defined as the change in

velocity divided by the time interval

If a ball is thrown upwards and caught on the way back down the speed would be

the same as the speed it had when thrown upwards

At the top of a ball's path it's instantaneous speed is


If a projectile is fired straight up at a speed of 10m/s it will take how long for it to return back

2 seconds

The minimum resultant possible when adding a 1-N force to a 8-N force is


If an object is dragged with a force of 5-N the frictional force between the object and the floor is


Pressure is

force per area

If the force acting on a cart doubles what happens to the acceleration

it doubles

The horizontal component of a projectile's velocity is independent of

the vertical component of its velocity

Gravity is ALWAYS

going downward

If all people, animals, trains and trucks allover the world began to walk or run towards the east then

the Earth would spin a bit slower

Work is

force times distance

Power is

work done on an object divided by the time taken to do the work

Power is measured in


The amount of PE possessed by an elevated object is equal to

the work done in lifting it

A car traveling at 10km/hr and a smaller car traveling at 20 km/hr

have the SAME kinetic energy

A horse near the outside rail has more or less linear speed than a horse near the inside
