Physics final

free fall equation

1/2 at^2

the law of inertia

every object continues in a state of rest, or of motion in a straight line at constant speed, unless it is compelled to change that state by forces exerted upon it.

a force can be described as ...

a push or a pull

measure of inertia


net force

the combination of all forces acting on an object.

in what direction to objects move relative to net force?

objects move in the direction of net force.

when net force is zero, an object is said to be in..


objects in equilibrium have their weight exactly balanced by...

a "support force" / "normal force

acceleration is caused by

force (net force)

acceleration is proportional to

net force. a = f /m. (newton's second law)

acceleration is inversely proportional to


friction resists


terminal velocity

the speed at which the acceleration of a falling object is zero because friction balances the weight,
at terminal speed the force of air resistance balances the force of gravity

whenever one object exerts a force on a second object..

the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object.

action / reaction pair,

switch the noun but the verb stays the same

forces are ______ in an action/reaction pair


accelerations are _______ in an action/reaction pair

different (because masses are different)

momentum(p) =

mass x velocity

momentum is

inertia in motion.

momentum is changed by..

impulse. (internal forces DO NOT change momentum)

impulse =

force x time (or change in momentum)


impulses are greater when something bounces because a force is needed to stop the object and to set it in motion once more

conservation of momentum

if no net force or net impulse acts on a system, the momentum does not change

elastic collisions are

bouncy collisions" ; two objects collide without being permanently deformed and without generating heat.
( total p before = total p after )
( Pa + Pb = Pa1 + Pa2 )

inelastic collisions are

sticky collisions" ; two objects collide and become distorted, coupled together, and generate heat.
( total p before = total p after )
( Pa + Pb = Pboth )

work is..

the middle step between transferring energy from one object to another.

work (w)=

w = fd
( or change in energy )

power(p) =

work / time

Potential energy(pe) =

pe = mgh

potential energy is a

form of mechanical energy.

potential energy is due

to the position of an object

Kinetic energy(ke) =


kinetic energy is a

form of mechanical energy

kinetic energy is due to

the speed of an object

important KE note !

the kinetic energy of an object is equal to the work required to bring an object to that speed from rest, or the work the object can do while being brought to rest.

if the speed of an object is doubled, its kinetic energy


conservation of energy

energy cannot be created or destroyed. it can be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes.

simple machines

Win = Wout ; Work in = Work out
(On an inclined plane)
work in = distance up incline x force it takes
work out = distance straight up x force it takes

actual mechanical advantage AMA

Fout / Fin

theoretical mechanical advantage TMA

Din / Dout
(On an inclined plane)
distance in = length of plane
distance out = height
(On a lever)
distance in = is the length from your push/pull to the fulcrum
distance out = is the length from the object to the fulcrum

pulley TMA

number of strings

simple machines cannot _____

increase work

simple machines can increase _____

force at the expense of distance, or distances at the expense of force

efficiency =


every atom has a..

positively charged nucleus surrounded by negatively charged electrons

an atom's nucleus is composed of protons and neutrons. Protons have _______

positive charge

electrons have ______

negative charge

neutrons have ______

no charge

A neutron is what size compared to a proton?


A proton is what size compared to an electron?


Like charges..


opposite charges...


A charged atom is called

an ION.

Atoms are charged only by the movement of

electrons. protons do not move

Charge cannot..

be created or destroyed. it can only be moved from one object to another

Electric charges move better in...


Electric charges move poorly in...


Electric force,

there is an electric force between any two charged particles.

Electric charging: Charging by Contact

A charged object is brought near a neutral one, some of the electrons from the charged object want to jump to the neutral object because like charges repel.

Electric charging: Charging by Friction

When two objects rub against each other, electrons jump from one object to another.

Electric charging: Charging by Induction and Grounding

A charged object is brought near a neutral one. The electrons in the neutral object want to get as far away from the charged object, because like charges repel. If the electrons are given a path out of the neutral object, they will take it. This will leave the formerly neutral object with a positive charge.

Causes of attraction:

opposite charges, charge separation, polarization


hold an object of a certain charge near an object where the electrons and protons cannot move too much just on opposite sides of the item

Every electric charge is surrounded by an electric field that has both

magnitude and direction

Electric field lines point in the direction that:

that a positive charge would go. (positive, out negative in)

electric potential is the same thing as


electric potential =

EPE / charge

A charge has electric potential after..

after work is done on it to move it in a direction it is not inclined to go in.

charge flows when...

there is a potential difference

batteries work to create a...

constant potential difference

Electric Current is

the flow of Electric Charge, measured in coulombs/second

current is caused by..

voltage difference.

current is dangerous,

not voltage.


I = V / R

Electric power:

the rate at which energy is transformed from one form to another

in order for a bulb to light, electrons must have a..

complete path through battery and bulb.

A circuit:

any path along which electric current flows

Series Circuits

only one path goes through the circuit. if one bulb goes out, the whole thing goes out.

resistance in series circuit:

equal to sum of all resistors

current in series circuit:

same in each component

voltage in series circuit:

not the same

Adding resistors in series:

lowers current.

Parallel Circuits

each bulb has its own path from the battery, if one burns out others will stay lit

Voltage in a parallel circuit

same throughout entire circuit

Total current in parallel

equal to sum of currents in each branch.

Adding resistors in parallel

increases curent


1/R = 1/R1 + 1/R2

Every magnet has both a

north and south pole.

Like poles..


opposite poles...


All moving electric charges are surrounded by..

magnetic fields.

A magnetic field is produced by..

motion of electric charge

Magnetic field lines OUTSIDE magnet..

North to South

Magnetic field lines INSIDE magnet..

South to North

Every spinning electron is a

tiny magnet !


cluster of aligned atoms

The alignment of domains produces

a magnet.

In a magnet, domains are aligned with a..

magnetic field

The magnetic field lines surrounding a current carrying wire form..

concentric circles !

When current in magnetic field lines reverse direction,,,

the direction of the magnetic field also changes.

A wire carrying current is an


Magnetic field intensity increases as

number of loops increases

Magnetic field intensity increases when a piece of iron is put in a coil because

the domains align with the magnetic field

A charged particle at rest in a magnetic field will not..

will not feel a force

A charged particle moving in a magnetic field will..

will feel a force

A charged particle moving in a magnetic field feels NO force when it is moving ________ to the magnetic field.


A charged particle moving in a magnetic field feels THE STRONGEST force when it is moving ________ to the magnetic fied


The force experienced by a moving charged particle in a magnetic field is always...

perpendicular to the motion of the charged particle and magnetic field lines.

ElectromagneticInduction: Voltage and current can be induced in a wire by..

the movement of the wire in the magnetic field, because A CHANGE IN THE MAGNETIC FIELD PRODUCES CURRENT

The induced voltage in a coil is proportional to..

the number of loops.

Induced voltage is heightened by..

quicker motion of the wire through the magnetic field.

Induced voltage is directly proportional to..

the number of loops.

Generators are the opposite of


generators change..

mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Generators produce:

alternating current.

A transformer with more loops on secondary than primary coil is:

step up.

A transformer with more loops on primary than secondary coil is:

step down.