Physics exam 1 (19,20,21)

doubling the mass of a simple pendulum undergoing small oscillations does what to the period of the pendulum


what dictates the frequency of a sound wave

source of the sound

what determines the speed of a wave

the medium of transmission

a skipper on a boat notices wave crests passing his anchor chain every 5 seconds. if the wave crests are 15m apart what is the speed of the water waves?


for a medium transmitting a longitudinal wave the areas of the medium is temporarily increased are called


when you move away from a fixed sound the frequency of the sound you hear

is less than what the source emits

sonic booms from a plane are produced

by the plane traveling faster than the speed of sound

the three characteristics of a musical tone are loudness quality and timbre


the quality of a musical note can be changed by simply playing the note on a different instrument


if the note middle c has a pitch of 262 vibrations per second, its second overtone on a vibrating string has a frequency of


the wavelength of a fundamental vibration on a 1m long string is half as long as the wavelength of the fundamental vibration in a closed organ pipe of 1m length


the ear can hear "fourier analyze" a sound wave but the eye cannot "fourier analyze" a light wave


if the fundamental frequency of a violin string is 440Hz what is the frequency in Hz of the first overtone


frequencies of sound that are too high for the human ear to hear are called


the bending of sound through air of uneven temperature is called


lightning is seen then 10 seconds later is heard. approximately how far in feet is the thunder cloud?


a 250 Hz tuning fork and a 260Hz tuning fork are vibrating near each other. how many beats per second are heard?

10 (difference of frequency)

which of the following are NOT true concerning the metal rod that vibrated in class by stroking its length

the lowest frequency had a wavelength (in the rod) equal to the length of the rod

sine curve

a wave form traced by simple harmonic motion


the distance of maximum displacement from the equilibrium position

Wave length

the distance between successive crests


the number of vibrations per unit time; measured in Hertz


the time required for one vibration

Wave speed

the speed with which a wave passes a stationary point

Transverse wave

a wave in which the medium moves perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels

Longitudinal wave

a wave in which the medium moves parallel to the direction in which the wave travels

Interference pattern

a pattern formed by the addition of two waves

Standing wave

a stationary wave pattern formed when identical waves pass through a medium in opposite directions

Doppler effect

the change in frequency of a wave due to the motion of the sender or receiver

Bow wave

a V-shaped wave behind a boat that forms when the boat travels faster than the speed of water waves

Shock wave

a cone-shaped wave behind a plane that forms when the plane travels faster than the speed of sound

Sonic boom

the loud (boom-boom) sound resulting from a shock wave hitting your ear


the SI unit of frequency

Speed of Sound

depends only on the medium; for air the speed of sound is 340 m/s=760 miles/hour = Mach 1


sound waves with frequencies below 20 Hertz


sound waves with frequencies between 20 Hertz and 20,000 Hertz


sound waves with frequencies greater that 20,000 Hertz


a condensed region of a medium through which a longitudinal wave travels


a rarefied region of a medium through which a longitudinal wave travels


the garbled sound that results from multiple reflections of sound waves; re-echoed sound


the bending of a wave through a non-uniform medium, caused by difference in wave speeds

Sound waves bend toward

cool air

Natural Frequency

a frequency at which an elastic object naturally tends to vibrate


the result of a forced vibration in a body when the applied frequency matches the


the throbbing sound heard when two slightly different tones are played together

Carrier Wave

a high frequency radio wave that "carries" a sound wave through a process called modulation


impressing one wave system (sound wave) upon another of a higher frequency (radio waves)


the "highness" or "lowness" of a tone; corresponds to the frequency of a sound


the physical sensation directly related to the sound intensity; measured in decibels


the characteristic of a sound that allows us to distinguish between the same tone

Partial Tone

one of the frequencies present in a complex tone

Fundamental Frequency

the lowest frequency of vibration; the first harmonic


a partial tone that is and integer multiple of the fundamental

Quality is governed by

the number and relative amplitudes of partial tones

Musical Scale

a succession of notes of frequencies that are in simple ratios to one another

do copmpressions and rarefractions in a sound wave travel in the same directions or in opposite directions

same direction

how fast does sound travel


gusts of wind make millis tower sway back and forth completing a cycle in 10s what is the frequency and its period

frequency is 1/10 Hz and period is 10s

if a water wave oscillates up and down 3 times each second and the distance btwn the wave crests is 2m what is the frequency? what is its wavelength? what is the wave speed?

f=3Hz wavelength= 2m wave speed= 6 (wave speed= frequency x wavelength)

longer wavelength means

lower frequency