Physics 1140

3 insulators

Rubber, glass, oil

3 conductors

Silver, gold, copper

Write Benjamin Franklin's 3 laws of static electricity

Bodies charged with static electricity attract uncharged bodies.
Like electric charges repel one another.
Unlike electric charges attract one another.

State the law of conservation of charge

electric charge can neither be created nor destroyed

List the three ways an object can acquire a static electrical charge

frictition, direct contact, induction

Briefly explain the light and dark bands in Thomas Young's experiment

The light bands resulted where light waves arrived in phase and strengthened one another: the dark bands resulted where light waves arrived out of phase and canceled one another.

State Coulomb's law

The force acting between two charges is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Describe an electric field

region of force that surrounds a charged object.

Define capacitance

Ability of a device to hold a charge.

What was the first useful purpose found for electricity?

the thelegraph

What type of surface radiates and absorbs heat most efficiency?

black dirt

What are light waves?

regular and rapid transverse vibrations of electric and magnetic fields that spread out evenly in all directions.