Forces and Newton's Laws of Motion


Any push or pull which causes something to move or change its speed or direction

Forces can be...

Balanced or unbalanced

Balanced forces are ...

equal in size and opposite in direction

Unbalanced force are...

unequal in size and/or opposite in direction

If the forces on an object are unbalanced, a _________ results

net force

Newton's First Law of Motion

An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion at the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

Newton's 1st law is also called...

the law of inertia


Objects tend to resist change in motion

The greater the mass, the greater/lesser the inertia


The greater the speed the greater/lesser the inertia


Friction is...

an unbalanced force that opposes or slows down motion

Four main types of friction

Sliding, rolling, fluid (air or water resistance) static (initial friction when moving an object)

Friction is caused by...

the physical contact between moving surfaces

The amount of frictions depends on...

The type of surfaces and the force pressing the surfaces together

Friction changes motion into...


Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

The net force of an object is equal to the product of its mass and acceleration (AKA F = ma)

One newton is equal to...

One newton is equal to...

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction


An attraction force between all masses

Rate of gravity on earth

9.8 m/s�

Newton's Universal law of gravitation

every object in the universe exerts a gravitational attraction to all other objects in the universe

The amount of gravitational force depends on...

the mass of the objects and the distances between the objects

Gravity - the greater the mass, the greater/lesser the force


Gravity - The greater the distance, the greater/lesser the force


Weight is measure of...

gravitational force between two objects

The greater the mass the greater/lesser the force(weight)



Free from the effects of gravity

Regardless of mass, all objects fall with the same acceleration due to _____



Gravitational force exerted on an object

Weight decreases as....

an object moves away from earth

Mass is a measure of...

how much matter an object contains

Weight results from ____


Centripetal acceleration is the acceleration of an object...

toward the center of a curve or circular object

Air resistance

The force of air exterted on a falling object

What is reached when air resistance = force of gravity?

Terminal velocity

Projectiles follow a _____ path


The two forces that affect projectiles

Horizontal velocity (inertia) and vertical velocity (gravity)

centripetal means...

to move towards the center

Terminal velocity

the highest velocity an object will reach as it falls

Air resistance opposes...


The amount of air resistance depends on an object's _______, _______, and _______.

shape, size, and speed

Terminal velocity - forces are balanced/unbalanced and object falls with constant/changing speed

balanced, constant

equation for momentum

p = m*v where p = momentum, m = mass, v = velocity

law of conservation of momentum

when objects collide the momentum of one object is transferred to the other object


how far an object has moved


how far an object has moved in relation to its starting point.

frame of reference

the object or point from which movement is determined


the distance traveled in a given amount of time

calculating speed

distance/time or d/t

constant speed

speed does not change over time

average speed

speed of motion when speed is changing

calculating average speed

total distance/total time

instantaneous speed

speed at any given moment in time


speed + direction

acceleration is

a measure of change in velocity

positive acceleration

speeding up

negative acceleration

slowing down

calculationing acceleration
