Physics Ch 29

. What usually happens when a wave reaches a boundary between
two media?

it is reflected

. The return of a wave back to its original medium is called


Explain what happens when a spring is attached to a wall and you send
a pulse along the spring's length.

all of the wave energy is reflected back along the spring rather
than transmitted into the wall. Waves that travel along the spring are
almost totally reflected at the wall.

Is the following sentence true or false? Shiny metals, such as
aluminum and silver, reflect almost all the frequencies of visible light.


When light shines perpendicularly on the surface of still water or

only a very small percentage of its energy is reflected; the rest is

a line perpendicular to a surface


the angle between the incident ray and
the normal

angle of incidence

the angle between the reflected ray and
the normal

angle of reflection

the relationship between the angle of
incidence and angle of reflection

law of reflection

an image that appears to be in a location
where light does not really reach.

virtual image

Can your eye tell the difference between an object and its virtual
image? Explain.

Your eye cannot ordinarily tell the difference between an object and its
virtual image because the light that enters your eye is entering in exactly
the same manner as it would without the mirror if there really were an
object where you see the image.

The virtual image formed by a convex mirror (a mirror that curves
outward) is

smaller and closer to the mirror than the object is

the object is close to a concave mirror (a mirror that curves inward like a
"cave"), the virtual image is

larger and farther away than the object is.

When light is incident on a rough surface, it is reflected

in many

the reflection of light from a rough surface

Diffuse reflection

Whether a surface is a diffuse reflector or a polished reflector depends on

the wavelength of the waves it reflects

We see most of the things around us by

diffuse reflection.

Sound energy not reflected

absorbed or transmitted.

An echo is reflected sound. The fraction of sound energy reflected from
a surface is _________ when the surface is rigid and smooth, and ______
when the surface is soft and irregular.

greater smaller

The study of the reflective properties of surfaces and sound


When the walls of a room, auditorium, or concert hall are too reflective,
the sound becomes


multiple reflections of sound


When a wave that is traveling at an angle changes its speed upon
crossing a boundary between two media

it bends

bending of a wave as it crosses the boundary between
two media at an angle


lines that are drawn to represent the
positions of different crests

wave fronts

Sound waves are refracted when parts of a wave front travel

different speeds

Sound wave refraction occurs

in uneven winds or when sound is
traveling through air of uneven temperature.

On a cold day or night, when the layer of air near the ground is colder
than the air above it,

the speed of sound near the ground is reduced

Changes in the speed of light as it passes from one medium to another,
or variations in the temperatures and densities of the same medium,


When light rays enter a medium in which their speed decreases, as when
passing from air into water, the rays bend

toward the normal

When light rays enter a medium in which their speed increases, as when
passing from water into air, the rays bend

away from the normal

A mirage is caused by

the refraction of light in Earth's atmosphere

The appearance of a distorted image that forms as the result of
atmospheric refraction


On hot days, there may be a layer of very hot air in contact with the
ground. Since molecules in hot air are farther apart, light travels faster
through this air than through the cooler air above it. The speeding up of
the part of the wave nearest the gro

gradual bending of the
light rays, which can produce a mirage.

When you watch the sun set, you see the sun for several minutes after
it has really sunk below the horizon. This is because

light is refracted by
Earth's atmosphere.

Since different frequencies of light travel at different speeds in
transparent materials, they will

refract differently and bend at
different angles

The average speed of light is less than

c in a transparent medium

Light of frequencies closer to the natural frequency of the electron
oscillators in a medium travels more slowly in the medium. This is

there are more interactions between the light and the medium.

Since the natural or resonant frequency of most transparent materials is
in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum,

visible light of higher frequencies
travels more slowly than light of lower frequencies.

When light is bent twice at nonparallel boundaries, as in a prism,
the separation of the different colors of light is quite apparent. This
separation of light into colors arranged according to their frequency is


In order for you to see a rainbow,

the sun must be shining in one part
of the sky, and the water droplets in a cloud or in falling rain must be in
the opposite part of the sky

Each raindrop disperses a

full spectrum of colors

. If violet light
from a single drop enters your eye

red light from the same drop falls
below your eye

The dispersed light of other colors in a rainbow is

along similar arcs,
each at their own slightly different angle. Altogether, the arcs for each
color form the familiar rainbow shape.

Total internal reflection occurs when

the angle of incidence is larger
than the critical angle

The critical angle is the angle of incidence that results in light being
refracted at

an angle of 90� with respect to the normal

When a flashlight submerged in water is tipped beyond the critical angle
(48� from the normal in water), the beam of light cannot enter the air; it is
only reflected. The beam is experiencing _________________________which
is the complete reflection of li

total internal reflection

Total internal reflection is as the name implies: total�100%. Silvered
or aluminized mirrors reflect only

90 to 95% of incident light

The critical angle for a diamond is


A diamond's small critical
angle, plus the pronounced refraction within the material, produces

dispersion and a wide array of brilliant colors

sometimes called light pipes, are transparent fibers that
pipe light from one place to another

Optical fibers

the minimum angle of incidence for which a light ray is totally reflected within a medium

critical angle