Newton's Law

Galileo found that a ball rolling down one inclined plane would roll how far up another inclined plane?

Nearly to original height.

The law of inertia?

An object in motion tends to stay in motion and an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

An object following a straight line path at constant speed has what # acceleration?



Slowing the object.

One object has twice as much mass as another object. The first object also has twice as much..


How much does a 5.0 kg bag of bolts weigh?

5 x 9.8 = 49.8N

What is true about Aristotle's concept of violent motion?

Imposed external caused by push and pull.

Compared to its weight on Earth, a 10 kg object on the moon will weigh...


Accelerations are produced by...


How does acceleration of an object change in relation to its mass? It is..

Inversely proportional to mass.

When an object reaches terminal velocity, it's acceleration is..


A heavy person and a light person parachute together and wear the same size parachutes. Assuming they open their parachutes at the same time, which person reaches the ground first?

The heavier person.

When a women stands with two feet on a scale, the scale reads 140N. When she lifts one foot, the scale reads..


Suppose the force of friction on a sliding object is 25N. The force needed to maintain a constant velocity is...


An object has a constant mass. A constant force on the object produces constant..


Suppose a particle is accelerated through space by a constant 10N force. Suddenly the particle encounters a second force of 5N in a direction opposite to that of the first force. The particle..

Acceleration is at a slower rate.

As a care package falls from a high-flying stationary helicopter, it's velocity increases and it's acceleration..


If you pull horizontally on a desk with a force of 90N and the desk doesn't move, the friction force must be 90N. Now if you pull with 140N so the desk slides at constant velocity, the friction force is..

140N, force of friction increases as weight increases.

When the angle of an incline with a block resting on it increases, the normal support force..


A speeding truck locks it brakes and it skids to a stop. If the truck's total mass were doubled, its skidding distance would be..

The same force.

If the force acting on a cart doubles, what happen to the cart's acceleration?

Also doubles.

A sports car has a mass of 1200 kg and accelerates at 5 meters per second squared. What is the magnitude of the force acting on the sports car?

1200 x 5 = 6000N

A jet has a mass of 20,000 kg. The thrust for each of the four engines is 10,000N. What is the jet's acceleration when taking off?

2 meters per second squared.

You pull horizontally on a 30 kg crate with a force of 45N and the friction force on the crate is 250N. The acceleration of the crate is...

450 - 250 / 30 = 6.67.

How much force is needed to accelerate a 2.0 kg physics book to an acceleration of 3.0m/s2?

2 x 3 = 6

If shopping cart A has twice times more mass in it than shopping cart B and the two carts are pushed equal forces, you can expect the acceleration of shopping cart A to be..

One-half the acceleration.

If a truck has 5 times the mass of a car and the two vehicles are pushed with an equal force, you would expect the acceleration of the truck to be..

1/5 times that of the car.

A rocket is able to accelerate in the vacuum of space when it fires its engines. The force that propels the rocket is the force..

Of the exhaust gases on the rocket.

You wonder how the cow is able to move forward if the plow is exerting an equal and opposite force on the cow. Which of the following explains the movement of the cow and plow?

The force exerted by the cow on the plow is smaller than the force that the cow exerts on the ground to move foward.

If you exert a force of 10,000N on a 2,000 kg car and 3,000 kg truck that are both originally at rest, what will be the resulting accelerations of the objects?

The call will accelerate 5 m/s2 and the truck will accelerate 3.33 m/s2.