Conceptual Physics Chapters 33, 34 and 35

electric field

a force field that fills the space around every electric charge or group of charges

electric field

Measured by force per charge (N/C)

field lines

vectors that describe the electrified web of space that will draw or repel other charges which enter it

electric potential field

energy a charge has due to its location in an electric field

electric potential

electrical potential energy per coulomb (J/C) at a location in an electric field

electric potential

measured in volts

electric potential

often called voltage


the SI unity of electric potential


one ________ is the electric potential difference across which one coulomb of charge gains or loses on joule of energy


electric potential; measured in volts


potential difference; measured in volts

potential difference

the difference in electric potential (voltage) between two points

potential difference

when free charge flows because there is a difference and the flow will continue until both points reach a common potential

electric current

the flow of electric charge

electric current

measured in amperes (C/s)


SI unit of electric current


a flow of one coulomb of charge per one second is one ________

voltage source

a device, such as a battery or generator, that provides a potential difference

electric resistance

the resistance of a material to the flow of electric current through it

electric resistance

measured in ohms


a property of a material that has infinite conductivity at very low temperatures, so that charge flows through it without resistance


the SI unit of electric resistance


one _______ is the resistance of a device that draws a current of one ampere where a voltage of one volt is impressed across it

Ohm's Law

the statement that the current in a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage impressed across the circuit, and is inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit

Ohm's Law

I = V/R

I = V/R

Ohm's Law using symbols

direct current

electric current whose flow of charge is always in one direction

alternating current

electric current that repeatedly reverses direction, twice each cycle


the AC rate in North America is how many hertz?


the AC rate everywhere but North America is how many hertz?


an electronic device that resists current to flow in a single direction in an electric circuit

electric power

the rate at which electrical energy is converted into another form


any complete path along which charge can flow

in series

term applied to portions of an electric circuit that are connected in a row that the current that goes through the circuit must go through all of them

in parallel

term applied to portions of an electric circuit that are connected at two point and provide alternate path for the current between those two points

parallel circuit

an electric circuit in which devices are connected to the same two points of a circuit, so that any single device completes the circuit interdependently of the other

series circuit

an electric circuit in which devices are arranged so that charge flows through each in term. If one part of the circuit should stop the current, it will stop throughout the circuit.

schematic diagram

a diagram that describes an electric circuit, using special symbols to represent different devices in the circuit


flow of charge


symbol for current


SI unit of current


symbol for SI unit of current

electric resistance

opposition to flow


symbol for electrical resistance


SI unit of electrical resistance


symbol for SI unit of electrical resistance


electric pressure; electrical potential energy per charge


electric potential, electromotive forces -- EMF


symbol for voltage


SI unit of voltage


symbol for SI unit of voltage

electric power

the rate at which electrical energy is converted to another form of energy


symbol for electric power


SI unit of electric power


symbol for SI unit of electric power

electric energy

electric energy usage


symbol for electric energy


SI unit for electric energy


symbol for SI unit of electric energy

P = I x V

the formula that relates power, current and voltage

EE = P(t)

the formula for calculating electric energy usage

electric charge

an object having either too many or too few electrons has a(n)...

static electricity

electric charge built up in one place is referred to as...


a material through which electricity can move is a(n)...


the charge on 6.24 billion electrons is called a(n)...

electric current

a flow of electrons or other charged particles through a conductor is...

potential difference

the difference in potential between electrons in one place and electrons in another place is...


a measure of how difficult it is to move electrons in another place is...


electric energy is measured in a unit called the...

Ohm's Law

the statement, current is equal to the potential difference divided by the resistance, is know as...


the unit of electric potential is the...

electric power

the rate at which a device converts electric energy into another form of energy is called...


resistance is measured in a unit called the...


one source of constant electric current is a...


the rate of flow of charged particles is measured in...


a material through which electrons do not readily move is a(n)...


a current of 1 ampere is a flow of charge at a rate of _____ coulomb per second.


when a charge of 15 C flows through any area in a circuit each second, the current is _____.


one volt is the potential difference between two points if 1 joule of energy is needed to move ____ coulomb of charge between the two points.


what a lamp is plugged into a 120 V socket, each coulomb of charge that flows in the circuit is raised to a potential energy of ______ joules.


the units of electric potential difference are _____.


it is common to call electric potential difference what?


the flow of electric charge is called electric _______.


this flow of electric charge is measured in ______.


which offers more resistance to water flow, a wide pipe or a narrow one?


which offers more resistance to the flow of charge, a thick wire or a thin one?

exert forces

Both gravitational and electrical fields ______________.


what is the size of the electric field inside any charged conductor?


Can gravity be shielded?


Can electricity be shielded?


When you life an object (work), you are ________ the object's gravitational potential energy.