Physics Chpt. 4 Review

184.000 cm/s (4000 mi/hr)

What rate does a molecule at room temperature travel at?

2 x 10 (-10) s

average time between air collisions in the air

4 x 10 (-5) cm

average distance between air collisions in the air


Does air have weight?

air is compressible

Why doesn't P = dh work with air?

nitrogen, oxygen, water, argon, carbon dioxide

What are the five main constituents of air when it has maximum concentrations of water vapor and carbon dioxide? List them in order


What causes air pressure?

temperature and quantity of air

What determines the strength of air pressure at sea level

temperature and quantity of air

What does air pressure depend on?


total absence of air or any other matter



,0127 N

One liter of air weighs...

the weight of the high molecules

What determines air pressure at a given altitude?


What does atmospheric pressure depend on?

equivalent in all directions

Air pressure is...

14.7 lb/in(2)

atmospheric pressure at sea level

Otto van Guericke (1602-1686)

Who first demonstrated the strength of atmospheric pressure?


Does the law of liquid pressures apply to gases?

less than .1kg of air

How much air does the human body displace?


any object with surfaces designed to create life in the air

lifting force

net upward force

horror vacui

''Nature abhors a vaccum.'' Taught by Aristotle.

atmospheric pressure is the factor limiting the depth of wells tapped by a water pump

What did Torricelli prove?

liquid barometer

Torricellian device for measuring the pressure of air or any other gas

14.7 lb

How much liquid can an atmospheric pressure of 14.7 lb/in (2) can hold up how much liquid?

standard atmospheric pressure

pressure that will support a mercury column exactly 76cm high when the temperature is 0 C


760 mm Hg, 760 torr, 1.013 x 10(5) pascals, 1.013 bars

mercury barometer

What is the preferred tool for careful scientific work?

1. Awkward 2. Cannot be compared to readings taken at different temperatures 3. Must be in an upright position

What are some of the disadvantages of using a mercury barometer?


What pressure gauge is a convenient size?

guage pressure

difference between the height of a manometer's columns

absolute pressure

the air pressure of a gas

aneroid barometer

a small, portable barometer that is unaffected by orientation

Blaise Pascal

French Physicist-Philospher (1623-1662)

Boyle's Law

At constant, the volume of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure

absolute temperature

temperature expressed in kelvins

Charles's Law

At constant pressure, the volume of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature

Avogadro's law

At a given temperature and pressure, two gases of the same volume have the same number of molecules


6.022 x 10 (23)

pneumatic device

a device that transports air or that is driven by air pressure

universal gas constant

R= .0821 L x atm/K x mol

general gas law

PV = nRT

Boyle's law

P(1)V(1) = P(1)V(1)

combined gas law

P(1)V(1)/T(1) = P(2)V(2)/T(2)

a vaccum inside a copper sphere that took 8 horses to pull it apart

What demonstration was staged by Otto von Guericke? What did he prove by this demonstration?

law of liquid pressure and Pascal's principle

What laws pertaining to fluids assume uniform weight density?

In a vaccum

Does something weigh more in air or in a vaccum?

Air pressure is greater under the parachute than over.

How might Bernoulli's principle explain the operation of a parachute?

Aristotle's teaching

What was the horror vacui?


How did Torricelli explain the rise of water in a water pump?

33.9 ft of water, 760 torr of mercury

What height of water is supported by atmospheric pressure? What height of mercury?

He showed that when atmospheric pressure lowered, the column of liquid would fall.

How did Pascal confirm Torricelli's conclusion that mercury is supported at a height of 76 cm by atmospheric pressure?

standard atmospheric pressre

pressure that will support a column of mercury exactly 76 cm or 760 mm, high when the temperature is 0 C

Volume and pressure of a gas are inversely proportional.

State Boyle's law in words.

Volume and temperature of a gas are proportional.

State Charles's law in words.


On what scale must temperature be measured when applying Charles's law?

6.022 x 10 (23)

Define the mole.

P(1)V(1)/T(1) = P(2)V(2)/T(2) P= pressure, V= volume, T= temperature

What is the general gas law? Define each letter.

when a fluid is caught up and entrained by passing air or water

What is entrainment?