A2 Physics: Newtonian World

Newton's 1st Law of Motion

An object will continue in a state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by a resultant force

Newton's 2nd Law of Motion

The rate of change in momentum of an object is proportional to the resultant force and in the same direction

Newton's 3rd Law of Motion

If object A exerts a force on object B, then B exerts an equal and opposite force on A


mass x velocity

Inelastic Collision

Momentum conserved, KE decreases, objects stick together

Perfectly Elastic Collision

Momentum conserved, KE conserved, bounce off each other

Newton's Law of Restitution

Relative speed of approach = relative speed of seperation

Hydrogen Atom

1 Proton, 1 Electron

Helium Atom

2 Protons, 2 Neutrons, 2 Electrons

Oxygen Atom

8 Protons, 8 Neutrons, 8 Electrons

Carbon Atom

6 Protons, 6 Neutrons, 6 Electrons


Momentum Conserved, KE decreases, stick together

1 radian

The angle subtended by an arc length equal to the radius

Arc Length, s


Defining equation of SHM

a = - (2?f)� x

Frequency of oscillations

Number of oscillations per unit time

Frequency, f

1 / T







SHM: t = 0, x = 0

x = Asin(2?ft)

SHM: t = 0, x = A

x = Acos(2?ft)

Simple harmonic motion

The acceleration of an object is proportional to its displacement from a fixed point and directed towards that fixed point

SHM displacement

Distance moved from fixed point

SHM amplitude

max displacement

SHM angular frequency


Forced Oscillations

We superimpose a periodic driving force and make the system oscillate at the driving frequency

Natural Frequency

Frequency at which resonance occurs

Period of an object with SHM

is independent of its amplitude

SHM Energy Change

KE and PE swap, total energy is constant


Any mechanism that converts energy of the oscillating system irreversibly into other forms of energy

Critical Damping

No oscillation occurs and body moves back to equilibrium position in minimum time


The build up of a large amplitude oscillation when the frequencies of vibrating objects match (i.e. driving frequency = natural frequency)

Free Oscillations

System is displaced from equilibrium and allowed to oscillate at its natural frequency

Practical uses of resonance

Microwave Ovens, Radios, MRI scans, Musical Instruments


Special case of Newton's second law when mass remains constant


Change in Momentum

Area under f/t graph

equal to impulse

Grav field strength (at a point)

Force per unit mass on a small test mass placed at a point.

Principle of conservation of momentum

in any direction, in the absence of external forces, the total momentum of a system remains constant

Newtons law of gravitation

The gravitational force of attraction between two bodies is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

By newtons law of gravitation

F = -(GMm) / r�

Geostationary orbit of a satellite

An orbit centered on the centre of the earth travelling from West to East, over the equator with a period of 24 hours

Centripetal Force, F


Centripetal acceleration, a

r?� = v� / r = v?

Angular velocity, ?


Circular velocity, v

r? =2?r / T

For a satellite

v� = GM / r

Time period, T

2?r / v



Gravitational field strength, g

-GM / r�


Whether a substance is solid, liquid or gas


Mass per unit volume

Thermal energy

transferred from a region of higher temperature to a region of lower temperature

One mole of any substance

contains 6.02 x 10�� atoms

The ideal gas equations

NkT and pV = nRT, where N is the number of atoms, n is the number of moles and R is the molar gas constant.

Mean KE of a single molecule (Internal Energy), E

3/2 kT

Mean transitional kinetic energy of an atom of an ideal gas

is directly proportional to the temperature in K

Specific heat capacity

Thermal Energy required to raise the temperature of a unit mass by a unit temperature rise

Thermodynamic scale

absolute scale of temperature

Absolute Zero

0k, -273.15 �C, Min Internal Energy



Assumptions of kinetic theory of gas

large number of molecules in random rapid motion, elastic collisions, no intermolecular forces, total volume of molecules is negligible

Boyles Law

Volume of fixed mass of gas is inversely proportional to the pressure exerted on it provided T is constant

Triple point

Temp at which substance can be solid, liquid, gas

pV / T


SHC, c

E / m??

Electrical experiment to determine SHC

Measure mass, heat with electrical heater, measure temp, plot temp / time, measure gradient, c = VI / (m x gradient)

Specific Latent heat of Fusion

The quantity of energy per unit mass required to change it at constant temp from solid into liquid.

Specific Latent Heat of Vaporisation

The quantity of energy per unit mass required to change it at constant temp from liquid into gas.

Internal energy

Sum of random distributions of kinetic and potential energies of the molecules of a substance

Ideal gas

has Internal energy only in the form of random kinetic energy


Perpendicular Force per unit area

A rise in temperature

means higher KE of molecules, so higher internal energy

A change of state

leads to changes in internal energy due to changes in the random PE of molecules.

Brownian motion

random motion of particles in a fluid