Physics Finals Vocab

Newtons 2nd Law

if a net force DOES act on an object, it will change its motion (it will change its velocity or accelerate). The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force action on the object and inversely proportional to the object's mass

Newtons 3rd Law

whenever one object exerts a force on another object, the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first object


when all forces are balanced, the net force is zero, either at rest or moving with constant velocity

normal force

the force exerted by one object on another


a force that opposes motion by materials rubbing against each other

coefficient of friction

greek letter mu depends on the materials that are sliding against each other, the lower the coefficient, the lower the friction, has no units, just a value, will always be positive and less than 1


force times distance, not done on an object unless the object is moved due to a force, done when components of force are parallel to displacement, not done if the force is perpendicular to displacement

net force

the sum of all forces on an object

kinetic energy

energy of motion, depends on mass and speed

potential energy

stored energy

elastic potential energy

energy stored in any compressed or stretched object

gravitational potential energy

energy of an object due to its position relative to the gravitational source

mechanical energy

sum of kinetic energy and potential energy


the rate at which work is done

conservation of energy

in the absence of friction, the total amount of mechanical energy remais the same


a vector defined as the product of mass and velocity


the product of a constant force and the time over which it acts, this only applies when the force is CONSTANT

conservation of momentum

in all interactions between isolated objects, momentum is conserved. The TOTAL momentum remains constant for a system of objects that interact with each other

elastic collision

the two objects collide and then return to their original shapes with NO CHANGE in kinetic energy

inelastic collision

if objects collide and sound is produced, and they do not stick

perfectly inelastic collision

two objects hit each other and stick together with a common velocity after the collision

Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

every two objects have a gravitation force between them

centripetal force

the force that maintains circular motion, never found alone, always equal to another force

centripetal acceleration

acceleration directed toward the center of a circular path


property of matter that resists changing motion

kepler's laws

1st law: planets move in elliptical orbits, 2nd law: planets sweep out equal areas in equal times, 3rd law: K has the same value for all planets

critical speed

the speed of an object must be moving in order to stay in a vertical circle


a quantity that measures the ability of a force to rotate an object around some axis

lever arm

distance from turning axis to point of contact, perpendicular distance from axis of rotation to a line drawn along the direction of force

moment arm

same thing as lever arm

moment of inertia

resistance of an object to change its rotational motion

rotational equilibrium

when net TORQUE = 0

mechanical waves

waves that cannot exist without a medium

pulse wave

consists of one traveling pulse

periodic wave

wave whose source is some form of periodic motion


highest point above equilibrium


lowest point below equilibrium

hooke's law


wave speed

distance through which each wave moves per second


distance waves travel in one cycle (distance from crest to crest)


the number of cycles in a unit of time


maximum displacement from equilibirum


when individual particles of a medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction in which the wave travels


when individual particles of a medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave motion


when 2 waves of the same wavelength come together and crest meets crest and trough meets trough. The composite wave will have a greater amplitude than either wave


crest meets trough. composite wave is smaller than either of the original wave


unit for frequency


time it takes for one wave cycle

restoring force

the force acting in the opposite direction

simple harmonic motion

occurs whenever a force proportional to the displacement acts on a body in the opposite direction to its displacement from its normal position


consists of a mass called a 'bob' on a fixed string of negligible mass

standing waves

occur when 2 waves of the same frequency, wavelength and amplitude travel in opposite directions and interfere with each other


when frequency of a force applied to a system matches the natural frequency of vibration of a system


frequency determines how high or low we perceive a sound to be


part of a longitudinal wave where density and pressure are high


part of a longitudinal wave where density and pressure are low


greater than 20,000 hertz


less than 20 hertz


rate at which energy flows through a unit area perpendicular to wave motion

doppler effect

althgouh the frequency of a siren remains the same at the source, the pitch is perceived to change because of relative motion between the observer and the wave source