
General audit procedures

-Read min for board of directors' meetings
-Review contracts
-Review FS

Specific audit procedures

-Examine docs from attorneys
-Obtain legal letter
-Obtain mgmt. representation letter

Legal letter

An audit inquiry sent to the entity's attorneys to obtain or corroborate information about litigation, claims, and assessments.
*Refusal is a scope limitation

Type I

Exists during the BS date
*requires adjustment to the FS

Type II

Didn't exist during the BS date
*Only requires disclosure

What can an auditor do if a subsequent event occurs

Can change the date of the audit report or release a statement stating that the auditor is not responsible for impact of subsequent event

Going concern

an entity's ability to continue operating for at least a year

Indicators that a company is a going concern risk?

-Negative financial trends
-Other financial differences
-Internal problems
-External problems

Holding period

PCAOB- release within 45 days, hold for 7 years
Other- release within 60 days, hold for 5 years

What do you do if subsequent event happens after audit report has been issued?

Contact company and ask them to revise FS, if they don't involve legal counsel

Agreed-upon procedures report

A report providing a summary of findings
NOT an audit