Chapter 1

Case Screening

If a perpetrator is not arrested during the initial investigation, the case may be selected for a follow-up investigation through a process of case screening. The screening decision is usually made by a supervisor and is based on two major factors: (1) th

Confirmation Bias

Refers to the tendency of people to pay the most attention to information that confirms what they already believe to be true and ignore other evidence (the other possibilities).

Criminal Evidence

Crime-related information. It consists of supposed facts and knowledge that relate to a particular crime or perpetrator. It is what is obtained as a result of investigative activities. It is used to establish that a crime occurred and that a particular pe

Criminal Investigation

The process of collecting crime-related information to reach certain goals: identifying the perpetrator, apprehending the perpetrator, providing evidence to support a conviction in court, and satisfying crime victims.


The act of government officers or agents in inducing a person to commit a crime that is not contemplated by the person, for the purpose of instituting a criminal prosecution against him or her" (del Carmen 1995, p. 166).

Forensic Science

Broadly refers to the field of science that addresses legal questions.

Information Theory

The criminal investigation process resembles a battle between the police and the perpetrator over evidence. The perpetrator tries to minimize the amount of information produced as a result of the crime; the police try to find and collect the information t

Initial Investigation

Consists of the immediate post-crime activities of the investigators who arrive at the crime scene. The specific activities performed by investigators are largely a function of the particular case at hand.

Follow-up Investigation

May involve a wide variety of activities, which can include re-contacting and re-interviewing the victim, submitting physical evidence to the crime laboratory, seeking informants, and/or questioning suspects.

Reactive Criminal Investigation

The traditional manner in which police become involved in the investigation of crime. The crime occurs and then police respond or react to the crime. The police are typically in reactive mode when investigating crimes such as homicide, robbery, rape, and

Solvability Factors

Key pieces of crime-related information that, if present, increase the probability that the crime will be solved.


Involves an investigator posing as someone who wishes to buy (or sell) some illicit goods (such as drugs or sex) or to execute some other sort of illicit transaction. Once a seller (or buyer) is identified and the particulars of the illicit transaction ar


An undercover police officer attempts to attract crime by presenting the opportunity to an offender to commit such a crime. Once a crime has been attempted, officers who are standing by can make an arrest of the would-be perpetrator.

Undercover Fencing Operation

A fence is a business that buys and sells property that is known to be stolen. When the police go undercover and establish a fencing operation, word gets out that there is someone who is willing to buy stolen goods. The police make purchases, track the or


Most often involve watching a place and monitoring activities at that place.


Usually involves watching a person to monitor his or her activities.

Undercover Criminal Investigation

A proactive strategy; usually involves the police initiating investigative activities prior to the occurrence of a crime. Undercover strategies may be controversial, but they are necessary to effectively combat certain crimes, especially prostitution and

What is the traditional strategy of the police, where the police are only involved after a crime occurs and the police are made aware?

Reactive Process

Which stage of a reactive investigation involves case screening?

The follow-up investigation

Which of the following is NOT true about solvability factors?

They are the requirements needed to initiate an investigation of a case

Entrapment is

Compelling a person to commit a crime that he/she was not predisposed to committing

What is confirmation bias?

Confirmation bias is the tendency of people to pay attention to information that confirms what they already believe to be true

What is the specialized function of the courts?

To determine the guilt of a perpetrator

According to the text, why are crimes not solved?

Nature and structure of the crimes, mistakes made by the investigators, Police's responsibility of following laws when collecting evidence

What cases are commonly not solved by the police due to lack of evidence available?


Which of the following was a part of the Unabomber;s modus operandi (MO)?

The use or reference to "wood".

Which of the following is NOT true of the information theory?

All statements made to the media concerning on-going investigations should come from one designated police official

Because the police are reactive to crime, they solve a high percentage of crimes.


The specialized function of the police is to identify and apprehend perpetrators.


Logic and inference are rarely preset in successful criminal investigations.


Information theory refers to the field of scientific study that addresses legal questions.


CSI accurately portrays the reality of criminal investigations.
