Criminal Justice 101 Chapters 13-14

Maximum Security Prison

Penal institution designed and operated with the principal goal of preventing escape and avoiding violence on the part of prisoners, virtually to the exclusion of rehabilitation or other programs

Medium Security Prison

Penal institutions with emphasis on control and custody, but not to the exclusion of rehabilitative or other programs

Minimum Security Prison

Penal institution allowing inmates and visitors internal freedom of movement and program participation consistent with incarceration


Process that consists of regular procedures through which the custodial, treatment, vocational, and educational needs of each prisoner are determined

Deprivation Model

Explanation of prison subculture that suggests norms, language, roles, and traditions are developed in the prison to help prisoners adjust to the pains of imprisonment


Socialization process in which new prisoners learn the ways of prison society, including rules, hierarchy, customs, and culture

Inmate Code

Informal set of rules that reflect the values of the prison society

Prison Argot

Unique vocabulary used by prisoners


Inmate activity that involves obtaining goods and services that are unavailable through legitimate channels

Importation Model

Explanation of prison subculture that suggests norms, language, roles, and traditions are brought into the prison from outside the walls


Voluntary, self-initiated transformation of an individual lacking in social or vocational skills into a productive, normally functioning citizen


Punishment philosophy that asserts that through proper correctional intervention, a criminal can be reformed into a law-abiding citizen


Repeated or habitual relapses into criminal behavior


Alternative to imprisonment, allowing a person found guilty of an offense to stay in the community, under conditions and with supervision

Probation Officer

Officer attached to the trial court who is responsible for administering the court's probation program


Supervised conditional release of a convicted prisoner before expiration of the sentence of imprisonment

Parole Board

Group of citizens, usually appointed by the governor of a state, who determine the eligibility of prisoners for release from prison and the dates for their release from prison and from parole

Parole Hearing

Meeting held by members of the parole board to decide whether prisoners will be granted parole

Revocation of Parole

Return of a person on parole to prison for violation of a parole condition

Parole Officer

Officer of the executive branch of government responsible for the supervision of convicts released from prison on parole

Good Time System

System under which time is deducted from a prison sentence for good behavior within the institution


Release from the legal penalties of an offense

Conditional Pardon

Pardon that depends on the fulfillment of specified conditions


Compensation (normally court-ordered) on the part of an offender to the victim, or a victim substitute, for any losses or harm inflicted, usually in money or services

Restorative Justice

Model of Justice, opposed to retributive justice, aimed at the offender's contribution to offset the harm done, including reconciliation with victims

Intensive Supervision Probation (ISP)

Alternative to prison for convicted nonviolent offenders who do not qualify for routine probation; probation subject to stringent supervision

Shock Probation

Sentence that allows for brief incarceration followed by probation, in an effort to induce law abidance by shocking the offender

Shock Incarceration

Short term of incarceration that subjects offenders to hard work, intense drills, and other character-building exercises

Halfway House

Residential correctional facility in which an offender may have to serve the last portion of his or her sentence outside prison, but not yet in the community

House Arrest

Sentence in which convicts are confined to their own residence in lieu of imprisonment in an institution

Electronic Monitoring

Computer-assisted checks on offender's movement to ensure that he or she is not going to places in violation of restrictions

Community Service Order

Sanction in which the sentencing judge orders the convict to perform any of a range of services to the community