Criminal Behavior : A Psychological Approach 10th edition FINALS STUDYGUIDE

Antisocial behavior

Those researchers who advocate for a fourth core factor in psychopathy argue that ________ should be included with the three core factors.


Robert Hare's definition of primary psychopathy includes emotional, ________, and cognitive aspects.


Currently, Hare's PCL-R is the best measure available of identifying criminal psychopaths. According to Hare, what score must a person receive on this scale to be considered a criminal psychopath?

Conscience; empathy

Robert Hare notes that true psychopaths are completely lacking in ________ and ________.

Linguistic processing

Robert Hare's research studies have found that criminal psychopaths appear to be deficient in ________.


Deficits in measures of skin conductance arousal are believed to be associated with low autonomic arousal levels.

Secondary psychopaths

Those psychopaths who commit antisocial or violent acts because of severe emotional problems or inner conflicts are referred to as ________.


Research indicates that the recidivism rate associated with psychopaths is very high.


Current research on gender differences suggests that psychopathic women far outnumber psychopathic men.

Some researchers are concerned about the negative implications of labeling juveniles as psychopaths

Which of the following statements about juvenile psychopathy is correct?


Generally speaking, the autonomic nervous system of the psychopath appears to be comparatively ________.

Obtain adequate stimulation

The behavior of the psychopath appears to be primarily an attempt to _________.


Only the secondary psychopath is a "true" psychopath.


Although questioned by some, most estimates of the prevalence of psychopaths in the adult prison population range from ________.


According to Robert Hare, antisocial individuals who display aggressive behavior learned from their subculture are ________ psychopaths.

I did it for the hell of it

A psychopath would most likely explain his criminal behavior by saying which of the following?


The core behavioral dimension that reflects the interpersonal and emotional components, such as callousness and manipulation of others, is referred to as psychopathic Factor 1.

Are less sensitive and alert to their environment

Research by Robert Hare on the orienting response suggests that psychopaths ________.

Semantic aphasia

Quay has said that psychopaths "know the words but not the music" in reference to their lack of real emotion. This is also known as ________.

Factor analysis

The core factors of psychopathy have been identified by a statistical method called

Patrick Bateman

Which individual was NOT mentioned in the chapter as a likely example of a psychopath?

Factor 2

The core behavioral dimension that reflects a socially deviant life style, such as impulsiveness, excessive need for stimulation, and lack of realistic goals is referred to as psychopathic ________.


Psychopathy Screening Device or the PSD is one of the measures specifically designed to identify youths with psychopathic characteristics.


In the two-factor scheme, Factor 2 reflects the interpersonal and emotional components of the disorder and consists of items measuring remorselessness, callousness, and selfish use and manipulation of others


The childhood of the psychopath is often characterized by ________.


According to Cleckley, which absolute unchanging characteristic is always present in the psychopath?

Three or more factors

Recent research using factor analysis on the behavioral characteristics suggests that there appear(s) to be ________ that adequately describe(s) the behavioral dimensions of psychopaths.

Emotional intelligence

According to the DSM-IV, which of the following is NOT a symptom of antisocial personality disorder?


Mental health courts are alternative, specialized courts that are designed to treat offenders with a history of substance abuse.

Dissociative identity disorder

Which diagnostic label has been most associated with the iatrogenic phenomenon in recent years?

Incompetent defendants could not be hospitalized indefinitely if no progress was made to restore them

What was the essential ruling in Jackson vs. Indiana?

Persistently criminal psychopaths

In the Brawner Rule, the "caveat paragraph" intends to exclude ________ from using the insanity defense.

Limited amnesia

What form of amnesia is the most widely used justification for an insanity defense or mitigation of criminal responsibility in the U.S. courts today?

John Hinckley

Whose successful 1982 plea of not guilty by reason of insanity led to widespread public outcry and reforms of NGRI in more than thirty states?


The use of amnesia as a defense has been largely unsuccessful in the United States.

Insanity Defense Reform Act

In general, the U.S. federal court system currently uses what insanity standard?

Criminal responsibility

The core of the insanity defense involves which of the following issues?


Delusional disorders are also called ________ disorders.


According to the text, the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Assessment of competency to stand trial

What is the most common type of forensic assessment conducted for the criminal courts?

Developmental or intellectual disability

Mental retardation is professionally known as _______

Andrea Yates

Which of the following defendants was found not guilty by reason of insanity?


The prediction of dangerousness has been transformed to an assessment of the probability that violence or other serious offending will occur in the future.

Incompetent to stand trial

IST stands for ________.

Not remain hospitalized once they were no longer mentally disordered

In Foucha v. Louisiana, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that defendants found NGRI could ________.


In Tarasoff v. Regents (1976), the Supreme Court of California held that a psychotherapist should directly warn the potential victims of a patient.

The act was the result or product of schizophrenia

When the M'Naghten Rule is applied, the essential inquiry is whether ________.


MPD stands for Multiple Psychosis Disorder


Insanity is a legal term that refers to a defendant's state of mind at the time of the crime.

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

DSM refers to what?

Being violent within a year

The research shows that mentally disordered male patients, who have a history of at least one violent incident, have a high probability of ________ after release from the hospital.

In cases that did not involve violence, courts should be very careful in ordering medication to treat mentally disordered offenders who refuse the medication

What was the Supreme Court's ruling in Sell v. U.S. (2003)?

Diminished responsibility

The most common result of a PTSD defense has been one of ________.


Disorganized, catatonic, paranoid, undifferentiated, and residual are all subtypes of ________.

John Hinckley's

Whose trial generated so much public outcry that Congress passed the Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1984?

A child older than 24 hours

Filicide refers to the killing of ________.


A youth who has been kicked out of the home by a parent or caretaker is called a thrownaway.

Group cause homicide

In which of the FBI's category of homicide is terrorist activity often included?

Emotional abuse

Which of the following terms describes a chronic pattern of behavior in which a child is belittled or denied love to promote a specific behavior?


Filicide refers to the killing of a newborn within the first 24 hours after birth

A combination of emotional abuse and neglect

The most common abuse of the elderly by caretakers is ______.

Munchausen syndrome by proxy

When a caregiver fabricates or intentionally causes symptoms in those they are caring for in order to seek and obtain medical treatment, it is usually a case of ________.

Aggravated assault

The intentional inflicting of serious bodily injury on another" is a sufficient definition of which of the following offense(s)?

Encourage an abusive man to participate in men-only recreational activities

Which of the following is NOT considered one of the effective ways to break the wife-abuse cycle?

Lower class white women ages 75-85

The likeliest candidates for elder abuse appear to be ________.

African Americans

Which group has a rate of criminal homicide that significantly exceeds its numbers in the general population, both as offenders and victims?


According to the text, determining the actual number of children who die each year from ________ is exceedingly difficult.


Families that are characterized by continual cycles of physical aggression and violence inside the family are called ________.


The constant attention that the media give to murder in the United States makes it seem more widespread and frequent than it really is.


In the United States, the victims of homicide are mostly male.

Weapons effect

The phenomenon that occurs when the mere presence of a gun or other weapon stimulates violence is called ________.


Suspect-based profiling is a technique that can help locate where a serial offender resides.

Many serial killers had been former police officers

Jenkins's 1988 study of serial killers in England found that ________.


In investigative psychology, any behavior that goes beyond what is necessary to commit the crime is called (the) ________.

Workplace violence

An incident in which the offender commits serious physical or bodily harm to several workers within an organization is called ________.

Refers to the actions and procedures an offender engages in to successfully commit a crime

The modus operandi ________.

Peer rejection; social rejection

Research has found that the two consistent characteristics of school shooters are ________ and ________.


Kraemer, Lord, and Heilbrun (2004) found that serial offenders often prefer to use guns, while single-victim offenders prefer hands on killing.

Serial rape

During the early days of its development, crime scene profiling was used to provide investigative assistance in which of the following cases?


Most mass murders are spontaneous and unplanned

The offender has an indirect involvement

Offenders who commit violence at the workplace can be classified according to their involvement with the workplace. What kind of involvement does the Type IV offender have with the workplace?

Anxious mood during crime

Which of the following is a profile characteristic of a disorganized murderer, as classified by the FBI?


A serial violent offender who does not specifically search for victims is using which one of Rossmo's hunting patterns?

A vast majority of shooters have poor social and coping skills

Which of the following is NOT a myth promoted by the news media about school shooters?


A term coined by Havelock Ellis that refers to self-arousal and the self-gratification of sexual arousal is ________.

Interview and background information

Which primary investigative method is used by the profiling category equivocal death analysis?


Research shows that very few school shooters had a history of cruelty to animals.


Martin, Taft, and Resick (2007) estimate that ________ percent of married women have experienced marital rape.


Recent statistics suggest that about ________ percent of all forcible rapes are committed by husbands or dates.

Anger rape

Which of the following is one of Groth's three categories of rape?


Attempting to reason with the attacker often reduces the risk of physical injury during rape.


Rape is widely believed to be the most underreported crime.

Displaced aggression

The rapist motivated by pervasive anger in the MTC:R3 is similar to the ________ type described in the original MTC.


The original MTC had five major classifications and ten subtypes.

Paternal abandonment

According to research, which of the following is one of the strongest risk factors leading juvenile sex offenders to recidivate?

Compensatory rapist

Which type of rapist rapes in response to an intense sexual arousal initiated by specific stimuli?

Pervasive hatred

Which of the following is NOT one of the four primary motivations of rapists outlined in the revised MTC:R3 classification scheme?

Social competence

In the MTC:R3, the primary motivations are sometimes subdivided according to _______.

Masturbatory conditioning

On the basis of clinical studies, which of the following may play an integral part in the development of both normal and deviant sexual behavior?

Forcible rape

_______ is the term used by the FBI in the gathering of crime reporting and arrest statistics for Part I crimes.


Which of the following represents the largest percentage of rapists according to the National Women's Survey?

Anger rape

According to Groth, in which of the following types of rape does the offender use more force than is necessary for compliance and engage in a variety of sexual acts that are particularly degrading or humiliating to the woman?

Sexual coercive behavior

The Knight and Sims-Knight three-path model identifies causal pathways in the development of ________.


There is a direct causal relationship between pornography and sexual aggression.


The United States has the highest reported incidence of rape in the world


Which of the following was traditionally a major victim-related issue for defense lawyers when dealing with rape cases?


Sex offenders are a homogenous group, markedly similar in age, race, and socioeconomic status.

According to research by Becker and Johnson, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of most adolescent sex offenders?

They have no siblings

Show high and nearly equal sexual arousal to audiotape portrayals of both rape and consenting sexual acts

Abel and his associates found that men convicted of rape ________.


There is a direct causal relationship between pornography and sexual aggression

Severe and lasting physical injury

Which of the following is NOT a common consequence of rape trauma?

Subscribe to attitudes and ideology that encourage men to dominate and control women

Most adult rapists ________.

Forcible rape

________ is the term used by the FBI in the gathering of crime reporting and arrest statistics for Part I crimes.

Emphasizes the motives for the rape

The Groth rape typology is similar to the original MTC typology, except that Groth ________.

Anger rape

Which of the following is one of Groth's three categories of rape?


Attempting to reason with the attacker often reduces the risk of physical injury during rape.


Hebephilia is a distinct diagnostic category of pedophilia.


Those who engage in sexual trafficking are more likely to be perceived as sex offenders than as economic offenders.

Relapse prevention

_______ is specifically designed to be effective in helping the individual maintain the "cure.


As per Lanyon's research (1986), violence is involved in about ________ percent of child sexual abuse cases.


Pedophilia is a legal term, not a clinical one

Extrafamilial Child Molestation

Sexual contact with immature family members by individuals from outside the family is called ________.


Alcohol abuse is common in pedophilia.

Blockage theories

According to Finkelhor and Araji (1986), which of the following is one of the four explanations for pedophilia?

Criminal Homosexual Offenders

Which of the following is NOT one of the types of female sex offenders as proposed by Donna Vandiver and Glen Kercher?


_______ child molestation is most commonly perpetrated by men who molest their daughters or stepdaughters.

Sexual abuse produces long-term psychological problems in many children

Research on the psychological effects of child sexual victimization indicates that _______.

Sex force

Groth's typology contends that in ________ offenses, the modus operandi is characterized by threat of harm or use of physical force.

The exploitative, nonsadistic offender

Which of the following is an example of a low-contact offender who uses no more aggression or violence than is necessary to secure victim compliance?

Which of the following describes the term hebephilia most accurately?

Hebephilia is sexual contact by adult males with young adolescents.

Largely restricted to pedophilia; variable and extensive

The offending history of a pedophile is ________, compared to that of a rapist, which is ________.


A sexual disorder in which recurrent sexually arousing fantasies are necessary for sexual excitement is called ________.