
The U.S. Supreme Court extended to the states the requirement to appoint for all indigent defendants in:

Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

The right to counsel in all criminal prosecutions is established in the __________ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.


The U.S. Supreme Court barred imprisonment of a person for any offense unless they are represented by counsel in:

all "critical stages" in the criminal justice process

The U.S. Supreme Court held that defendants are entitled to effective assistance of counsel in 1984, but this was later revisited in the 2002 case of:

Williams v. Taylor (2000)

The U.S. Supreme Court held that federal criminal procedure rules regarding discovery do not require release of documents needed to make a selective prosecution claim in:

U.S. v. Armstrong et al.

The odds of pretrial detention for__________ males were twice those for white males, and the differences between these males and either African-American females or white females were even larger.

African American

In most states, __________ felony cases are dismissed by the prosecutor prior to a determination of guilt or innocence.

from 1/3 to 1/2

The __________ found that the majority of defendants released on their own recognizance did appear for trial.

Manhattan Bail Project

The strongest predictor of the outcome of a bail decision is:

the prosecutor's recommendation regarding the type and amount of bail

Repeated studies consistently show that pretrial detention has __________ on other case processing decisions.

Spillover effects

as part of the courtroom workgroup, in other words, public defenders are in a better position than private attorneys to negotiate favorable plea bargains and thus to _________ punishment.


A number of studies document _______ racial discrimination in bail decisions.


States do not obtain names of potential jurors from which of the following:

robo call lists

The phrase playing the race card refers to:

Playing to racial sentiments

In __________, the USSC reversed a death sentence murder conviction because the district attorney asked the jury commissioner to limit the number of African Americans and women on the master lists from which potential jurors were chosen.

Amadeo v. Zant (1988)

In __________, a U.S. Court of Appeals held that a plan to subtract the names of white prospective jurors until the proportion of racial minorities in the pool matches the proportion in the population violated the equal protection rights of white jurors.

U.S. v. Ovalle (1998)

Randall Kennedy argues that race conscious jury selection could have _____ consequences.


It is clear that lawyers ______ take the race of the juror into consideration during the jury selection process


19. While Batson seemed to offer hope that the goal of a representative jury was attainable, an examination of cases decided since 1986 suggests:


Prosecutors and defense attorneys can use their peremptory challenges�challenges without cause, without explanation, and without judicial ________.


From 2005 to 2009, prosecutors in Houston County, Alabama, used their peremptory challenges to remove ___ percent of the African Americans qualified for jury service in cases in which the death penalty was eventually


The Supreme Court decisions discussed in the chapter have made it more difficult for states to discriminate overtly on the basis on race or ethnicity, the procedures used to select the jury pool are however:

Are not racially neutral

Jury pools tend to under represent racial and ethnic minorities and those who are:


Cruel and unusual punishments are prohibited by the __________ Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

8th amendment

As a result of __________, the death penalty statutes in 39 states were invalidated.

the Furman decision

In ______ the Supreme Court banned imposing the death penalty on a defendant convicted of rape.

Coker v. Georgia (1977)

__________ banned executing those with intellectual disabilities

Atkins v. Virginia

In Gregg v. Georgia court noted that public opinion and ______ _______ were in favor of the death penalty.

State legislatures

__________ affirmed the use of guided discretion in death penalty statutes.

Gregg V. Georgia(1976)

__________ directly addressed the issue of victim-based racial discrimination in the application of the death penalty.

McCleskey v. Kemp (1987)

The collective cases of the Martinsville Seven are especially noteworthy because they were the first cases in which the defendants:

explicitly argued that the death penalty was administered in a racially discriminatory manner

The U.S. Supreme Court condemned "arbitrary and wanton jury discretion" in:

Furman vs Georgia

In 2005 the Court ruled that the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments forbid the imposition of the death penalty on offenders who were younger than ___ when their crimes were committed.


Although the exoneration of death row inmates and subsequent decisions to impose a moratorium on executions, led to a decline in support, in October 2014, ___ percent of Americans still reported that they favored the death penalty for people convicted of


Researchers have raised questions about poll results concerning support for the death penalty, suggesting that such support is not absolute but depends on such things as the circumstances of the case, the character of the defendant, or:

Alternative punishments