Page #10- The Juvenile Justice System: Steps in the process


3. In this step, an officer of the juvenile court determines if there is or is not enough evidence against the juvenile to continue the process.


1. In this step, an officer of the juvenile court is assigned to investigate the case of the juvenile who has been taken into custody.


5. 'In this step, the accused juvenile might be housed in a regional youth detention center while awaiting a court date.


8. In this step, the accused juvenile might be released into the custody of parents/guardians while awaiting a court date.

Formal Hearing

2. In this step, the accused juvenile appears in court and has his/her case presented before a juvenile court judge

Formal Hearing

6. In this step, the juvenile court judge hears the evidence and rules on the juvenile's innocence or guilt.


4. In this step, the juvenile court judge might assign probation, boot camp, community service, financial restitution, and suspension of driver's license.


In this step, the juvenile court judge determines the guilty juvenile's punishment.


1. In this step, the juvenile asks to have his/her case re-examined or re-evaluated in hopes of a different verdict.


7. In this step, the juvenile court has the right to extend its custody over the juvenile for up to five years.