Criminology T1

Which of the below is an orientation goal of the justice system?

Protection of individual rights

Which of the following is a pragmatic goal of the justice system?

Preventing crimes

Our system of justice is based on the _______ process


One of the first-known attempts to establish a written code of conduct was the:

Code of Hammurabi

Which of the below statements is or are correct regarding common law?

Common law was further enlarged by legislative enactments.

Today, the criminal law of the states on a written set of regulations that is largely the result of:

Legislative action

The least serious category of crime is:

An infraction

The Magna Carta:

Was the forerunner of the right to due process.

Trial by ordeal:

Was a trial requiring the convicted person to perform some physical feat.

Venue is:

The geographical area in which a case is heard

The accusatory jury system:

Was a component of English law and was incorporated into the Magna Carta

Which of the below is an orientation goal of the justice system?

Protection of Individual Rights

Our justice system should be viewed as a set of rules and is fixed in stone.


Court rules consist of the various standard procedures used by the courts


Judicial opinions do not construe the constitutionality of state statutes.


Law is not considered as a guideline for human behavior


In a well-regulated society, laws are considered to be essential in order to mold human conduct.


Historically, laws become more complex as societies become more complex.


Many early societal guidelines were
developed by trial and error


Originally, the common law of
England was nothing more than an unwritten set of regulations and customs.


Criminal laws do not vary among
the states.


Criminal laws should be worded in a vague manner in order to facilitate the prosecution of offenders.


Guilt or innocence has always been decided by a jury trial


The settlement of criminal charges by atonement was the forerunner of our present procedures for assessing a money fine against a convicted person


Trial by compurgation was used to replace trial by ordeal.


A dual system of state and federal court systems exists today.


After a person is arrested, unless the charge against him or her is dismissed, some prosecutive action must be taken.


Generally, courts of general jurisdiction are granted the authority to hear and decide all issues that are brought before them


In appellate court hearings, only admissible evidence may be presented.


In some states, the state Supreme Court does not deal with criminal cases.


Trial by compurgation was the forerunner of the present use of character witnesses.


Most states have eliminated treason as a category of crime, and have listed it merely as a misdemeanor.