HSC 350

deals with the values relating to human condunct


A person's view of what is right or wrong


ethics concerned with establishing standards or norms of conduct

normative ethics

justice that implies that all are treated fairly


The morally right action is whatever action leads to the maximum balance of good over evil


the theory of ethics that focuses on ones duties to others


ethics that are based on codes developed by societies which have relied on customs to formulate their codes


a form of beneficence that may involve witholding information from a person because of the belief that it is the best interest of the person


an ethical principle that requires caregivers to avoid causing patients harm


the obligation to be fair in the distribution of benefits


a person who is said to have a steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code is considered to have


the changing of ones moral character as circumstances change

situational ethics

health care organizations have a responsibility to explain to parents, staff, & families that patients have legal rights to divert their medical and nursing care as it corresponds to the state law

patient self determination act of 1990

describes those treatments an individual wishes or does not wish to receive should he or she become incapacitated

Living Will

a legal device that permits one individual known as the "principal" to give another person called "attorney in fact" the authority to act in his or her behalf in making health care decisions

durable power of attorney

a legal mechanism that by which the court declares a person incompetent and appoints a guardian


an agent who acts on behalf of a patient who lacks the capacity to participate in a particular decision

surrogate decision maker

a scientific decision that relates to medical occurences where the physicians recognize that the effect of treatment will be of no benefit to the patient and morally requires the physician to inform the patient when there is little likelihood of success i

Futility of Treatment

a decision not to initiate treatment or medical interventions for the patient

withold treatment

when there exists an element of uncertainty regarding a patients' wishes in an emergency situation the situation should be resolved in a way that

favors the preservation of life

serves as a hospital resource to patients, families, caregivers, and guardians

ethics committee

a general rule of conduct that is enforced by the government is a


when a law is violated, the government inposes a


the process of identifying the various alternatives to an ethical dilemma, determining the pros and cons of alternative choices, having a clear unbiased willingness to listen, and making fair and reasonable decisions based on accepted moral values

informed decision

a civil wrong, not including breach of conduct, that is committed against a person or property for which a court provides a correction in the form of an action for damages in a


the unintentional commission or omission of an act that a reasonably prudent person would or would not do

a negligent act

the unlawful restraint of an individual's personal liberty or the unlawful restraint or confinement of an individual

false imprisonment

the reasonable anticipation that harm or injury will result from an act or failure to act is


the written form of defamation


to recover damages caused by negligence, one must prove

duty to care, breach of duty, injury, and causation

an offence punishable by less than one year in jail and/ or fine


a written or oral agreement that involves legally binding obligations between two or more parties


before the trial, facts are invesigated in a process called


a legal order requiring a person to appear in court


exidence is offered by objects themselves


a legal obligation of care, performance, or observance imposed on one to safeguard the rights of others


conduct expected of an individual in a given situation

standard of care

amendment to the constitution that provides that a state cannot act to deny any person equal protection of the laws


pursuant to the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the guidelines of the department of the health and human services prohibit the practice of

racial discrimination

the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice has primary responsibilty for

enforcing federal antitrust laws

Act passed by Congress that forbids Medicare participating hospitals from dumping patients out of emergency departments

Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

Act that prohibits physicians who have ownership interest or compensation arrangements with a clinical laboratory from referring Medicare patients to that laboratory

Ethics in Patient Referral Act

Act designed to protect the privacy, confidentiality, and security of patient information

Health Care Insurance Portability Act

Organizations are expected to maintain a culture that supports

patient safety, fosters respect and trust, encourages integrity and honesty, and provides compassionate care

a legal doctrine holding employers liable for the wrongful acts of their agents

Respondeat Superior

Employees should reprt practices they consider

unethical, detrimental to reputation of the organization, might be harmful to patients, ethically questionable

a definition of the duties of practitioners in their particular roles, the permissible boundaries of practice for health care professionals, and is often defined in state statutes

Scope of Practice

practicing outside one's scope of practice has both

ethical and legal concerns

when conducting research personal autonomy, self-determination, hippocratic maxim of "do no harm" and the hippocratic oath's requirement that physicians benefit their patients "according to their best judgement", and informed consent must be addressed

ethical considerations