ADJ 100 Test 1

Which stage of the criminal justice process examines issues of fact and law for the purpose of reaching a judgment of conviction or acquittal of the defendant?


Which model assumes that the system's subcomponents work together harmoniously to achieve the social product we call justice?

Consensus Model

Who returns an indictment?

The grand jury

In the criminal justice process, a (n) ____ has to occur before a(n) ____ can take place.


About _____ percent of sentences are imposed in criminal cases because of guilty please rather than trials.


During an arrest and prior to questioning defendants are usually advised of their constitutional rights as enumerated in the Supreme Court decision of:

Miranda v. Arizona

Which of the following acts was enacted in response to the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centers and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001?

USA PATRIOT Act of 2001

Bail is usually set at the:

First appearance before the judge

If a defendant "stands mute" at her arraignment, what plea will be entered by the judge?

No contest

Which model emphasizes individual rights?

due-process model

The scientific study of the causes and prevention of crime is called:


Which os the following terms is defined as the principle of fairness or the ideal of moral equality?


All of the following rights are states in the Miranda warning except:

You have the right to bail

When an offender receives a _____ sentence, he or she serves one sentence after another is completed.


The USA PATRIOT Act of 2001 was enacted in response to what type of crime?


The modern justice process begins with:


An offender who has served a specified portion of a prison sentence may be freed on:


At which stage in the criminal justice process does the defendant enter a plea?


Which Supreme Court case mandated that states provide lawyers for defendants who are unable to pay for them?

Gideon v. Wainwright

Multiculturalism is often used in conjunction with what other term?


Which of the following advocates would support the interests of society over those of an individual?

public-order advocates

Which Supreme Court case holds that even a defendant who committed a petty crime may be entitled to a jury trial if he or she can show that additional penalties viewed together with the maximum prison term are so severe that the legislators determined tha

Blanton v. Las Vegas

If a defendant waives her right to a jury trial, what type of trial will she have?


Conduct in violation of the criminal laws of a state, the federal government, or a local jurisdiction, for which there is no legal acceptable justification or excuse.


Bob committed a burglary and confessed his crime to the police. He confessed because the police violated his individual rights and beat him until he confessed. Mary is more concerned about what the police have done, that what Bob has done. Mary adheres to

due process

The ____ collects information on crimes suffered by individuals and households, whether of not those crimes were reported to law enforcement.


Most incidents of hate crime are motivated by:

racial hatred

All of the following are Part I property crime offenses except:


Sixteen thousand ___ provide crime data to the FBI for the UCR/NIBRS.

law enforcement agencies

Each of the following offenses falls under the category of larceny except for:

thefts from motor vehicles.

Simple assaults:

typically involve pushing and shoving

A murdered who kills at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders is a:

A) rage murderer
B) mass murdered
C) spree killer
D) serial murdered

The Uniform Crime Reporting Program is based on:

reports to the police.

The theft of farm animals, or rustling would be classified as:


The killing of four or more victims at one location within one event is termed:

mass murder

All of the following crimes are UCR/NIBRS Part I offenses except:

drug use

One of the crimes the National Crime Victimization Survey include information about is:


Who was the first scholar to define white collar crime?

Edwin Sutherland

What is the most common form of arson?

the intentional burning of structures

A perspective on criminological thought that views offensive and deviant behavior as the product of dysfunctional personalities.

Psychological School

A "supermal" is said to display what chromosomal structure?


Which theoretical perspective investigates developments and turning points in the course of a person's life over time?

life course

Sykes and Matza's neutralization techniques include all of the following except:

denial of understanding

Which of the following is known as a biological theorist?


According to Sutherland, criminal behavior is:


Sheldon would classify a juvenile with soft roundness throughout the body, short tapering limbs, and small bones as a(n) _____.


Using Merton's types of criminality, which type accepts society's goals but rejects the means to achieve them?


A(n) ____ theoretical approach integrates a variety of viewpoints in an attempt to explain crime and violence.


According to Robert Merton, a(n) _____ rejects both society's goals and means to achieve them.


Which of the following is not considered an emergent perspective?


What would you call a scientist who examines the shape of the head to determine causes of human behavior?


A perspective on crime causation that holds that criminality is the result of conscious choice.

Rational Choice Theory

According to Merton, _____ were the revolutionaries of his theory.


A person's reason for committing a crime is considered:


Which of the following elements of crime means "guilty mind"?

mens rea

Which of the following would not be categorized as a felony?

simple assault

The coexistence of (1) an act in violation of the law and (2) a culpable mental state.


On occasion, a person may be tricked into consuming an intoxicating substance. This may support a defense is know as:

involuntary intoxication

A verdict, equivalent to finding of "guilty", that establishes that the defendant, although mentally ill, was in sufficient possession of his or her facilities to be morally blameworthy for his or her acts.

guilty, but mentally ill

A/An _____ offense is an offense not yet completed. Also, an offense that consists of an action or conduct that is a step toward the intended commission of the offense.


A criminal offense punishable by death or by incarceration in prison for at least one year.


When a police office induces a subject to commit a crime, a defendant will probably use:

a procedural defense

A common law and constitutional prohibition against a second trial for the same offense.

double jeopardy

_____ refers to understandings built up through common usage and also to decisions rendered by courts in previous cases.


Which of the following terms means procedural fairness?

due process

Which model emphasizes the efficient arrest and conviction of criminal offenders?

crime-control model

Jake Robinson was convicted on a burglary and a drug offense. He was given a sentence of six years in prison for both offenses. These sentences were to run concurrently. How many years would he spend in prison?


Which Supreme Court era is remembered for its concern with protecting the innocent against massive power of the state in criminal proceedings?

Warren Court

The due process clause of the United States Constitution is specifically stated in which amendment?


In criminal proceedings, a writ is issued by a judicial officer directing a law enforcement office to perform a specified act and affording the officer protection from damages if he or she performs it.


What is a term used to describe crimes that occur but are not reports to the police?

dark figure of crime

The most common form of larceny in recent years has been the theft of:

motor vehicle part, accessories and contents

The National Incident-Bases Report System (NIBRS)

represents a significant redesign of the original Uniform Crime Reporting Program

Which Part I offense is least likely to occur?


Which index crime has the highest clearance rate?


Which of the following agencies is responsible for compiling the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS)?

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Which of the following is not a fundamental assumption of psychological theories?

A criminal's tendency to commit crime in inherited

An eighteenth-century approach to crime causation and criminal responsibility that grew out of the enlightenment and that emphasized the role of free well and reasonable punishments.

Classical School

According to Robert Merton, a(n) ____ rejects the goals and accepts the means to achieve society's goals.


What is atavism?

A condition characterized b the existence of features thought to be common in earlier stages of human evolution.

Which of the following advocates would support the protection of personal freedoms and civil rights?

individual-rights advocates

The preliminary hearing is used to decided whether:

there are reasonable grounds to believe the defendant committed the crime.

The aggregate of all operating and administrative or technical support agencies that perform criminal justice functions.

criminal justice system

Chaos theory, disclosure analysis, and realist criminology are all examples of:

post-modern criminology

A special category of crimes that require no culpable mental state.

strict liability

An idea that embraces all aspects of civilized life and that is linked to fundamental notions of fairness and to cultural beliefs about right and wrong.

social justice

The United State Congress authorized the attorney general to gather and publish the Uniform Crime Reports in:


According to Sykes and Matza, a criminal who states "I'm a product of my background" would be:

in denial of responsibility

A/An ____ of a crime is an essential feature of a crime, as specified by law.


Which stage in the criminal justice process involves taking pictures and fingerprints of the suspect?
