
What do the witches decide to do before vanishing at the end of the scene

They meet upon the heath, to meet with macbeth

what does the audience learn about macbeth from the wounded sergeant's report of the battle

They are very vicious

What is to be done with the thane of cawdor? His title?

He is a traitor and they are giving macbeth his title, thane is to be killed

What does macbeth mean when he claims "So foul and fair a day i have not seen." Why is the day fair? Foul?

Foulness of the weather, and the fairness of the victory

What do the witches predict for Banquo?

Banquo's children will be kings, he will not, less happy than Macbeth, but happier

What do the witches predict for Macbeth?

He will be Thane of Cawdor and King

What does Macbeth learn from Ross and Angus? How do you think this news affects him?

That king hath happily received Macbeth

After the first prediction becomes a reality, what is Banquo's warning to his friend?

To be careful, that demonic forces could win his confidence

What does Duncan mean when he tells his son "There's no art to find the mind's construction in the face"?

There is no way to read a persons thoughts by looking at there face

How does Macbeth respond to praise from his kings?What does this suggest about his character?

He wishes he deserves less. He is humble

What news does duncan share with the court about his son Malcolm? How does Mac respond to the announcement?

That Malcolm well suited him to the throne

Following the kings proclamation, Macbeth says, "Stars, Hide your fires! Let not the light see my black and deep desires." What is he thinking to himself

Macbeth realizes that he will not become king by chance

What does lady macbeth advise her husband to "look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't

He is too nice

What does Macbeth mean when he claims that the king is there in "double trust"?What are his reasons for deciding not to commit murder

He is his kingsman and his subject, and he is his host

How does lady Macbeth responds to her husband's decision not to kill duncan? What does she do to change his mind

If you want something you have to get your hands dirty

How do Macbeth and his wife plan to safely execute duncan and escape blame for the crime?

Get him drunk and drugged, use the daggers of the guards and plant them with the guards after

Describe Macbeth hallucination. How do you think he is feeling at this point in the story?

He sees a bloody dagger. He is feeling confused

What has Lady Macbeth done to help her husband to kill duncan?

he drugged the guards

Macbeth and his wife meet after the deed has been done. How does he feel now that he successfully killed duncan?

He feels concerned and sad, he is also afraid

How does lady Macbeth help to conceal their crime?

She places the dagger back on the guards

Explain how lady Macbeth response to being a murderer is different from her husband's

She seems heartless and unaffected

Who discovers duncan's murdered body?


Who is accused of committing the murder

The guards

After learning of their father's death, what do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to do?

They are going to flee