English AQA GCSE Macbeth quotes

Act 1 scene 1 quote by the witches showing there prophecies

fair is foul and foul is fair"
Theme of reality and secrecy

Quote about Macbeth act 1 scene 2 as a warrior

for brace Macbeth- well he deserves that name- disdaining fortune with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution"

Act 1 scene 3 prophecies by the witches

All hail, Macbeth that shall be king hereafter"

Act 1 scene 1 prophecy about Banquo

Thou shalt bear kings though thou be none "
Third witch

Macbeths opinion of prophecies at the beginning act 1 scene 3

Why do you dress me in borrowed robes?"
Does not contemplate regicide

Lady Macbeth quote to show their relationship in letter act 1

My dearest partner of greatness"
Atypical relationship

Lady Macbeth quote from soliloquy act 1 about macbeth

yet I do fear the nature , it is too full of the mill of human kindness"
Cowardly ness

Quote about what lady macbeth will do to Macbeth act 1

That I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue"
She emasculated him

Quote about power balance in society said by lady Macbeth in her soliloquy ant 1

unsex me here"
Becoming more like a man as women were seen as weak
No emotion

Quote about reality and deception said by lady Macbeth in her soliloquy

look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under't"

Quote to show how lady Macbeth emasculated Macbeth act 1 scene 7

And live a coward in thine own esteem"

How is the structure in act 1 scene 7 important

Lady Macbeth dominates the conversation with Macbeth only chipping in
It shows she holds more power at the beginning

Lady Macbeth quote about the promise very graphic act 1 scene 7

and dashed the brains out"
She would kill her own baby
Bloody tragedy

Lady Macbeth quote about the murder act 1 scene 7

we fail? But screw your courage to the sticking place, and we'll not fail

Act 2 murder of Duncan dagger quote

Is this a dagger which I see before me?"

Act 2 quote about the brain murder of Duncan said by macbeth

Proceeding from the heat -oppressed brain"

Quote from act 2 to show Macbeth is guilty

I'll go no more. I am afraid to think what I have done"

Act 2 scene 2 quote linked to religion showing Macbeth is in crisis

I could not say amen"
Regicide he has killed a god appointed king
Jacobean chain of being

Lady Macbeth quote about blood after murder

a little water clears us of this deed"
Foreshadows lady macbeths sleepwalking

Quote about what the princes will do after the murder act 2

What will you do? Let's not consort with them. To show an unfelt sorrow is an office which the false man does easy.

Act 3 quote about banquos suspicion

I fear thou played'st most foully for it"
Banquo suspects Macbeth of murder

Act 3 quote about Banquo and his children after

We have scorched the snake , not killed it"
Deception symbolism

Quote about Banquo s ghost

"It will have blood they say: blood will have blood"
Act 3

Quote from lady Macbeth when Macbeth witnesses the ghost in act 3

Sit worthy friends my lord is often this and hath been from his youth"
She tries to save the situation

Warning of the first apparition

Beware Macduff, beware the theme of fife

Warning of the second apparition

For none of woman born shall harm Macbeth

Warning of the third apparition

Macbeth shall never be vanquished until great birnam wood to high dunsinane hill shall come against him

Macbeth ordering the murder of Macduffs family

And all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line

Macduff saying Macbeth is evil act 4

Not in the legions of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth"

Quote to show the Thames opinion of Macbeth at the end of the play

What does the tyrant ?"
Thane of meteith

Quote about lady macbeths grief before her suicide

Out dammed spot! Out I say!"
Said by lady Macbeth in her sleep

Quote to show macbeths arrogance at the end of the play when he learns of Malcolm's plan

The heart I bear shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear

Quote to show the relationship between Macbeth and lady Macbeth at the end of the play

Cure her of that"
he sees her more as a hinderence and displays no worry

Macbeth quote from when he is talking to young siward at the end of the play

Thou call'St thyself a hotter name than any is in hell"
Said by young siward comparing Macbeth to Satan

Quote to show Macbeth is proud during battle at the end of the play

Why should I play the roman fool and die on mine own sword?

Quote revealing the significance of macduffs truth in the prophecies in the end

Tell thee, macduff was from his mothers womb untimely ripped

Quote to summarise the views on Macbeth at the end of the play

"Of this dead butcher and his fiend like queen