kin 406 exam 2

Market segmentation

The process of dividing a large, heterogeneous market into more homogeneous groups of people who have similar wants, needs, or demographic profiles, to whom a product may be targeted

state of being, state of mind, product benefits, product usage

four bases of segmentation

state of being

Geography, age, income, education, gender, sexual orientation, race and ethnicity

state of mind

assumes that consumers may be divided by personality traits; by lifestyle characteristics such as attitudes, interests, and opinions; and by preferences and perceptions. Innovators, thinkers, achievers, experiencers, believers, strivers, makers, survivors

Product Benefits

Socialization, excitement, high performance, entertainment, affordability, affirmation, recognition

product usage

how much is used

Specialize, focuses on those most likely to buy, meets wants and needs without exhausting resources, provides product, price, promotion, place, and PR in the right way.

What are the benefits of segmenting a market?


Can the marketer identify a segment?


Can the marketer access the segment?


will the segment be responsive to marketing efforts in terms of wants and needs, and is it worth targeting the segment?

80-20 rule

80 percent of business comes from 20 percent of the customers.

indentifiability, accessibility, responsiveness

What are the three most critical components that a marketer needs to examine to segment a market effectively?

product extensions

Memories, novelties & fantasies, fan/player photo opportunities, rules and technique seminars, video and computer displays, THINGS THAT ENHANCE THE EXPERIENCE- coaches, tickets, luxury boxes, programs, music, mascot


Why is sport unique

What does product development include

Generation of ideas, screening and implementation of ideas (refinement of the product concept, market and business analysis, development of the actual product, market testing, and commercialization)

Sport marketers must be careful how they promote fan behavior as part as the event experience, because unruly fans can poison the atmosphere and incite violence

Major challenges for sport marketers?

product positioning

refers to how marketers attempt to create or change the perception of the product in the consumers' minds.

Game form, players, fan behavior, apparel, venue

What are the components of the core event experience or game presentation?

constant reinvention and reconfiguration

What makes one product distinctive from another and attractive in the consumers' minds?-

Differentiation, product development, product position, brands and branding

what is sport product strategy?

brand equity

Name recognition or awareness, strong mental or emotional associations, perceived brand quality, strong customer loyalty

introduction, growth, maturity, decline

What are the stages of product life cycle?